The House | Teen Ink

The House

April 12, 2022
By Anonymous

One day me and my friends were walking down a street that we’ve never been down. It looked very sketchy, but of course we didn’t stop walking. Down the street were a lot of houses. It sort of looked like a ghost town, it didn’t even look like anyone lived there. We continued walking until my friend heard a noise in one of the houses, she then went to go check it out. When we walked in the house, all you could hear was the sound of the door creaking. Every time you took a step, the floor would creak, so that’s how we knew it was a super old house. Anyways, we didn’t really get scared because nothing had happened yet. So then me and my friends decided that it would be a good idea to split up. I went to one of the rooms upstairs, Maya went to the kitchen, and Lucy went to the basement. I didn’t find anything mysterious in the room upstairs but it did sort of look like someone had still been living there. I saw a little photo frame next to the bed and in the photo was a little girl, a man, and a woman. I guessed that they were the people that used to live in the house. After I finished checking everything out, I then walked back downstairs when I heard Lucy scream in the basement. I ran down to the basement and all I saw was Lucy on the floor, shaking and crying. I asked her what happened and her response was “th-the man in bla-black was here.” I didn’t know who the man in black was, so I asked “what does he look like?” and once again her response was “h-he was tall and it didn’t look like he had a head.” I was kind of freaked out but that’s because I didn't know what to think of it. I did sort of believe her because she was crying, but she is really good at lying. So me and Lucy walked back upstairs to the kitchen where Maya was supposed to be. Turns out when we walked in, she wasn’t there. We walked around the whole house looking for her and she wasn’t there. We started to freak out because how would you feel if you lost one of your friends In a really creepy house. You might not like it. We continued to look for Maya, but.. She was gone. Nowhere to be seen. We went outside, looked through the alley and there was still no sign of her. We kept walking until we heard a scream in the house. We ran inside, and there she was. On the floor.. With one hand, just one. One of her hands was cut off and there was blood everywhere. We did not know what else to do so we tried to slow down the bleeding and called the police, but before we could even grab our phone, Maya whispered “he’s here, don’t call the police, he will kill them.” We didn’t think she was telling the truth because she was losing a lot of blood so we just thought she was hallucinating.  Although we still were a bit scared. After we put pressure on Maya's hand for a while, we did sort of stop the bleeding so we thought it was time to clean up the mess. While we were cleaning up the mess, we heard a huge thump upstairs, it kind of sounded like someone was walking.. Back and forth. I then ran upstairs but nobody was there. I then just started to think that it was the wind that knocked something over. Maybe I was just hearing things, but my gut told me otherwise. We decided that enough had gone on so we tried to leave. When we tried to leave, there was this guy, in black, standing in front of the door. We have never seen this guy in our life. Maya was still losing a lot of blood so we didn’t have time to ask any questions. We tried getting past them man but then he grabbed my arm and whispered “she warned you.”  He then let go and I just acted like nothing happened. We walked out the door and took Maya to the hospital. She did look like she was about to pass out but luckily we got there just in time. Right when we got to the hospital they took Maya to a room right away. Lucy and I stayed in the hospital for a couple of hours, but then we decided that we should go back to that creepy house and figure out what was happening. When we got to the house, everything looked the same. We searched the house to look for anything that was a little strange. We didn’t find anything other than the Maya’s blood that was still on the floor. We continued to look around the house until we heard the thump again. The same one from earlier. I ran upstairs as fast as I could.. And it happened. Blood everywhere. A wound. I was stabbed.. with a box cutter. I was unfazed, I was shocked. Didn’t know what to do. Before I fell down to the ground, I saw him. The man in black, yes the guy Lucy said she saw in the basement. He ran away right after he stabbed me. I tried to grab his leg before he ran off but of course, I failed. I yelled Lucy’s name so she could come help me but she never answered. I thought that maybe the man in black took her, but after a while she responded. I didn’t know what to do because I knew that the man in black could possibly still be inside the house. Lucy and I weren’t going to give up just yet. So we went to the kitchen, Lucy grabbed all the knives and I went to the bathroom to wrap something around my wound. After I finished, I went back downstairs and Lucy then  gave me a knife, and we started our hunt. We searched every room that we could but still no sign of him. We did find some things that belonged to him, so we knew he was staying there. He knew we were coming because everytime we walked into a room, you could hear a crash in another room. After a while Lucy went to the hospital to see if maya was okay, I decided not to go because I wanted to catch the man in black. After hours of searching I finally found his hiding space, the place where he would hide. It was a super long space though, but of course I wasn't scared to crawl in, yup crawl. The space was very low so I had to get on my knees and crawl. While I was crawling, I was really disgusted because there were pieces of food and dirt and clothes and it was really nasty. I continued crawling down the super long space and I finally got to his hide out. I walked around it for a while and ten i decided that it would be a good idea to sit there and wait for him to come. I was there for about 4 hours but I didn't stop waiting because my friend's life was at stake. So after a couple hours he finally showed up. I heard him crawling through the long space and I decided to hide. When I heard him walk in I stayed quiet because I didn't want him to hear me. I was hiding in the closet so when he came in I looked through the little crack. It looked like he had some type of key and a knife. I wasn’t very scared though because I had a knife too. I kept waiting until the worst thing happened. My phone rang. I freaked out because when it rang  he started to reach for his knife and he started stabbing things. My gut was telling me that he was going to find me, and of course my gut was right. He opened the closet and there I was. He tried grabbing me, but remember I had the knife so I stabbed him. Not just once but 3-4 times. I was very happy because I knew that we wouldn’t be haunted or hurt any more. After he fell to the ground I crawled out the room, looking for some nails, screws, and a board, after I found all of the items I sealed the crawl space shut. I was so relieved. I then called Lucy to come pick me up and take me to the hospital. I was so excited to tell her but I had to wait until I got to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, I sat down and was eager to tell them the news. I bursted out, yelling “ I KILLED THE MAN IN BLACK, I DID IT.” We all started yelling and smiling and laughing because we knew that he wouldn’t be able to hurt us anymore. After we were done celebrating, the doctor that was assisting maya came in and said that maya could leave tomorrow morning. We knew when we got back home we would celebrate and go out. After that we all went to sleep. The next morning we were all ready to go but we remembered we left some things at the house. We drove back to the house, grabbed our things and got back in the car. We still had to set the gps but of course Lucy decided to stick her head out of the sunroof. We were so happy

to get back home, but right when we were gonna drive off, the man in black grabbed Lucy, and we never saw her again.

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