Necessity | Teen Ink


April 18, 2022
By Anonymous

A speeding truck. Squealing brakes. A soft thud, a brittle crunch. 

A man lies in a black void.

Slowly he stands, disturbed by his surroundings.

He sees in front of him a woman, clothed in white, a shawl hiding her face. 

The man stumbles backward. The woman is motionless.

A baby's scream echoes through the featureless void. She looks up, then to the man.

With a sound of rending metal, a scythe forms in her hands. 

The baby screams louder.

The scythe marks the man's neck, his blood spreading through the air like ink through water. 

The noise quiets.

The author's comments:

This piece is vague by design; I feel that I can learn a lot about someone by seeing how they interpret small details and what they draw from that. While I have my version in my head that I think is correct, the meaning and reasoning of this piece is up to the individual reader.

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