Búho Humano | Teen Ink

Búho Humano

May 2, 2023
By ShyShy52 BRONZE, Sulphur, Louisiana
ShyShy52 BRONZE, Sulphur, Louisiana
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What goes around comes around.

ho Humano

“This is not any regular old scary story. This story is about a creature named the Búho Humano it translates to owl human. He has an owl head that rotates 360 degrees, which means all the way to the back, to the front, he has a human body, a tall human body, but the thing is he does not come for adults or teens he comes for little kids who think they are not afraid of him. He feeds on confidence.” Jinn said to her sisters to scare them.

“That does not make sense. Why will he kill the kids who are not afraid of him? That is dumb.” Jody said smirking.

“It will not be dumb when he stands over you tonight. Go to sleep. She turns their night light off. She closes the door behind her.

“Jody since you’re the oldest of us will you protect me from Búho Humano?” Julie said from the bottom of the bunk bed.

“He isn't real, trust me.” Jody said reassuring her.

“No, that is not what I asked. He is not going to get a four-year-old and a five-year-old right. I am too young!” she said with a shaky voice.

“Just go to sleep.” Jody falls asleep faster than the next breath of Julie. Julie stayed awake afraid of what could be in the dark. She stared into the closet.

“Jody?” no answer returned. She looks at the clock which reads 1:47. She thought to herself.
“Maybe Jinn is still awake?” She got up and opened the door to a dark hallway. She walked to her biggest sister's room. She knocks on the door.

“Jinn? Are you awake?” she asked.

“Go away, Julie!” She hollered through the door.  Without permission, Julie opens the door and walks in. A shirtless boy sat on the bed.

“Who is he?”

“Your future brother-in-law. The boy chuckles, Jinn punches him in the arm.

“A friend now, get out.” Jinn pushes the door on her, but Julie stopped it with her foot.

“I am scared and hungry. Can you make my ice cream and check the closet for me?”

“No, now go.” Jinn tries to close the door again.

“If you don’t, I’ll tell Mom about your boyfriend!”  She yells threatening Jinn.

“Ugh, you brat. Come on.” Jinn walks out of the room.

She isn’t human; she’s a witch that is why her name is Jinn.” Julie laughs and skips off.

They walk into the kitchen. Jinn takes the vanilla ice cream out.

“Here eat what you want. Now leave us alone.” Jinn walks off.

“What about my closet?”  Julie asked.

“Nobody is in there.” Jinn walks up the stairs back to her room leaving Julie by herself. She walks over to the living room to put cartoons on the tv. That is when she heard him. A rhythm with a tune that rhymed getting closer. She looked over her shoulder.

“One kid, two kids they are all the same, so when I eat them why am I the one to blame? I just want to play my little game.” She looked across the room to see a figure with his head spinning. She dropped the bowl and stared.

‘Who are you? Please leave.” She looked down.

“No little girl. How about you come with me!” He yelled. She ran up the stairs to Jinn’s room.

“Jinn!? Jinn1? He is here, Búho Humano is here.” She ran into Jinn’s room, scared. Blood leaked from the door; she opened it, her eyes widened in disbelief she screamed watching her sister hang from the ceiling and her sister boyfriend stabbed in the chest. Blood was everywhere. She ran to Jody to wake her up, but she was gone.

“Jody where are you?” She hid in her closet and started banging her head on the wall.

“Búho Humano, Búho Humano.” The door opens slowly. She waited for him to walk in, to take her soul, to eat her. A bright light peeked through the door.

“I’m sorry. Don’t eat me.” She cried. The police officer stood in the doorway, with a flashlight.

“Ms. Julie, Let’s get you back to the mental hospital, and you can take your medicine.” The other police officers whispered to each other.

“How can she keep coming back here? She is 75 years old. How can she even escape that place?” One of the police officers said.

“She has been like this ever since her sister told her a night story called Búho Humano. Dumb if you ask me, but on that night her sister killed her boyfriend and herself making Julie believe that Búho Humano. Her other sister Jody watched the whole thing and ran all the way to her mother’s job. Leaving four-year-old Julie by herself. Now she is mentally ill, and her sisters, they are both dead. R.I.P.” They Put Julie in the car and got into the car and drive off. Julie looked at her broken-down house porch. Búho Humano stood there with a smile on his face waving bye. She started crying.

“That’s not what happened, he did it.” The cop looked back at her.

“Does it matter? They won’t believe you.” The cop laughed.

“Yes th….” She looked up and screamed. Búho Humano sat in the cop seat.

“I’ll never leave you.”

The author's comments:

This is just a classic short scary story.

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