Resistance | Teen Ink


April 17, 2012
By Anonymous

“Resistance is useless…” Those words echoed off the walls of his tattered mind as he lay in bed. Planning an escape wouldn’t be easy, but he knew this terrifying moment, so real he could taste it, would have to come from the second he heard she was alive. Hearing her sweet voice ring in his lonely ears was worth the pain.

The white lights flickered off, then on again, bringing these stark walls back to life. Although there was an employee on duty, security was at a minimum tonight. He slowly stood and walked to his door. The lifeless walls still somehow had a kind of foreboding presence, as though they really were alive, watching him, closing in on him. It was worse this night of all nights and he closed his eyes, shuddering. Upon reopening them, one at a time, he gathered his strength again. His heart beat in heavy thumps. He couldn’t stop now. “Resistance is useless…”

With a silent swing, the door opened, followed by the light slap of his bare feet on the cold, speckled linoleum. He closed his eyes for a moment, the bright lights still penetrating their lids, as a picture of her perfect, dimpled smile flashed through his mind. This was the only way. No lie could keep him caged any longer. She was alive, and, despite the sweat of anxiety enveloping him, it was difficult not to leap down the hallway in rapture.

The click of footsteps stirred him from his thoughts, and he hid behind the cover of the nearest wall. If he hadn’t been overcome with such a potent unease, then the smell of coffee hanging in the air might have made his mouth water. The guardian of these poor prisoners and himself tonight had returned. He kept as still as he could manage, letting the slow ticking of the clock on the wall continue until its cool rhythm had the watchman dozing.

Luck was on his side tonight, and that didn’t happen often in this place. He pressed on down the hallway. “Resistance is useless…” The door was now only yards away! This could be, this would be, his final escape. It was right there, his freedom, right there to grasp and take if he wanted. In a wave of anticipation he started to run. He could see her sweet smile already. Then, tripping on his robe, he came skidding to a halt, flat on his face. He waited for someone to come and take him away. He waited, but no one had been startled by his fall. He looked around and got back to his feet, limping now.

The stumble had landed him a mere foot away. His entire being was beating like a fist on a steel wall, screaming in the solitude, ready to be free. His mind and heart were banging their haunting song in unison, as he reached out for the door knob. A simple turn and the entire world came crashing down around him. “Resistance is useless…” He had tripped the security system! How could he have been so dumb? When the workers in their deadly white came jogging down the hall, he began to scream, “No! You can’t take me back! You can’t keep me here! No!” He continued to shriek through great whimpers of agony and ground-breaking sobs, as they gave him a sedative. Just before he slipped into unconsciousness, he remembered his wife’s words.
“Resistance is useless. They can help you here. You fighting this will only make things harder. She’s dead, and she wasn’t just your daughter! You aren’t the only one suffering. I can understand being upset, believe me, but after your little episode I’m not sure where you belong. I just know it’s not at home. Please just stay here and try. Try for me.”

Last night he had heard her voice, and he realized she was alive. He had to get out and help her. He laid still on his thin mattress, unmoving, a tear running down his face. No matter the consequence, the pain, he had to help his little girl. He had to resist. He had to…

The author's comments:
It's one of my older stories, but I like it. I like starting my stories with an ending in mind so that I can base the rest of my story around a dramatic surprise ending.

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