Traitors | Teen Ink


January 15, 2021
By sofiavictoria BRONZE, Winchester, California
sofiavictoria BRONZE, Winchester, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sapphire’s laughter stopped abruptly as she read her fortune cookie message. A sudden feeling of coldness just took over her body, as if she couldn’t move. The fortune cookie read “Watch yourself. I’m coming for you.” which freaked her out like no other. She didn’t know what to do. Her friends, Sage, Conan, and Leo asked what’s wrong, so she showed them the piece of paper. They all read it telling her it was nonsense, that everything will be fine...but will it really?

Little did they know that whoever reads that fortune just put themselves in a serious act of danger. As they leave the Chinese restaurant it’s time for them to split ways. They all go their separate ways, as if it was just a plain good old-fashioned evening...well, except for Sapphire. Once she gets to her car she turns on the radio, she jams out to 80’s music while she drives down the dark empty road. Her radio begins to cut off and lose signal, which is odd because she’s been down this road many times and this has never happened. A few moments later her head and tail lights go out. She has no idea what’s going on, she gets out of the car to see what’s going on and hears leaves crunching, footsteps, coming closer and closer to her. She sees a figure in the distance, they’re wearing a mask and holding a knife...with blood on it. Sapphire runs for her life but somehow right in front of her… there’s two other people with the same exact disguise. As she runs in many opposite directions there they are, no matter what corner Sapphire turns they are always right in front of her. She finds a spot to hide, but not for long. She has no idea who these people could be. A few moments later she gets a call...a call from her friends out of nowhere. Sapphire quickly picks up the phone to stop the ringing and starts to tell her friends everything, and that she needs help. As she’s on call with her friends they ask her where she is hiding, so she responds “I’m hiding in a ditch covered in hay and sticks! Just please, call the cops and hurry!”. Everything went silent. The call was hung up and there was no noise to be heard. Sapphire tries to make a run for it but right as she makes her way out of the deep narrow hole her three friends Sage, Leo, and Conan are right there waiting for her with the same masks and knives in their hands. The only words that came out of her friends' mouths were “Found ya!”, within those few moments Sapphires was killed by her supposed “friends”.

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