The West Virginia Murders | Teen Ink

The West Virginia Murders

November 4, 2012
By brayd7e BRONZE, No, Illinois
brayd7e BRONZE, No, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jessica and I saw a flyer on the street about a haunted prison tour. This was the grand opening of the tours. We decided to go. We asked our other friend Lexi. We were all old college roommates about five years ago. After we graduated Lexi moved away, so we were really psyched about her coming back to see us. We live in West Virginia but she moved to Utah shortly after graduating. We met up Saturday morning on the date of October 17, 1998 at a waffle house just down the road from the prison. When we were at breakfast Lexi was acting a little strange. We could tell something was wrong. Lexi said “Jill I don’t think that the haunted tour is a good idea.” I assured her that everything would be fine.
We are all in line about to enter the prison. The prison was the West Virginia State Penitentiary. There are about 20 people waiting in line but only a few go in at a time. We met a friendly couple named Chadd and Kim. When Kim left to go to the restroom I had a nice conversation with Chadd. Chadd told me about his family, married and two children. Chadd told me that Kim hasn’t been the same lately. Rude comments here and there and possibly cheating. The group proceeded into the prison and when we got inside we met our tour guide, Andrew. It was cold, dark, and chilling. Goosebumps covered my body. It was as scary as a storm. Andrew seemed as though he was not even scared. When we started the tour Lexi started freaking out even more. There was a loud bang! We all turned around and Kim was lying on the floor dead. Kim was shot! Chadd was inarticulate at the sight. He was scared but didn’t seem worried that his wife had just died. As we tried leave the door had been locked. We all keep silent on who is the blame, but in our heads we think it was Chadd. Andrew said that there was a second way out of the prison but it was at the end of the tour.
As we moved on, everyone was panicking and nobody noticed that Jessica had vanished. We heard this screeching noise, it was out-of-this-world. We turned around and Jessica was trapped inside a cell. She wasn’t being herself. She wouldn’t turn around and talk to us, she was just scratching her nails down the wall. It was like she had gone insane.
It is now 7:30 pm and there is only 4 of us left. Only Lexi, Chadd, Andrew, and I. Whenever Jessica disappeared we knew that Chadd was with us but we didn’t know where Andrew was. As we were walking, Lexi was following slowly behind us, still acting weird. We didn’t slow down with her, we just expected her to be there, but when we turned around she wasn’t there. We just kept walking because at this point we were used to people dying. We started to walk down the hallway and something had clamored. We turned around the corner and there she was, hanging from the ceiling. She had been hanged inside of a cell with a kicked over chair next to her. We thought that it was ludicrous that she would kill herself, it became suspicious.

There we stood in the hallway. Me and the two people that I suspected to be the killers. I had to make a decision, was it Chadd, or was it Andrew? I decided to take Andrew’s side because I felt as if Chadd killed Kim. Andrew confronts him about the killings and he takes offense to it. They get into a big argument which turns into a fight. Chadd goes to hit Andrew and he ducks and it hits me. I make a split-second decision to fake my own death to find out who the killer was. Andrew tells Chadd everything. It was Andrew! I had taken the wrong side. Chadd pulls out a knife in defence. I get up to try and help Chadd when all of a sudden, bang! Chadd had been shot in the back of the head. There is a shadowy figure standing behind Chadd’s body. As it walked closer I could tell it was a lady and when she got even closer it was Kim! Andrew then goes on to tell me his whole plan. He and Kim had faked Kim’s death. She locked Jessica in the cell, then hanged Lexi and framed her to make it look like suicide. Kim put the gun to my face but before she pulled the trigger I took Chadd’s knife and swatted the gun out of her hand. As the gun fell to the floor I lunged for it. Once it was in my hands I executed them both. Put a bullet right through their head.

As I write this I am sitting in jail. The cops thought I killed everyone, and I was sentenced to death row. As you read this I will already be gone.

The author's comments:
This was a English project but we spent a lot of time to come up with a plot. We needed more time to make the story longer but this is what we turned in

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