The Haunting of BOB | Teen Ink

The Haunting of BOB

October 11, 2022
By Micha3lM BRONZE, Ada, Oklahoma
Micha3lM BRONZE, Ada, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hello survivors! I am James Robert, and this is how a ghost took over my world. I was a young man who had a passion for photography. I wanted to move to New York to take pictures of the city scenery, but I couldn’t afford a house. I got lucky and saw an advertisement online that I just couldn’t pass up on. It seemed like the owner was trying to get rid of it, but I didn’t really care as long as I got to live in the Big City.  

When I got to the house, I saw that it was pretty bare-bones, and needed a lot of work. It had a kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, which I didn’t have to share with my siblings thankfully, and an office where I could store my photography. . The building felt pretty empty so I went and found some old furniture at a garage sale nearby. I now had a bed, desk, sofa, dinner table and chairs, and some cushioned chairs for my bedroom and office. Still, as I relaxed on the sofa, I couldn’t help feeling a bit uneasy. From the first time I set foot inside the house I felt that I was being watched, but I just chalked it up as my imagination playing tricks on me in all this excitement. I know now that I should have trusted my instincts, but back then I thought that it was “first house jitters”.

For the first couple of days I didn’t spend a lot of time at home because I was exploring downtown and taking pictures of everything. My favorite spot is Central Park because it reminds me of the park at home, but it is so much more. It is not only bigger, but it is also more colorful, and it has more people. I was pretty lonely even though there were so many people around me. Not like at the house. While I was at the house I didn’t feel alone at all, which is worse than feeling lonely. My official work didn’t start for another week, so I started to get pretty bored.

One night when I was trying to sleep I heard some footsteps out in the living room. I thought that it was nothing at the time. Oh, how I was wrong. Later that same night I heard some scraping as if furniture was being moved around. I decided to get up and go see what it was. When I got into the living room I saw that the dinner table switched places with my sofa and chair. I thought that I was just tired and hallucinating, so I went back to bed. When I woke up in the morning the furniture was back to normal, so I thought that it was just a weird dream. 

When I got home that night my furniture was moved around again. This time I knew I wasn’t hallucinating. I went up to my dinner table with my lounge chair at the head and touched it to make sure it was there. I was so confused about who could have done this and why they would do this. I moved my furniture back to how I like it and went to research why anyone would do this. I checked my locks to make sure that they were still in place and then checked that nothing was missing. Next I checked online for anything unusual. I found out that there was nothing unusual happening besides a weird and catchy commercial for some ghost hunters.

I decided not to sleep so that I can see if it happens again. For the first couple of hours nothing interesting happened so I just watched TV. At around midnight I heard footsteps coming from the end of my hallway. When I tried to get up to see who it was I couldn’t move. I was so terrified that I couldn’t move. When I finally got the courage to move I wished I hadn’t. 

Floating in front of me was the most cartoon ghost that there could ever be. It looked like there was a person under a sheet but there were no feet poking out from under it, and the eye holes were like the night sky without the stars or moon. The first thing I thought was that it was one of my friends playing a prank on me. Then I remembered that all of my friends were back home. When I realized this it started walking toward me. When it got to me it just walked past me and toward the furniture. 

It was at this time that I remember the ad I saw the other day for the Ghostbusters. I decided to lock myself in my bedroom and call them. When I told them what had happened they told me that they were on their way and that I shouldn’t do anything. A couple minutes later I heard a siren coming towards my house. When they got to my house they stopped and I heard car doors opening then closing again. I heard them knock on the door before coming in. When they saw the ghost they started blasting it with something. By the time the noises stopped I thought that my house was going to be in ruins. Because I heard talking outside my door, I assumed that the Ghostbusters got the ghost. When I stepped out of my room I saw that everything was fine except that some of my furniture was moved around. 

The Ghostbusters said that they had been looking for this ghost forever. It’s name was Bob and apparently it had died in this house. They took him away in a weird box. After that everything went back to normal for me. I can’t say the same for the rest of the world. Although there was a ghost in my house, I stayed in it, and got a nice job at a journal company. I heard  that something weird happened at the Ghostbusters house, but it didn’t bother me too much. It turns out that Bob had escaped and taken over the world. The End.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for an assignment for my Honors Ninth Grade English class. 

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