THE SNOW | Teen Ink


December 3, 2012
By roni allen BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
roni allen BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 8:00 in the morning and the sky was foggy, dark, and gray. The grass with frost like an ice cream in a freezer and the cars too. I could only feel the cold wind blowing in my face like I had frost bite. All I could see was people having button up coats.

My gram said, “Get your coat on, it's cold outside." So I did.

"Okay." I said.

As I was going on the porch only to see that there were little white things, wafting to the ground. "Since I don't have school today, I might want to shovel the snow if it gets too high. I thought.

It feels like Alaskan weather, so I went inside and I got myself some hot tea; that tea was like a stove burner on my tongue, but at least my body was warm. An hour later I looked outside and I saw that the snow wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I saw two or three people either trying to get the snow off of their car, or trying to get it off the sidewalk. People had a very hard time getting snow off their car and their sidewalk. But I felt like I had a war with myself by me defending myself by not trying to get sick. Helping other people in the community by being outside in that freezing cold weather. I feel bad for the people that have a lot of snow, because they have 10 inches of snow. The temperature is 2 degrees and if you have your heat on, your heating bill would go up sky high. But my gram barely keeps the heat on because we have the heaters that are on wheels. We have them in every room of the house.

Some people don’t have heaters they just have blankets. After being in that war I feel really tired, instead I turned on the news to see if I have school tomorrow or not. I found out that tomorrow was going to be a snowstorm and we might get some of it tonight. I wasn’t that surprised, because we had a worst snowstorm than this one last year. I’m definitely not going to shovel the snow after that snowstorm! My gram called me from work.

She said, "Are you okay Roni?"

"Yes, did you know that there is suppose to be a snowstorm coming?"

"Yes I know". My gram said.

I finally made a decision on if I should shovel the sidewalk or not. I am not going to shovel, because I have to make sure that it's not as cold as it was, when the storm came. During the storm I could hear the wind of the storm hitting the house like a hammer hitting a nail. It was whistling like a ghost weeping and sobbing in a well trying to get out. I could hear cars going by my house, I try not to think that the cars would lose control and hit the house.

It's 12:00 in the afternoon. I really want my gram to be careful when she comes home. I don't want her to lose control, and get into an accident with another car. I consider that people don't have to work during a snowstorm because they have family to come back to, and I know that their family would agree with me too. Everyday I worry about my gram. There are so many dangerous things that can happen to people during this kind of storm. The roads become slippery and you could lose control, or you can get lost because the storm is so strong.

It's 1:00pm and every second I am watching the news to see what is happening to other people during this BIG storm. They said in a half a hour the temperature is going to drop 10 degrees. Before that it was 10 degrees so right now it is 0 degrees, it is very cold outside.

The author's comments:
I got inspired to write this story by my language arts teachers because we are always writing stories in class.

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