The night all alone | Teen Ink

The night all alone

November 2, 2012
By ceee_hayyy BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
ceee_hayyy BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That Night All Alone

Johnny was a quiet boy for the most part at school. He kept to him a lot but he had another side to him. He liked to have fun, but didn’t really express that at school. He was the type to sit in class and play with his hair or dig under his fingers and did his work. He want to have a party but never really had the chance to, but one night Johnny’s parents went out for the night so he was going to be home alone. He called one of his lady friends to see if she wanted to come by and watch some movies but she had no ride because Johnny lived out in the middle of nowhere. Johnny then thought about throwing a little get together with some friends but he didn’t want his parents to come home and he didn’t want to get in trouble. So Johnny chickened out and decided not to have fun and party, so he just decided to lie in bed and watch movies.
Later on in the night he was just laying in bed walking movies and then he heard voices outside his window and the night turned out all wrong. He heard the door creek downstairs, home alone scared and worried he was. His body started shaking and he didn’t know what to do. He was panicking and didn’t want to make a noise. The phone was across the bedroom so he didn’t want to get up out of bed to get it. He turned his TV on mute and was listening carefully to the sounds of the footsteps. He could hear them traveling through the house, he couldn’t tell how many people there was. He heard the noises of them rubbishing through everything. No lights were turned on all you could see were flashlights waving around. He finally got up out of the bed and crept over to his phone. He got his phone but was too frightened to dial 911 because he didn’t want them to hear him talking. Tears began to grow in his eyes. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest, he could hear the blood pumping. His swallows were so dry and hard as if a lump was in his throat. He felt like he was going to die. Johnny remembers that his dad had a gun hid in his closet of his bedroom. He then got on the floor and crawled to the next room over which was his parents. He heard them approaching the steps he open the closet door and got the gun and got up off the floor. He had the gun drawn in his hand ready to shoot standing in the back corner of the bedroom. At this point his mind was everywhere not knowing if he was suppose to shoot or just hide the best he could so Johnny got in the closet.
Johnny could feel the sweat bullets rolling down his forehead, he had never felt this scared in his life, he was telling himself, “Okay it’s my time, its okay I lived a good life so far, I’m going to die.” He believed it was the end. He heard the footsteps reach the top of the stairs. He heard them go into his room first search around and then they reached the next room he heard rumbling of things around like as if they were looking for something. Johnny quickly sent a text to his mother expressing how much he loved both her and his father and how much they meant to him without telling her what happened. He placed the gun on the floor dried up his tears and just accepted the fact they were going to take him. They came into his parent’s room they were throwing things and searching for something. Johnny heard them say “LOOK IN THE CLOSET!” The fright came back, they opened the closet and seen Johnny. The man with the black mask on his face drug Johnny out of the closet and threw him on to the bed and Johnny then seen his Uncle holding a gun up to. Johnny yelled to his Uncle ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” He replied, “Your parents try to do me wrong on this drug run and almost got me killed so now they’re getting theirs.” Johnny began to cry in amazement, he never knew his parents were drug dealers or had anything to deal with stuff like that but they were. His thoughts in his head were telling him, I want to die. He didn’t ever want to see his parents faces again for putting his life at this much danger already. Johnny’s uncle raised the gun and shot him right in the chest. Johnny felt the blood rushing out of his body, his breaths were getting shorter. He heard the front door open and was hoping he had a chance of survival but they all ran downstairs and he heard more gun shots and figure it was parents coming home and they killed them too. Johnny was laying there gasping for air wishing maybe if he did have that partying it would have saved his life. He took his last breathe and laid there on the bed peacefully with no life left in him.
After 2 days of nobody getting ahold of the family, Johnny’s grandmother came to the house to see what was going on. When she showed up to the house she slowly open the front door because she seen that all the cars were at the house. When she opened the door she dropped to her knees, she seen her daughter laying there next to husband shot right in the head. When she got the strength to stand back up she ran out to her called and called the police. After they arrived the scene was under investigation and the bodies could not be seen until back at the morgue for the identification. Twos day after the bodies were found the killer Johnny’s uncle which was his father brother was reported missing and everyone thought it was very suspicious. Years and years passed and nobody could find him, it was as if he fell off the face of the earth. All the evidence and finger print that were collected were all his and the others were smudges like the other men had on gloves. But still to this day the investigation is unsolved and a handsome young man lost his life because his parents made drugs apart of their home.

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