Revenge | Teen Ink


May 30, 2023
By kwelch52 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
kwelch52 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

PART 1: The Beginning…or is it the End?


A beginning to an end.

  Here my body lies,

The first victim

Of the 






Dare I say 





PART 2: The eyes of a killer



My supermarket is everywhere.

Leaving my house is like entering a grocery store.

People on the sidewalk

Like canned foods in isles.

At parks

Like stand alone displays with the next snack.

Inside their homes

Like looking at frozen goods through the glass door.

I have no limits.

Only a block from my house,

I found what I was looking for.”

I reach out to grab a hold of them.

But they don’t understand.

 I explain that they,

As a part of society,

Don’t compare to my contribution.

Reaching my back door,

They begin to cry.





The perfect sequence

Everything was in place.

The bright light was placed over my project.

A silver tray with all of my tools by my side.

Another tray that carries multiple syringes of tranquilizer

“Are you ready, pretty?” I whisper in her ear.

She squirms with her arms and legs shackled to the table,

I hold the syringe next to her arm. 

I pull away after seeing a bracelet of pure gold.

I throw it onto the ground and it makes a light clack.

I then pick the biggest vein and line the needle up.

I grab her face to make her look me in the eye “Stop moving honey.”

Letting go of her face, she throws her head back and spits in my face.

Wiping it off with my sleeve, I feel a heat come over me.

Clenching the syringe, I throw my arm back and slam it into the nape of her neck.

Her eyes begin to flutter back into her head while I pull out the needle.

Grabbing my scissors, I cut her shirt.

I stare at my side table and grab my knife.

Creating precise cuts down her stomach, blood pools out.

The cherry red stains her clothes underneath.

I admire each splatter while I see her lips turn purple.

Wiping off my knife, I watch her twitch.

I have to finish the job.

The saw blade fits perfectly in my hand. 

The wooden handle stained from my last victim throws me back to this morning.

 I then lean over her body and place the knife on her throat.

I press harder and harder to will through muscle.

Her breathing quickens as blood fills her mouth.

And just like that, her breathing stops and she is still with blood slowing its flow.



Seventh Heaven

She deserved every bit.

The pain she felt was the pain she caused me.

No one is around, but I want to show off my work.

I want them to see the physical cuts.

A visual that will make them realize how much pain is built into this world.

They won’t understand.

People like me, we had it good,

A job,


A family.

Yet, people like her decide to fire the people who have a life outside of work.

The hard work I put into my project had paid off.

One less body to try and judge me.

I can now thrive more than I did when she was on this earth.

Sitting and riding this high,

I want more.

More of them gone.


I need more.




PART 3: The Day for Revenge.


The Bitterness

They walk the streets like they own the world.

The ironed clothes with no wrinkles left.

The expensive jewelry glares at you as it glints in the sun.

Their heads angled up while walking with long strides.

Their energy says that no one can be better than them.

One walks pretentiously, arrogant.


Switching sidewalks I trail behind.

I watch the back of their head,

While I feel a glare form on my face.

Her hair swishes back and forth when she cuts down a dark, garbage filled alley way.

Now is when I decide my move.

Picking up my pace,

I reach out.

Her wrist fitting perfectly in my hand,

I pull her closer to my body and bend down,

I wrap my arm around her leg and throw her body behind my head. 

Carrying a body brings a sense of power over everything and everyone.

She begins to kick and scream.

“What do you want!? Money?! My body?!”

She thinks I want money.

That’s the problem.

The money.

I just scoff and reply,

“Thank me later”

Crossing through a few backyards,

I reach my back door to the basement.

She took everything from me,

So why can’t I take everything from her.

Her reason for firing me was petty.

Bitter, she said?

I don’t think so.



The Last One… For Today.

Two pairs of legs show from under my staircase.

Blood drips off of the table I set her on.

I easily manipulate her to tie her to the table.

She pulls and pulls but the struggle only leaves bruises on her ankles and wrists.

Walking around the room to find my equipment, 

She tries to get me to let her go.

 Ignoring her drives her closer to insanity.

She looks around me while I sit down.

The light casts a shadow over her frightened eyes.

I grab the syringe and check the measurement.

I look at her wrist to find a good vein.

She won’t stop moving.

Her annoying screams drive me to throw my hand back.

I swing open handed at her right cheek.

Her left cheek slams on the table with her mouth dropped open.

She is knocked out.

That's the last time she is conscious.

The tranquilizer slides into a vein in her left arm.

Her shirt lies under her.

Her stomach is revealed and I begin to make the cuts.

But I cut even deeper this time. 

Blood begins to spill, so does her intestines.

I grab the biggest knife I have and move to her throat.

I saw until only some tendons and skin hold her head.

She couldn’t steal anymore of my life.

I’ve reduced her to what she should be.




The Details to Come

A weight is lifted off of my shoulders,

It's already 11.

 I have killed 3 people

During the day.

No news reports.

No phone calls.

No one knows.


They will.

Because tomorrow.

They will see bodies that ruined lives,

Like mine.



PART 4: The Success


The Bodies

Each body is precisely cut in the same spots.

They will know it was the doing of the same person.


I will be gone before they arrive.

I am an owner of a new house in a state called,


New York will no longer be my home.

It is 3 AM,

Pitch black in the sky,

Except for the scattered white specks, shimmering above me.

I walk my route first to see if anyone is up.


I pack my car with three plastic bins.

A body in each.

Parking by a freeway across from where I used to work.

I lay out the bodies in a flawless line with their limbs separated.

Tall grass surrounds and hides the bodies perfectly.


I walk across the street 

And turn to see the view.

Nothing was better than seeing a moment you dreamed of for so long.

And the bodies were placed perfectly to be found.

Shutting the door to my car,

I sit in complete peace.




Even Though 

There were only 3 bodies.

There are now, 3 less 

money hungry,





minds on this earth.

I have helped everyone on this earth.

You're welcome.




PART 5: The News


Serial in Front of The TV

I sit on my battered couch with yellow flowers.

A small bowl in my hands has a couple pieces of honey flakes floating around in milk.

The TV sits on the ground with wires trailing to the outlet.

I point the remote to turn on the news

Waiting for the report.

A couple minutes of coverage on stocks pass by when a man with a suit appears,

“Breaking news. 3 females are found dead. 

The bodies were found across from the business center of a widely known social media platform.

Police are looking into who could have committed these homicides.

The wounds are identical.

More information will be brought to the public after more investigation..”

I stand up with an exhale of relief.

My plan was flawless

It was finished.


A Small Detail

My bags were filled.

My gray walls downstairs were washed away of the blood.

The carpets were cleaned.

All of the knives were thrown away.

All that was left to do was wait.

Wait until it was time to go to the airport.

Leaving this state behind.

Running away from the piggish cops.

Watching the rest of the news reassured me that they haven’t caught on.

Up until now.

The same man from earlier had his eyes filled with tears.

His voice breaks, “Breaking.

We have just received a recording from the New York’s Sheriff’s office.

It is believed it’s during the murder of the woman with the gold necklaces.

We will now play a section.”

My heart has dropped. 

I hear my voice and the tools being picked up off of my tray.

I hear her spit hit my face.

“That was a part of a terrible event that we were told occurred yesterday.

The police have traced the call.

They are planning to arrest the suspect today.

We are deeply saddened about these murders and the Saint Christians Bible Church will be holding a memorial this Saturday.”

In the middle of my basement

Frozen in my steps,

It feels like the room is spinning.

How could they have gotten that recording?

 And why are they sad?


About them?

No one should be sad.

Especially how venomous their personality was.

They should be thanking me.



PART 6: Only One Way Out


Avoiding Death Row

All of my time has been taken away from me.

They think they are going to steal my future.

Take my life.

Take my choices?

That isn’t going to happen.

I get to choose how I die.

Now is the time.

I get to do it.

I get to choose.

Reaching in my pocket I grab my 3 fentanyl shots.

Even just one is lethal,


I don’t care about the perfect vein or arm.

I slam the needle into my forearm and inject the first dose.

I feel a rush go up my arm.

I shove the second one up under my skin so the whole needle is in.

The second rush isn’t as strong as the first.

But I repeat the force with the final one.

The rush is worse than anyone I have ever had.

But the high.

My body feels light.

The lights become a bit brighter.

Colors pop out more.

Under my skin I begin to experience a feeling of like a thousand maggots crawling.

I then feel a sense of nausea.

 My breathing begins to slow until my chest barely lifts up.

It slows,

And slows.

Until my eyes flutter up.

And then,




PART 7: Is it the end or the beginning?


The Ending


Here his body lies.

Surrounded by needles and looking helpless.

The purple around his eyes is even more prominent.

The blood underneath his fingernails still sits like it did yesterday.

His scrawny elbows hold his dead weight on the couch.

Welts from the injection form.

He made his final decision,

Because I created the perfect reprisal.

Tipping the phone and hitting the dial in those seconds

Drove him to insanity in the end.

I’m the first victim

The first to die

And the first to take revenge.

The author's comments:

I am really proud of this piece. In the begining I hard a hard time figuiring out how far I wanted to take the gore. I was scared of the judgement if I made it too gruesome, but I still decided to go as far as my ability could take me right now. 

This piece is short, but so much emotions are in each part. I want to know anything about your feedback or any things I could add. I love hearing about what people think of my pieces so anything is much appriciated!

Thank you and I hope you enjoy


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