The Door | Teen Ink

The Door

April 14, 2022
By Anonymous

The door

“The box. The door. The crumbling brick. It begged me to enter.”

       As I walked through the empty alley, I heard a voice in my head pull me to a blue door. Walking closer and closer bricks from the walls fell in front of me. I walked into the door as it slowly opened. I felt a wave of coldness go onto me as I walked in. It was a room. A dark and old room. The smell of dust and decaying animals made me want to throw up. I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight. Right in front of me was a box. Not a plain old box. A box filled with gold. I ran out of the room and shut the door. No one goes down the alley so the gold didn’t go anywhere when I left.

      The next day I went back to the alley and threw the door. This time I had a bigger flashlight and a bag for the gold. I turned on the flash light and it was gone. All of the gold was gone. I couldn't believe it so I looked around to see if it was somewhere else in the room. There was nothing so I started to head back to the door to get out. Where’s the door? I got lost in the room and the flashlight died. The room wasn’t big so I couldn't get lost. I walked around all four corners of the room and there was no door. The door disappeared. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I felt the coldness again. The same coldness when I walked into the room yesterday. I opened my eyes quickly and felt around again. It seemed like someone was in the room with me. I walked into something and it felt like a body. I used my hand and felt if the body was alive. It wasn’t. Then I felt the coldness again. 

     Then I felt it. Someone breathing down my neck. I turned around and smacked whatever was behind me in the face. It was a person. A very tall and strong person. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this room without getting hurt so I just tried to hide and go as far away as I could from this person. Soon after I ran, the person talked. It sounded like a man and he said “I know who you are and I know what you did.” “It is now your time to go.” I did not say a word back because then he would hear what direction my voice was going in. But somehow he already knew where I was. The man pulled me out of the corner where I was hiding and Had something in his hand. I screamed but it felt like no one could hear me. It was just me the man but about to be just the man.

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