Death is Near | Teen Ink

Death is Near

March 23, 2021
By Anonymous

My laughter stopped abruptly as I read my fortune cookie message.

“It says ‘Death is near’” I whispered.

“Really? Let me see,” said my best friend, Lori.

“I’m being serious! See for yourself!” I handed her the small strip of paper, she quietly read over the words.

“Relax, Cassy, whoever wrote this just wanted to creep someone out,” she explained, “There is nothing to worry about, let's just go.”

“I guess you're right,” I left my money on the restaurant bill and we walked out the door. It was raining pretty hard, so we quickly ran to Lori’s car, trying to avoid getting wet. After a short drive we arrived at my house.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Lori.” I said as I stepped out of the car.

“Good bye.” She replied, and drove away.

I walked to my front door and unlocked it, stepping inside the empty, dark room. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I swore I could sense something eerie in the air. I couldn’t stop thinking about what my fortune said. I know Lori said it didn’t mean anything, but I just feel so scared. What does it mean by ‘Death is near’? I tried to dismissed my thoughts and by focusing on getting ready to sleep got ready to sleep. I climbed into my bed and turned off the lamp. I couldn’t help but stare at the dark corners in the room, wondering if there was anything lurking in the shadows. The flashes of lighting, and the roars of thunder only fueled my paranoia. It felt like hours had passed since I turned off the lights, but it was only 40 minutes. I tried to shut my eyes and go to sleep, but I couldn't.

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