Lady of the Corn | Teen Ink

Lady of the Corn

March 1, 2023
By Anonymous

It was September 30 and the year was 1920. This was the first ever ghost encounter I had when I was 10. I was playing outside in the backyard when I lost my tennis ball. I searched all around then I saw a white figure about 5/6 feet tall, long hair, looked to be in her mid 20s or 30’s,had on a night gown and was standing in the corn field behind my home. My eyes focused on the white figure as it slowly moved across the field but when I yelled ‘’hello? Are you ok miss?’’ she snapped her neck to look at me. It was hard to tell what her face looked like since I was far away, but from my perspective she had no face. Then she just vanished into thin air. I was very confused that day on what I saw but also a bit more worried on why she was out there. 

Of course people called me crazy that I “actually” saw a ghost, maybe since I was a child people just thought I had an imaginary friend or something. I'm still confused about what I saw, but I'm sure it was a real person. She just had some bruises and scratches, probably  from the corn stalk. 2 days later I got called into a therapy session to help with my past memories of that day. Long story short I was given medication to help with these strange memories. I drove home at night around 6:09 on a cloudy night. The weatherman said there might be rain but I was one of those people who didn't believe everything the weather man said,sure there were clouds in the sky but only a few. 2 minutes later I saw something at the end of the road,it looked like a woman so I stopped my car. She was just standing in the middle of the road looking at me.I got a chance to look up at her face,but there was no face, just smooth rotten skin! Cars started honking behind me so I went around her and drove on. I decided to tell the police and they told me they would call me if something ever came up. But I would really hope not to see her again. 

(flash forward 7 years) I got a call from the police saying that there were no people on the road at that time. Other people on the road said they didn't see anything and said I stopped for no reason. But I was fairly certain I saw something in my head lights, maybe It was my pills or something. I went home and decided to go to bed early but before that I ate dinner then I went to bed. Friday the 13th,1934  I was walking down the street of 47.Avenue when I saw a flash of white light pass by, then I was blinded and on the ground. I got up and started and thought to myself, ’what is going on today.” I'm already 17 and having trouble walking when that's something you struggle with when you're 80 years old. 2 minutes later it's still night and it is 7:25 pm and I walk through this narrow alley afraid of being followed, I see this white form slowly brush against the brick alley and drift towards me. I flee down the alley and turn right towards the nearest bus stop. The bus ever so slowly pulls up and I dash on throwing change in the bus driver's face then pick a seat towards the back and sit nervously. The window next to me shows the white figure stopping and staring at the bus, so concentrated on me. Only it would be less scary if she had a face but to my terror she definitely did not. The bus drives off into the foggy air and I hear a faint rattle of the axel.  

The bus stops at my home and I hop off hearing a yelling voice but the bus drove away so quickly that I couldn't hear what they said. Probably the bus driver yelling at me that I threw change in his face. Walking up the steps to my home I open the door and I'm greeted by my mom and dad, Marrie Louis and Robert Louis. My dad is a mechanic that works down the road about 4 minutes away and my mom worked as a telephone operator 2 minutes away. That's a lot closer to home. Marrie:’’how was your day Dan?’’. I wasn't going to tell her that I was chased by a white form and almost didn't get off the bus since I threw the bus change in the driver's face. Dan: ”My day was ok, I delivered 12 newspapers today.” Marrie:" splendid" .She sees her husband Robert walk through the backdoor with the stench of motor oil. Marrie:''Robert what did we say about coming in the house with dirty shoes on, and you reek of car parts.” Robert: "Sorry darling, I'll remember next time, and that's the smell of progress darling, I'm this close to getting a raise.” They always talked about how their day was since when they were younger their old jobs weren't as good. It was also for bonding since they have to work all the time leaving me alone most of the time when I get home. Robert: ’Today was a busy day with about 10 cars for me to fix. Some of the boys think it's from the cold nights making the cars break down due to carbon monoxide.’’ I would drive but I'm also afraid I'll get in a wreck like my grandpa did, he died instantly. Mom made dinner, it was chicken divan casserole and for dessert was black bottom pie, my favorite. We also had a side of sweet corn. I immediately started to chow down since all day I was waiting for this perfect meal ever since mom said she was going to make it this evening.  

After we all had are fill, mom cleaned the dishes and dad worked on fixing the door since it always squeaks. Me on the other hand, I was ready to play anagrams to practice my spelling. Walking up the steps I still think to myself about that moment I had with that ghost, I'm not sure why it chose to follow me or if it was real at all, maybe it's just my medication. I spread out the cardboard letters I made with a blank sheet of paper on the ground and I played for about 2-4 minutes before I got bored. Me being exhausted, I flump on the bed and crawl underneath the blankets then turning out the light. Tomorrow is another day, maybe I wont see that apparition anymore. I wake up and take my medication that's in cold water in my special glass then I start to get dressed. I hear the radio downstairs turned up very loud saying there were tensions rising with Britain and Germany. My dad always likes to listen to the radio before he goes to work so he can tell his buddy's what's on the radio because I heard the radio is broken over there and is getting fixed. I walk down the steps with an emotionless face feeling empty and I turn my head to the right. A bowl of cereal is set out for me along with a nice glass of orange juice. Robot: “I'm off to work son, I'll probably be back around 8pm at best, make sure to put the dishes away and mow the grass in the backyard.” Dan: "Yes father, I will do that.” I almost forgot I had to do those chores so I'm so glad my father reminded me. He left and the door creaked closed. About 2 minutes later I finished putting away the dishes and I headed out to the backyard to mow the lawn. I start the lawn mower and begin mowing. Few minutes later I see the white figure again and I freezed. The white form stood there motionless and stared at me. She again didn't have a face, just a blank, smooth, face. I see black tears form and fall even though she has no eyes. This creeped me out a lot so I headed inside and locked the door. I rush over to the landline and dial my moms number and she answers the landline call and I tell her what's going on. She says it's properly just the sunlight. It is a bright day after all. Then she hangs up politely, I walk to the window viewing the backyard. The white form is gone.  

An hour later my parents come home and I explain the situation again. Marrie:”You were probably seeing things Dan or it was the sunlight.” Dan: "I know mother you've told me this but I really think there is a person following me.” Robert: "Honey If someone is truly following him we need to report it or just keep an eye out for our son.”Marrie:”oh alright, but Dan you are going to have to come home around 7pm you hear me, not a minute later.” Dan: "yes mother” That means I'll have to book it home super quick, which means I might need to buy a bike. But for now I walk upstairs and get ready for bed then set out my pills to take tomorrow morning. I flop on my bed and once again crawl under the covers and go to sleep, not that I was having trouble or anything with sleep. I dreamt of my younger years when I was very young, running through the small grass on a sunny day. I could smell pie coming from my old home's window and it was black bottom pie which was my favorite. But some of my dream was fuzzy. It was a memory yes but something didn't feel right. As my younger self looked around I saw a woman in the kitchen window, sure it could've been my mom Marrie but this woman was different, she had brown hair instead of black hair and she was talking to someone. That person was my mother she was talking to but they seemed to be arguing about something. Then in a flash my dream went blank then I awoke with a startle, I'm not sure why I was scared. Maybe it was a noise I heard in the house. I realized it was morning and that I was going to be late for work so I hurried to get dressed then ran downstairs and ate like a pig. But then I realized it was only Sunday and that I didn't have to work and that made me upset now since I got changed and ready for nothing. My mother was at work as usual and my father doesn't get to work on Sundays so he was sitting on the couch listening to the radio with a bottle of Kool aid. Since the Volstead act had been passed in 1933 drinking was illegal and my dad was mad about that but he knows its for the best since it reduced crime, corruption, and social issues. Dan: ”Hey dad, is it ok if I go outside and trim the bushes? They are looking a little big.” Robot: "Sure son, but be careful those bushes have thorns, I don't want you getting cut. ”The radio went static and dad turned the knob left and right. I walked out the back door and grabbed a pair of pliers. I began to trim, trim, and trim and I almost made a fish from trimming so I re-focused on what I was doing.  

I saw the white form once again but this time I was angry that it kept following me. So I screamed out. Dan: "What do you want from me!” The form moved back a little like it was scared then it held out its hand. I refused to take it but then the form grabbed my hand and my mind went blank. I suddenly woke up in a grassy field. I looked around and saw my house and in surprise I ran over to my house at a fast pace. I jumped over the big bushes and landed in my yard. Quickly I got up and rushed inside and looked around for my parents so I could tell them the white form was after me again. But the house itself was hollow and empty. Like it had been abandoned for a long long time. Then I realized this wasn't my home, the walls were blue instead of brown and the pictures on the wall showed my dad with another woman that wasn't Marrie. Scared and confused I stayed still for a long time until the white form appeared and then turned into the woman from the picture. She was beautiful but she wasn't my age. She was taller and thinner but also looked sad. She then spoke the words “remember me Dan.” I didn't know exactly what she meant but then I remember my memory dream I had. I asked, Dan: “Who are you miss? I sort of remember your hair from my dream. Are you that same person?” she says “yes that was me”. Dan: "Why were you fighting with my mom?” she said “She wanted to take something very important away from me that I couldn't get back.” I pondered for a moment but I still couldn't understand. I asked again what was my mother trying to take away. She said “it was you Dan, you are and still are my son. She began to cry then floated away. Dan: "wait! Don't go!.” But it was to late, she was already gone.  

It was Feb. 19,1934,11:09 pm. I kept pondering what the white figure said to me “you are my son” . It didn't make any sense, if she was my mother why wasn't she there when I was little? Maybe it's just my meds- no no this is real I keep seeing her so this has to be real. I decided to get some answers from my parents, so when they came home I would ask them right away. Dan: ”Mom, am I your son?” Marrie:”Yes you are my son, why do you ask? ”her face started to settle in, like she wasn't worried about my question or even nervous. Robot: "You are our son Dan, why would you ask such a question?” Dan: “I was told…by a person in our family. "I didn't tell them it was from a dead person, that would sound crazy then they would up my medication even more. Marrie:”Who exactly?” Dan: ”Our Uncle Sam, he told me you weren't my mom and that you took me from my real one.” Marries face turned sour like old milk and she looked into my eyes with very little compassion. Marrie:'' You. Are my son Dan, you don't listen to your erratic and crazy uncle..” Dan: "but what he said might be true–” Marrie:”Dan!! Enough!! I don't want to hear anymore of this!” She interrupted me almost instantly then she stormed off upstairs. Dan:'' I'm sorry dad I didn't mean to make her upset, I just wanted an answer.” Robot:” and you got your answer Dan, now off to bed, we all have a busy day tomorrow.” I watched my dad walk upstairs and once again I felt confused on who was telling the truth and feeling angry for even asking that question and making my mom upset. Who was really telling the truth here, a ghost I don't even know but knows me or my mother who has lived with me all my life. Suddenly the white form appears and starts pushing me up the steps towards my parents room. I yell for help and my mom and dad rush out in shock of seeing this white form holding their only son hostage. Marrie:”Let go of my son, you monster!” the white form refused and replied with “you have had my son long enough it's time I take him back to be with me!!” The white form then carried me out of my home and towards the backyard. I struggled and wiggled around to try and get free but it was impossible this woman ghost had such a grip I don't even think the strongest man in the world could get me free. Dan:'' I demand you let me go!! Let me go!!” The white form didn't listen and continued to carry me across the yard and into the forest behind it. She then dropped me on the ground and said “Dan you need to calm down I'm trying to save you from your terrible fate” Dan: ”no! You took me away from my parents and put me here in this forest, why should I listen to you!” she replied ”I am your mom and I will explain, just calm down and be quiet.” I still didn't believe her but I obliged. She stood on the ground and showed me visions that popped into my head. It was me when I was younger but instead of being with my mom she was there instead. We were playing tag together and both of us were laughing in the sunshine. This seemed real to me but then a woman walked up to us. It was my mother Marrie. The lady I was playing with(white form but this is when she was alive) told me to head inside the house I used to live in, which was by the corn fields. After that everything was blank but she then showed me visions I didn't remember. `My mom was talking about raising me for a while so the lady wouldn't have to worry about raising a child. The lady said no and my mother, charged with anger, ran up to her and started stabbing her to death. The lady tried to scream for help but my mother slit her throat and blood oozed out like a red chocolate fountain. My mother then dragged her lifeless body away into the corn fields to hide the evidence so she wouldn't be suspected of killing her. I was shocked to see this, my mother isn't actually my mother but rather a killer of my once alive real mom! I didn't know what to think of this. I didn't want it to be real but a part of me was telling me it was real. Then my mother walked out of the corn and into the home to clean up. By this time I was in my room playing and didn't hear her. She then explained to my dad that his wife tried to kill her and take his child away and flee off to find another man. My father was hesitant to believe her until she showed him the knife the woman “tried to kill her with’’. Father immediate believed her and told her to dispose of the knife fearing that they would be suspected for murder. I couldn't believe this, my father would trust her friend over his real wife. The visions then faded and I was brought back to reality. The white form was gone and I was laying down in the cold woods alone, sad, and crying. 

I eventually stopped and decided I was going to set things right. Marching home I snuck in and looked around for that bloody knife that they hid away. I searched the kitchen and basement along with the attic but I found nothing. Then it occurred to me, what about the yard, they could've buried it. I snuck out to the yard and grabbed a shovel from the tool shed. I began to dig for an hour before I finally found a box, it must be what they put the knife in. Yanking it out of the ground I was going to report it to the police but then if I got there I would need some sort of photo evidence. So I looked around for the old family Kodak camera. We got that camera around the same time my real mom was being murdered, so if the camera was on and shooting out the window it would catch video or photo evidence of my real mother being murdered. I eventually found the camera in the attic and immediately opened the box. The camera was a little dusty so I blew off the dust. still in mid-condition I told myself. Quietly walking down the stairs towards the living room I saw my fake mom and dad arguing. Marrie: “he's going to find out one way or another we have to shut him up”. Robot: ”no! You will not hurt my son, he wont find out and we will all live our happy life together”. Marrie:”You can't guarantee that Robert, I will do what is best for me and you and get rid of him, it's the only choice.” Robot: ”No, I refuse!” .Then Marrie whacked him over the head with a rolling pin and he dropped to the floor. I was shocked and backed away slowly. She quickly turned her head towards me. Marrie:”Dan..this isn't what it looks like…go” Dan:” No! I will bring my real mom to justice!” She charged at me and I douched and ran out the front door with amazing speed. I could hear her screaming behind me and waving around the bloody rolling pin. I ran for nearly 2 hours as I tried to lose her in the allies and somewhat tall buildings. Finally I found the police station and ran up to the doors and bursted in like a nasty hurricane. Ramming I was, for the longest time, so long the police asked me to give them my camera and so I did, along with the bloody knife in the box. Dan: "This is proof that a mean woman killed my real mom! And hurt my dad!” Police man:” we will look into this as soon as possible, stay here in the waiting room. ”Dan: "also she chased me down the street for 2 hours and waved a bloody rolling pin around. Police man: ”we will also give you a cop to guard you as a precaution”. The police man walked away with the evidence in his hand accompanied by two police officers. Then Marrie smashed the glass window and jumped inside. The officer next to me pulled out his gun and told the lady to put her hands in the air. She obeyed. Meanwhile I was in shock and scared. I thought this woman who was my fake mom all my life was going to kill me off just like she did with my real mom. 

Police man: ”stand down and drop the weapon”. Marrie:”Sure thing…”. She lowered the weapon. The officer from before entered the room again and asked what was wrong. The man with me told him this woman came out of nowhere and shattered the window and almost hurt this boy. Marrie then raised the rolling pin when his back was turned and she whacked him on the head. The other officer immediately fired his gun. bullets dropped and gunpowder filled the air. Marrie lay on the ground motionless and cold while blood oozed out from her chest and gut. Marrie was dead. A part of me was very happy but I didn't show it on my face. She was gone, the lady that killed my real mother was now gone. justice has been served. The office desk cop called an ambulance and she was taken away on a stretcher. I stared at her cold and expresless body as they shut the ambulance doors and drove away. I also told the cops that my father was injured and that he needed immediate attention. 4 hours later at 2:10 pm my father was in the hospital resting while two nurses took care of him. I was forced to wait in the waiting room that smelled of antiseptic and smelled of moth balls. I could hear the click clack of the computer at the front desk and the heels of a very pretty woman walking by. 2 minutes passed and still no word from the nurses so I decided to stay put and wait again. A full five hours passed and I still didn't hear anything from them. Well, until one nurse walked up to me and told me to be quiet and follow her to my fathers room. She told me he was having issues with breathing and his brain was over-swelling and there wasn't much they could do. Nurse:”I'm so sorry sir…we can't save him..”. Dan: ”No! I won't accept that!”. I ran away from the nurse and bursted out the front doors running down the sidewalk. My tears were blown away in the wind from running and my hair flowing. I wasn't even thinking at this point and I didn't know where to go until I heard my mothers voice. It's like she was calling to me, calling from the wind around me as it brushed throw my hair. I stopped and listened. “Come to me” she said, ”come to me and be free of sadness and hate.” I didn't know what that meant but I followed her voice anyway. It led to an old office building that was long abandoned and was incredibly dusty. I saw some tall steps to the right of me, I walked up them to the third floor where I heard the voice calling me. Almost tripping on the last step I could see what appeared to be the white form, or my real mother now since I know who she is. She was floating by one of the windows looking out at the road below so I walked over. She smiled at me and said "I'm so happy you're still here with me, breathing that is.”  Dan: ”I am too, I thought I was going to die there. But why are you here? If you're only here to get rid of your twisted friend and make sure I'm ok, which I am now, why didn't you leave?” she said "I have one more thing to get before I leave, but I'm not sure I should”. Dan: "What is it if I may ask?”. She was silent, but then we heard a noise coming from behind us. we looked, it was Marrie, but she was smoking red and had bright orange fire eyes staring at me with flames appearing beside her. She was a demon now, dead and evil. Marrie:”I'm not finished with you Dan! You will die and be dragged down with me!” She ran towards me then everything went blank. My vision was blurry and it seemed like I was falling slowly in the air, like time had just slowed down. Marrie, having the same effect, looked angry and small cracks were appearing all over her. She then turned to ash and her ashes exploded into the air.  My mother reached out her hand and I took it almost instantly. I felt my soul leave my body as I watched my real body fall to the ground with a splat and smash. I was dead. Then my mother hugged me tightly and began to cry. She said "I'm so sorry Dan, You weren't meant to die, you were supposed to live a long happy life where I could accompany you”. I looked at her with glazed eyes and said "I would rather be with you then be alone, after all, our whole family is dead now, except for my mean uncle he'll never die”. I chuckled, to try and brighten the mood. Dan: "But, even though I didn't get to have my own family or live long enough, I would rather live with you and dad now in heaven, away from all the evil in the world and finally be at peace knowing you saved your son from evil ‘’. My mother smiled a little and brushed her hand and threw my hair gently. She said ‘’let's go, my son, we have a long time to rest ‘’. We both floated up towards the sky, my mother finally at peace, and me reunited with my family forever.

The End 

The author's comments:

This is a fabulous ghost story you must read. 

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