The Basement | Teen Ink

The Basement

January 18, 2024
By Anonymous

Bam! As the electrical circuits all shut down it goes pitch black in your house. As your eyes start to adjust to the dark you slowly make your way downstairs hoping not to wake your family. You make your way downstairs following the walls and slowly moving trying not to trip over everything. 

Your eyes have almost fully adjusted to the dark. As you enter the kitchen you see one cabinet open and you see all the knives on the floor. You assume it was your cat so you head downstairs to fix the breaker. 

You try opening the basement door but it is locked. Weird it only locks from the inside. You keep on trying but you give up as you turn around you hear the door handle unlock. Creeeekk. As you turn around to look at the door it is wide open and you start to get nervous. 

You go downstairs very slowly with the creaking wood of each step you get more and more nervous. Maybe I should just wait until the morning and let my parents do it. You start heading upstairs then, Boom! The basement door slams close and you try to open it but it doesn't budge. Well, now I have to fix the breaker. You maniacally turn the corner and you can see the breaker on the wall. Tap… tap... Tap... You hear something tapping on the wall behind you. You turn around to see nothing but all you hear is pat… pat… pat… The sound of bare feet on the basement floor. You book it to the breaker, you flip the switch off, then back on.

 A sigh of relief comes over you as you hear all the lights turn on and you can finally see. You see little claw marks on the wall where you are standing and hear the same sound of feet on the floor. I turn around… only to see my cat running around and chasing a mouse. 

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