Bubble Bath | Teen Ink

Bubble Bath

May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

I woke up early that morning to the sound of a thud, I jolted awake, only to realize that I was just my mom in the kitchen.

“Honey, come downstairs. Your breakfast is getting cold!” Mom shouted from downstairs


I got out of bed and made my way over to the closet. I grabbed my favorite shirt and jeans, paired with my platform Converse, and flew down the stairs. 

Mom had made her specialty blueberry and banana pancakes for breakfast, complete with hashbrowns and sausage links. I of course had my orange juice for breakfast and was headed out the door. It was only 7:50 when I left the house but school starts at 8:05 and I live 20 minutes away, so by the time I got there and walked into class everyone else started the test.

“You’re late Miss Jones” 

Ugh, I hate this class. Without saying a word, I sat down in my seat and promptly started the test. I was gonna have math, but for some reason, I couldn’t today, I was already worried about this upcoming test and I’m late. It’s even worse.

My friend was in the front of the room and she was already done with her test and was handing it in. As she walked back to her desk, she shot me a look of “You’ll be fine, just focus”. She’s always been smarter, prettier, and funnier than me, but we’re best friends regardless. The rest of the class flew by and I only skipped three questions on the test. 

As I was walking to second period Caroline caught up with me. 

“Did you hear the news?” She squeaked.

“No? What was it?” 

“Apparently there’s a meteor coming this way but my dad says it’s just a hoax”. Her eyes were wide and glistened with hope as she told me.

Since we were kids Caroline has been obsessed with Outer space and can only dream of being an astronaut. Her dad is very much a realist so this stream would never come true for her. He makes sure she picks the perfect classes to become the perfect lawyer someday. But I know what she truly wants.

“That doesn’t sound too far-fetched, what if it’s real” I replied

“Well, I’m glad you think that way because I’ve been following up with it and apparently, it’s going to shoot right past us!” 

Remember how earlier I said Caroline and I are complete opposites? Well, that also circles back to this moment. She loves Outer space and I hate it. I can’t stand the side of being a tiny little in the middle of absolutely nothing, the thought of aliens or any kind of extraterrestrial beings scares me. Once when we were little Caroline convinced me that I saw UFO and I think that’s when it all started.

“Well whatever the case is, I have to get to class. Talk to you later” I said 

“You got it! See ya” 

Nothing too exciting happened in third hour, I slept through most of it but woke up just in time to go to lunch. I don’t really have to stay for lunch because I can leave after third hour, but I always stay so that I can talk to Caroline.

“Got any plans after school” she asked 

“Nothing much, just work and some homework before we graduate” I replied 

“Oh, bummer! I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out”

I felt bad because I didn’t actually have work, I just wanted to go home and take a nice bubble bath put on my fuzzy socks, and curl up with a good book.

“Awh, I’m sorry I’m busy today but we’ll definitely find a time that works for both of us. How does Thursday sound?” I offered. 

“That actually doesn’t work for me, I have family coming in from Texas, so I’ll be busy cleaning and preparing for them to come and stay with us over the weekend” Caroline moped. 

Oh yeah, that’s right. Caroline comes from a very wealthy family of people who love to travel and support their businesses around the country. That’s probably why her dad has no sense of humor. 

“Regardless, we’ll definitely figure something out. But I gotta go home and get ready for work so I’ll see you tomorrow” I was already packing my stuff into my book bag as I stood up. 

“Bye!” Caroline replied with a smile on her face. 

When I got home, mom was in the kitchen cleaning up her lunch. I forgot to ask her what she made but all I know is it smelled so good.

“I’m gonna go get in the tub, we can watch that movie you like when I get out” I told her 

“Okay, sounds good honey. I’m just gonna finish up these dishes and then I’ll start on some snacks!” 

She’s the best mom ever. 

I went upstairs and turned on the faucet, as the bath filled I went into my room to grab my favorite books, candles, and a change of clothes for when I got out. The bath was almost full, so I put in my lavender bubbles and tied my hair up. I slipped into the tub and started to get drowsy, 

“It’s okay, a little nap can’t hurt anything, right?” I thought as I drifted off and sunk under the water.

The author's comments:

i really just wanted to let my thoughts run wild and go with the flow 

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