Shrink | Teen Ink


May 2, 2022
By Anonymous

Simon: (laying next to the mirror on the old couch while Doc jotted down notes on his notepad. With sweat dripping down his face Simon is constantly twitching and his eyes dot around the room looking at the quiet and lonely room)

Doc: Simon what’s wrong why are you so anxious.

Simon: What do you mean Doc I am fine.

Doc: Simon you are squeezing your arm so much, it’s bleeding.

Jason: (lets go of his arm and tries to hide the marks)

Doc: (looking very concerned) So a Suomen what happened that night

Simon: (looking very confused and shaking up) Doc I can’t

Doc: (getting angry) Simon tell me what happened now!

Simon: please please… I can't, I can't do it, I can't go back to that night. (Simon stands up to challenge the shrink, and Doc stands up at the same time with his eyes full of rage and anger Simon sits down, Doc did the same)

Doc: Now Jason please tell me about that night


Simon (hesitated) It was my 21 birthday. I was out with our friends.

Doc: (In anger) What friend

Simon: Lewis..Ezra…, Jason... And…


Simon: (almost crying) Macy…

We were driving to this old abandoned cabin. We were driving down a long dark road. I didn’t want to go out. I have never been to parties since my parents passed.

Doc: how did they die, Simon?

Simon: (ignores the question and keeps telling the story) when we arrived my friend and I were unloading the car when all of Jason’s gauge fell out into the mud. (Simon chuckles) When we got inside the cabin we all picked a room and we decided to go hang out in the living room. We were getting hungry and it was getting late so Ezra decided to boil some water and make dinner. Lewis and I were hanging out and playing cards when I realized. That Macy and Jason were missing. So I looked around the cabin for them. I checked Jason's room and he wasn't there so I went to check Macy’s room. It was pretty dark in the cabin and there was no light so we had to use flashlights. I heard weird noises coming from her room and as I got closer the sounds became louder and louder. So I opened the door and I saw…


Doc: (staring into Simons's eyes) what did you see Simon

Simon: I saw… Macy is in bed with Jason. In anger, I stormed out of the room and down to the living room. Jason caught me and tried to plead with me


Doc: describe Jason to me

Simon: He's a dirtbag, backstabbing friend who uses his good looks and athleticism to win over people but I see the real him he was nothing but a worthless piece of trash.

Doc: Okay Simon go on

Simon: Well Ezra stopped cooking and he and Lewis came over to see what the issue was

Jason: Listen man I'm sorry I didn’t want to hurt you

Simon: (looking at Jason and Macy) how the look has this been going on

Macy and Jason: (stays silent)

Lewis: About 6 months

Simon: how do you know?

Ezra: we all know Simon we just didn’t want to hurt you

Simon: (with burning eyes and fist clenched runs outside into the woods)


Doc: Why did this bother you Simon

Simon: (bubbles) Because she was mine

Doc: What Simon

Simon: (Explodes into anger) Because I loved her forever and they knew that. That monster took her from me

Doc: Who is the monster you or Jason…

Simon: (stays quiet with a dark smirk and goes on with the story) I could hear the footsteps of Jason close behind me as I ran deeper and deeper into the forest. Jason was a lot more athletic than me so he caught up to me in anger and I pushed him away.

Jason: What’s your problem man

Simon: you're my problem you knew I liked her and you stabbed behind my back

Jason: you are delusional you think she would be with a guy like you

Simon: you are supposed to be my friend

Jason: (laughs) friend? Simon, I only hung out with a pathetic loser like you to get closer to Macy

Simon: (in shock swings his fist at Jason)

Jason: (dodges and pushes Simon down onto the ground) you worthless piece of trash you are weak (punches Simon) you are weird (punches him harder) and you are never going to find a girl who likes you (stomps on Simons chest and turns)


Jason hears a weird noise from the forest and he goes to check it out when a shadowy figure appears behind him and stabs him in the back. Jason falls to the ground and slowly gets up and hits the Man in the eye giving him a black eye. Inraged, the man pushes Jason onto the ground and the knife goes deeper into Jason, almost killing him. The Man retreats to the shadows. Simon comes to and picks Jason up and carries him back to the cabin.


Simon opens the cabin door and his friends rush to the door seeing Jason’s half-dead body.

Macy: (crying) what happened

Simon: (lays Jason onto the couch) we were attacked

Ezra: by who

Simon is about to say something but then Jason groans in pain

Everyone crowds around Jason trying to help him

Jason:(bleeding out mumbles) Simon…

No one could understand what Jason said

Jason slowly dies as Macy cries out to him

Lewis: what happens to your eye (Lewis points to Simons's black eye)

Simon: (stays quiet)

Lewis: who did this

Simon: I don’t know

Ezra: how do you not know…

Just as Ezra Speaks the lights go out. Everyone scatters around to find their flashlight

Ezra rushes to the pot of boiling water to look for him when he feels a hand push his head into the boiling water. Ezra Screams in terror as the water scolds his face and the man's hands. Ezra’s screaming slowly dies down and Macy and Lewis both find their flashlights and shine the lights on the stove to see Ezra's body against the stove with his face half melted off.


Macy: Where’s Simon? SIMON!!

Lewis: (follows up with his call to Simon) Simon are you...

Before he could finish the man he is grabbed by the man and starts to be choked by the man from behind. Lewis stabs the man in the leg but the man rips the knife out of his leg and stabs Lewis with it. Macy drops her flashlight and all she can see is Lewis' lifeless body on the floor. Out of nowhere someone grabs Macy and she screams in terror and tries to break free but the man carries her away.


The man: Shhh Macy it's me, Simon

Macy: (in tears she hugs him) he killed them he killed all of them

Simon: shh shh I know I know but you are safe now( he wraps his burnt hands around her waist and the blood from his leg drips onto her leg.


They embrace each other his blood mixed with hers as the knife passes through her chest and she falls to the ground.


Doc: Then what happened


Simon: it’s my fault it’s all my fault


Doc: Simon you did nothing wrong you are innocent you are a good


Simon: DAMN YOU! (enraged Jason stood up and pulled out his knife and stabbed Doc. Glass falls from the mirror where Simon saw Doc. The mirror was cracked and all you could see was his face with dried blood and a knife in his hand)

Doc: (still in the mirror smiles as Simon smiles)

Simon: (puts his hand on the glass while his reflection does the same)


Simon turned the knife onto himself and stabbed himself in the heart. He and Doc fell to the ground.

Simon: (tossed and turned in the room surrounded by the bodies of his friends screaming) “ I DIDN’T MEAN IT THEY DESERVED IT”

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