A Famous Novelist Found Murdered In A Drawing Room | Teen Ink

A Famous Novelist Found Murdered In A Drawing Room

May 8, 2024
By dannypb945 BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
dannypb945 BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The last thing you would expect when attending a ritzy party with your friends is to be in the presence of a famous novelist, but what about them also getting murdered on that same night too? Everyone at the party is immediately a suspect and goes in for questioning, but for the time being since there’s too many people to question, everyone is locked in to a lounge while a detective collects the evidence and tries to find out who has committed the crime. The detective roams around the crime scene with his magnifying glass to see if he spots any left behind fingerprints or DNA that may lead him to the suspect. We’re all locked into a room, some people crying, scared, or just no expression whatsoever. You can tell if someone is suspicious or guilty just by judging their body language or if they’re stuttering their words a lot while they’re speaking. It’s as eerie as can be as you’re watching the detective and you can only think in your mind “Who did this?”. You can only think that it’s someone that’s in the locked lounge with you, they can be behind you, in front of you, or even right next to you. They could be playing victim and acting as if they didn’t do such a terrible crime to this famous novelist. It shows just how evil, narcissistic, and manipulative these murderers can be. In this situation you find yourself in denial thinking “There’s no way this is happening right now”, it all feels like a dream, a movie, or a horror book you read a long time ago. It is then made known by the many people in the lounge that the brother and sister of the novelist are in there. In your mind you could only think maybe there was a dispute between them, possible jealousy, or just flat out hatred for the novelist. Everyone starts talking to each other around the room, loud voices and whispers are heard among those that are speaking. When you look at the brother and the sister, they look visibly shaken, but something feels off. The sister is showing more emotion than the brother, she is crying and saying “WHY!” while the brother is trying to calm her down saying it’s going to be okay without a single ounce of emotion behind his eyes. All eyes are on them while the detective has been outside of the lounge looking for clues for hours and hours. It feels like it’s never going to end and you feel as if you’re going to be stuck here the entire night, but then all of a sudden the brother of the novelist storms toward the locked lounge door and kicks the door right off its hinges. Everyone is in shock and disbelief at what their eyes have just seen. The detective slowly turns his head toward the novelist’s brother and simply says “Why did you do it?”, the brother puts his hands above his head and says “I did it. I murdered my brother.” Everyone gasps in disbelief and couldn’t believe the murderer was locked in the lounge with them all this time. The detective calls the authorities to come in and arrest the brother, they put him in cuffs and while on his way out the detective asks him again why he did it and he responds with one word confirming why he did what he did, “Jealousy.”

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