Pinned | Teen Ink


January 3, 2022
By Anonymous

They found me… How? I didn’t even leave any breadcrumbs behind, not even a strand of hair. Nothing that could've traced me here. But yet I’m trapped. But I knew it was going to happen, I underestimated the time. How could I have been fooled! I believed them, I let my stupid emotions in and it got the best of me.

Two hours ago.

I entered the five star restaurant five minutes before my so-called date arrived. I had to. I needed to scope out the premises. One thing my mentor taught me was to be prepared for the unexpected. As I was being escorted to my semi-circle dining seat, I noticed two people side-eyeing me. My pitch black bangs shielded my eyes from letting them notice that I was looking. My seating is laid right behind a no wall-bar, I glanced back to order a glass of wine. As I spoke I stared directly at my partner that was sitting on the other side of the bar. I turned back, rolled my shoulders, corrected my spine and crossed my leg….There he was, a tall scrawny yet confident dirty blonde white male, walking in the front door. He knew who I was before I even introduced myself. He greeted himself and as he sat down his suit held back for a millisecond because of the momentum. And there it was. A gun. 

Two can play this game. I made myself appear more confident than he was, he seemed new to online dating. As we chit-chatted I saw his perfectly, un-scratched golden wedding band. And he mentioned he was married for ten-years. That couldn't have been less true. Our contract was very clear from the start, he wanted his wife and child dead. But pieces were starting to fit together like a puzzle piece. He was here to catch me. They- they were here to catch me. I had to improvise. I needed to improvise.

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