Black Coffee | Teen Ink

Black Coffee

April 25, 2021
By Anonymous

It was an eerie October night. The air was crisp and a little chilly. It was the day after Lyla's 17th birthday and she was hanging out at Kate's house. Kate was Lyla's best friend. They were as close as two peas in a pod. Lyla's parents were going out for the night, so Lyla begged her parents to let Kate come and babysit her sister, Brynn, with her. They finally gave in and said it was okay. As they were walking to Lyla's house they saw a beautiful sunset filled with colors such as dark purple, pink and even orange. Since Lyla loved taking pictures, she took out her camera and snapped an amazing photo of the sunset.

 A pumpkin spice aroma filled the air as the front door burst open from the many candles placed around Lyla's house. After Lyla's parents left, Lyla's job was to put Brynn to sleep. As she tucked Brynn into bed, she accidentally left her camera in her room. Then, she went back downstairs to be with Kate. Hardly any time went by and Lyla got this phone call that said, "I'm coming to your universe now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee." Lyla and Kate thought that it was a joke so they just laughed and didn't think anything about it. Not even 5 minutes went by and Lyla received a second call saying, "I'm coming to your galaxy now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee." Lyla exclaimed, "Kate, I think that my boyfriend is playing a prank on us. Let me call him!" So, Lyla called her boyfriend, Brian and said, "Hey Brian, please stop trying to scare me and Kate."

"I'm not doing anything." 

"No, seriously stop." 

"Stop doing what?" 

"Stop calling me and saying you're coming to get me." 

"I promise that it was not me!" 

Lyla slammed down the phone and told Kate that he hadn't called them. Kate and Lyla were really getting frightened. Minutes later, the phone rang again and they heard somebody say, "I'm coming to your planet now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee." Kate and Lyla were shaking because they were so scared. Kate had the idea to call Lyla's parents. Her parents didn't answer their call, so they left a voicemail saying, "Hey mom, we are getting these really scary calls saying that someone is going to get us. Please call us back ASAP." After Lyla hung up, she received a call but she decided not to answer, yet they still heard, "I'm coming to your country now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee." Lyla and Kate started screaming and Lyla turned her phone all the way off. Then, the home phone rang... "I'm coming to your state now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee," said the voice on the other end. To prevent from getting any more calls Lyla cut the cord to the home phone and they went and sat on the couch and turned on a T.V. show. Then, the home phone went off again and the voice said, "I'm coming to your city now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee." They screamed so loud that even China could hear them this time. Kate called her parents and said, "Hey mom and dad, Lyla and I are getting these really scary calls. What should we do?" Kate's dad says, "Well, honey, we will send Tom over to check it out."

 "Thanks dad. You're the best." 

Kate hung up the phone and then her phone started ringing...."I'm coming to your street now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee," said the creepy voice.  All of the sudden they heard the doorbell ring they looked through the little peephole and saw Kate's older brother, Tom. They opened the door and let him in. They told him everything that was going on then Kate's phone goes off again... 

"I'm coming to your house now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee." 

Lyla, Kate, and Tom went into Lyla's parents room. Then Tom's phone went off…

"I'm coming to your front door now. Da Na Na...Black Coffee."

They turned off the lights. Then they went under the bed and hid there for about 10 minutes. Finally, they sent Tom into the main room to see if there was anything there. He came back and said that he didn't see or hear anything so they all crawled out. Suddenly, Lyla remembered that Brynn was in her room sleeping so they ran upstairs and opened her door. Kate, Lyla, and Tom ran to the crib but didn't see anything except blankets and Woof Woof (Brynn's stuffed animal). Lyla immediately freaked out. She called her mom while Kate and Tom called the police. 

"Hey mom! We have an emergency!  Brynn has gone missing! We are trying to get a hold of the police. You need to come home right now!"

 "What! Brynn is gone? We are on our way home right now but it might take about 20 minutes for us to get home." 

"Ok. Sorry but I have to go, the police are here. Bye." 

They told the police about the calls they had been getting. Lyla went into Brynn's room to look for any clues when she finds her camera. She brought her camera down to the police. As they were looking at the camera, they found a video. Lyla said, "I must have hit a button when I was setting it down on the changing table." In the video, a figure reached into the crib and picked up Brynn, but then the screen went black. 

Everybody went back to Brynn's room and felt a chilly breeze coming in through the window. Kate, Lyla and Tom were the first ones to the window. All of a sudden, they saw something in the distance running away. They couldn't quite make out the figure but it was about the size of an 8 year old. They told the police and then hopped in Tom's car and drove in the direction of the figure. They came to a turn but didn't know where to go. One way led to a Toy Shop and the other way led to Walmart. Tom said, "Why don't we just make a circle. We can start at Walmart and make our way to the Toy Store." They ran into Walmart and asked if the cashier saw anybody about the height of a 8 year old walk in. The cashier said, "I haven't seen anybody with that description. However, I will keep you posted." So, Tom, Lyla, and Kate left. They went to a few stores and found nothing, until they arrived at the Toy Store. The Toy Store was closed but there was a door in back that was wide open. Lyla, Kate and Tom went in and saw a light flickering in the middle aisle. They slowly approached the blinking light. As they turned the corner they saw... a ventriloquist dummy wearing a shirt that said Black Coffee.

 Kate grabbed a toy baseball bat and ran up behind the dummy. The dummy turned around and grabbed the bat from Kate. Tom called the police over. Lyla ran to the other side of the aisle and threw a basketball at the dummy. Tom hurried and hung up the phone and picked up an airsoft gun. He started shooting the dummy so much that it seemed like he had a machine gun. The police finally showed up and ripped up the dummy. The police gathered up other police and sent a search party to find Brynn. They ended up finding Brynn in the baby section tied up with duct tape over her mouth. Lyla ripped off the duct tape and untied Brynn. Lyla picked up Brynn and held her very tight. Tom took Lyla, Kate, and Brynn back to Lyla's house where Lyla's parents were waiting anxiously for them to come home. As they were driving away the sounds of sirens faded slowly until they couldn’t hear them anymore. They soon arrived home and their parents were ecstatic to see them. 

The author's comments:

This is a short story about some girls who keep getting this scary call saying that someone is getting closer and closer to them. It is a fun story to tell around the campfire when everyone is sharig their scary stories. I hope that whoever reads this enjoys the mystery in this short story! 

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