The Last Flight | Teen Ink

The Last Flight

March 17, 2022
By Anonymous

A pilot for 10 years gets to fly one last time, will it be his last flight? Or breath? John had been a pilot for 10 years. He has a wife, 2 girls, and 1 boy. They were his world, and he did everything and anything for them. They had been happily married for 5 years, but together for 10. John was saying goodbye to his family and headed to the airport. John arrived at the airport. He boarded his plane and was making one last phone call before they took off.  “ Hello, Sandra? I’m on the way honey…” “JOHN!?! WHO IS SANDRA..?! BEEP. John hung up the phone. 

“Allison? Hello.” “Emily? Hey girl, what’s up?”. “ So guess what just happened? I found out that John has a mistress.” Said Emily. “ Well, , it does make sense, you have been saying he has been weird when he gets back from his flights… So what are we going to do?” Asked Allison. “ We are going to take my private jet, and go find him and his secret little mistress!” Screamed Emily! “Okay, I am headed to your house now. Goodbye”. Allison hung up the phone. 

Emily packed her bags, packed her kid's bags, and got them all ready to go to their grandma’s house, while she flies to see her husband. Emily’s mom got there and picked up the kids, shortly after Allison showed up. “Are you ready?” Asked Allison. “Well, first I have to manipulate and hack the flight system that John is flying on.” Emily got out her laptop, started typing in a bunch of codes, and then hit submit. After that, they just had to wait to get confirmation that the plane was crashing. Emily got confirmation that the plane was crashing. “Okay Allison, it’s crashing, let's get on the jet, and go!” Emily and Allison got onto the jet, and they were ready to go. The plane had crashed, and it crashed on Bora Bora. Which caught Emily’s attention because she has a family house on that island. Perfect for her plan. Emily and Allison had arrived in Bora Bora and saw John’s plane that crashed. Emily landed the jet next to John’s plane that crashed. John was still in the plane, unconscious with blood dripping from his head. Allison got out of the jet and grabbed the needle of Heroin. They injected it into John until he overdosed. 

They left John on the plane and walked to Emily’s family vacation house, it was only about a 10 min walk. They got to the family house and went into the shed to get two shovels to start digging a hole to put John’s body in. They dug the hole right in the front of the house, but they dug the hole horizontally, that way it would blend in more. They finished digging so they dropped the shovels and walked back to the plane crash. They got back there, and John was still sitting in the pilot seat. Emily checked his pulse. “HE’S DEAD! I DID IT!” Said Emily with joy and excitement. Allison laughed. “Okay let’s carry him back to the house, and bury his body. So I can get back to my babies.” Said Emily. Emily and Allison finally got back to the house, but a usual 10 min walk took 30 minutes. They dropped his body in the hole and hunched over on their knees trying to catch their breath. “ He’s a lot heavier than I thought.” Said Allison laughing. “Okay let’s finish this”. Said Emily. They piled the dirt on John and packed the dirt in fully. They took the grass and made it look just like it did before they dug it up. But they left a little hole. Emily walked into the shed and grabbed a pack of seeds. It had a traditional Hawaiian flower that her family loved. Emily came back around to the front of the house and dropped the seed into the hole that they left, put some water on it, and then put the grass back on, and then added more water. “Thank goodness! We are finally done!” Said Emily. “Wanna get some lemonade?” Emily asked Allison. “Sure, let's go.” Said Allison. 

Emily and Allison drank their lemonade and then decided it was time to fly back home. Allison and Emily cleaned everything up, walked back to the crash site, and got back on the jet. Emily started the jet, flicked all the switches on, and then it was time to take off. They finally got home, after a long flight. Ashlee went back home and waited for the family trip in the summer with Emily and her family. Emily got home and got her kids from her mom and dad’s house. Her kids were so excited to see her, they missed her so much!  She got home with the kids, and they were so excited to be home. And everything was back to normal, and things couldn’t be better. Emily and Ashlee continued to be best friends, and always be there for each other. And swore to never speak about what happened ever again. “Where’s daddy at?” Asked Oliver. Emily just stood there. 

The author's comments:

I had to write a short story of my choice for my creative writing class. This is my first short story. 

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