The vampire costume | Teen Ink

The vampire costume

September 8, 2023
By vm0309782 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
vm0309782 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Vampire Costume

Penny woke up on a chilly October day and looked at the orange leafs slowly falling from the trees she was excited because it was her birthday.After begging her mom for years she was finally having a big birthday party with all her friends from school. She got up and went downstairs excited to look at all the party decorations her mom had bought so she could set them up. She was setting up tables when she heard the doorbell ring. When she opened the door she realized it was her best friend Nicole she was going to help her set up. After 3 long hours they finished decorating and Nicole went home. Penny went back upstairs to get ready. She was really excited to see everyones costume since it was a halloween themed party.

As she finished getting ready she heard people arriving at the party. It was now 2 hours later and her house was full of people dancing and having fun. Penny and Nicole have been having fun and talking to people all night. Nicole told Penny that she was tired and was going to sit down. About 30 minutes went by and Penny noticed Nicole wasn't anywhere to be seen. Penny called and texted her over and over but Nicole never answered. Penny was starting to get worried. She walked around and asked people if they had seen her and they said that she was last seen with someone dressed as a vampire. Penny hadn’t seen anyone dressed as a vampire all night. She started walking around looking for the person that was last seen with Nicole. Penny started calling Nicole over and over again but she still wasn’t picking up. This made Penny more scared  because Nicole always answered on the first ring. She was walking by the stairs when she suddenly heard a phone ringing upstairs. Penny ran upstairs following the noise. She got more abstracted because she had  made it clear that no one was allowed upstairs.She followed the noise and it led to a closet. Penny was scared to open it. She closed her eyes and opened the door to the dark creepy closet scared to see what was inside, when she opened her eyes she saw a note that said “help”. Penny rushed downstairs in a panic. When she got to the bottom of the stairs she saw a person dressed as a vampire walking into the living room. Penny’s heart dropped but she decided to follow the person.

As she followed the person she was thinking of how she was going to approach them. Her hands were shaking and she looked pale she was so nervous to talk to whoever this person was When she finally reached the mysterious person dressed as a vampire she realized that it was her neighbor that she had grown up with. There is no way this is the person that took Nicole she thought to herself. She tapped her neighbor's shoulder and he turned around. “Hey happy birthday” he said. Penny didn’t know what to say but she decided to ask him questions to make sure it was the right person. Before she could ask anything she realized that he was with someone else this gave her the chance to see if he had been with his friends all night or if he had been doing something else. ‘Have you guys been together all night?” she decided to ask. “Yes we have been having so much fun dancing together”. This meant that this wasn’t the person that took Nicole.

After asking more people if they had seen her she decided to grab the microphone and make an announcement that Nicole was missing. Everyone  was shocked to hear this because they thought that she had been having fun all night. This made people get scared after Penny explained the note that said “help” meaning that she was in danger. As Penny was walking away after giving the announcement she got an anonymous text from someone saying “ this is what happens when you don’t invite me”. Penny felt like this was all her fault, because she didn't invite someone now Nicole was in danger. She couldn't stop thinking of how scared Nicole must be. Whoever took her was a nefarious person.”Who are you?” She decided to text the anonymous number. She was anxiously waiting for a reply but it never came. Everyone was leaving the party after looking for Nicole and not being successful. The police arrived and Penny reported Nicole as missing. Penny couldn't stop crying; she was devastated.This was supposed to be a fun and happy night but it turned into a horrible night. 

It was now 3 hours later and everyone had left the party. Penny was about to get into bed when she heard something outside her window and she went to see. She saw a black car at the end of her driveway. She got really confused because her mom was out of town and no one was supposed  to be at her house this late. Suddenly she saw one of the car doors open and a person came out. The closer she saw the more familiar the person looked . Then it hit her. It was Nicole! Penny rushed outside but she was too slow. The black car rushed away and was now nowhere to be seen. Nicole ran into Penny's arms. “Are you okay? “ Penny asked . “Yes, I'm just really scared I didn't see who it was” Nicole said.

*2 years later* “I can’t believe that the person that took you that night was never found” Penny says as they are walking out of school. “I know right, that was the scariest day of my life

The author's comments:

I like writing spooky stories.

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