Awakening of the full moon | Teen Ink

Awakening of the full moon

December 16, 2022
By MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The story starts by Jane, David, Emma, Elijah, Tim and Ben packing up to go on a camping trip. It starts by David wanting to have a camping trip with his friends because it was summer and before he leaves for college. So he called all of his friends and said “hey we should all go to a camping trip before I leave for college”  all of the friends agreed and began to pack their things for the trip. David went around to all of his friends houses to see how the packing was going and to see if they needed any help packing but when David went to Jane's house he saw that she had packed a gun 

“Hey Jane, why did you pack a gun?” David said, “because I was heard there is wolves in the area we are going” Jane said

 “wolves?” David said 

“Yes, wolves there have been howls heard recently” Jane said. 

“And the cool part about my gun is that it has silver bullets,” Jane said. David paused for a moment before saying 

“Jane, why would it matter if it has silver bullets or not?” 

“You never know if it’s a werewolf,” Jane said. David thought to himself 

“Jane was always kinda weird and into weird stuff like werewolves”. Finally after a long and dreadful car ride to the camp they finally made it to camp. Elijah jumped out of the car and yelled “FINALLY!” They all began to unpack their things and got ready for the night. Tim began to make a campfire while David got the smores and hotdogs. Jane, and Emma sat down on some of the logs near the campfire and began to sing karaoke. Soon before you know it the whole group was singing karaoke, making smores and making hotdogs suddenly they heard a loud howl coming from far into the woods, the teenagers froze and went silent for a second in shock also in fear, 

moments later David cracked a joke “werewolves am I right Jane?” this made everyone laugh for a moment then Jane looked up into the sky and replied 

“you know maybe it was a werewolf look up it’s a full moon” everyone looked up for a moment then before Ben said

“oh shut up Jane there is no werewolf, now everyone go back to having fun”. They all went back to singing karaoke and making smores and cooking hotdogs. A little while later David realized he needed to take a bathroom break and went off into the woods while the rest of the teenagers continued having fun paying no attention to David leaving. 

While David was out the clouds covered the moon, and David noticed a strange man right as he was about to take a wiz. The man appeared to be struggling and was on his hands and knees, David also noticed that the man's clothes were all tattered.

David yelled out to the man “hey are you okay sir?” but the man did not reply. 

Right as David was about to repeat himself the clouds uncovered the full moon and the man began to scream in pain, and started to roll around. David froze in fear and slowly began to back up as he watched the man rip off his own skin and saw fur show from underneath the man's face began to get longer and his teeth began to grow bigger. David screamed in fear as the beast ran at him and the rest of the group heard the scream and thought David was messing around with them and decided to ignore it. A little while has passed and Tim decided it has been long enough and went to go look for David and he took Ben with him while they were searching for him they were yelling,

 “David this is not funny man”Tim yelled out “Yo c'mon dude where are you!?” Ben yelled 

 Ben looked down in the bushes and saw blood. Quickly he backed up and said to Tim 

“dude there is blood in the bushes” Tim looked down in shock and replied

 “let’s keep searching for him he could still be in the forest” 

 As they pushed more into the forest looking for David Ben began to grow restless and started to complain saying

 “dude David will be fine he is just pulling a bad joke right now and I bet he is back at camp already waiting for us” Tim looked at Ben and said 

“you are probably correct well I guess let’s head back then Ben”

As they were heading back a twig snapped and it startled them both they both froze and looked at each other suddenly Ben yelled out 

“hey! David this is not funny dude show yourself!”

Tim was worried at this point it was not David so he tried to shush Ben. Ben insisted on yelling out to David so he yelled again 

“hey!” and suddenly the beast lunged from the bushes at Ben.

 Quickly Ben dodged to the left and the beast missed him but managed to cut a wound into Ben's arm. Ben and Tim both screamed in horror as the beast looked at them with piercing eyes, feeling the vibrations from its growl. Quickly Ben and Tim ran for their lives back to the camp, the beast quickly began to chase them. The beast was growling and snarling while it was gaining up to them.

The beast began to reach its arm out for Tim, quickly Tim grabbed a small log and threw it at the beast which made it stumble and fall. They paid no attention to the beast continuously running until they realised the beast was gaining on them  

As Tim and Ben were running and the beast was about to reach them again the clouds covered the moon once more and it went silent behind them but they were so scared at this point they did not look back but instead kept running to the camp. 

Once they reached the camp they tried explaining what just happened to them to the rest of them and that they think David is dead.

“it’s a werewolf” Jane then said 

 Ben, Tim, Elijah, and Emma looked at Jane with terror.  

“a- a what!? A werewolf!?”Emma said 

“that is correct.The beast comes out during the full moon” Jane then replied

They all froze for a moment thinking about what to do next.

 “why don’t we just leave? I mean if David is already dead it won't hurt us to leave right?”  Emma replied in an annoyed tone. 

“The werewolf would hear us, it has great hearing and it has a great sense of smell and don’t forget its sight” Jane then replied

“ok then we could,” Ben seid until he was interrupted by small growl, they all looked behind Ben and saw the werewolf hiding,

¨RUNNN!!!¨ Ben yelled 

They all started to run from the wolf but Emma ran into a house nearby to hide, as the werewolf stared to sprint at the campers but Ben tripped on at the The werewolf then followed Emma into the cabin covered in bens blood, and found her hiding under a bed, Emma screamed in fear right  before it tore her to shreds. 

The rest of the group heard the scream of Emma and kept running. 

Jane said quickly the only way they could put an end to the werewolf is shooting it with silver bullets, 

Elijah then replied “where are we gonna get that at?” Jane replied 

“lucky us I got a gun in my car back at the parking lot that happens to have silver bullets”. 

The group quickly ran to the parking lot and got to the car and grabbed the gun. 

Out of nowhere the werewolf came running at them from nearby bushes, Jane quickly turned and shot the werewolf, the werewolf fell yowling in pain and slowly died then the man's body came out from the werewolf laying on the floor. The group decided to leave and call 9-1-1 for what happened at the camp and to never go visit there again.

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