The Zigzag Killer | Teen Ink

The Zigzag Killer

December 3, 2012
By Cool-Cat BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Cool-Cat BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Short Story
Language Arts 8
The Zigzag Killer

It was a dark October night; the clouds over-took the sky as fog destroyed the streets with its darkness. The little kids ran about as their reddish-orange colors shot out while collecting candy. Jenni screamed and witnessed The Masked Man brutally murder Nicole as the bright red of her blood shot out and the smell of Jenni's fear and sweat permeated the air.

It was two days before Halloween; everybody was getting ready while the kids were in school. Jenni stayed home and helped her mom, Briana, decorate before she went to work. Her dad, Vinny, had already gone to work. Jenni's mom told her to be careful while she is home by herself because there are people who come to the door and pretend to be somebody they’ re not.

The day before Halloween, Jenni and Nicole were walking home and they watched as some of the houses flashed blue, red, and orange. They walked passed this one creepy house that was all black. There was green slime oozing from the cracks on the outside, the door was creaking, and the sound of a weeping woman came from the house!! Nicole was really freaked out, so she told Jenni to hurry up and lets get to your house but while they were speed walking they weren’t paying attention and knocked their friend, Deena, on the sidewalk.

“Hey, Watch It!” She yelled with anger in her voice.

Jenni and Nicole said, “Sorry!”

Deena said, “What are ya'll running from?”

Jenni said, “That creepy house over there!”

“ Woohoo!" It’s HALLOWEEN," some kids said with excitement!
Some kids mumbled, “ Yippy, it’s Halloween."

Others kids said, “ Ooh No! It’s Halloween” because The Masked Man comes out on Halloween. Jenni and Nicole were one of those kids because they heard rumors about The Masked Man. People said that after he kills his victims, he puts the body in a bag, puts the bag in a freezer in his house, cuts up their limbs, and uses them as ornaments.

Halloween Night! Jenni, Nicole, and Deena were getting ready for trick-or-treat (your never to old to trick-or-treat) and their parents told them to be careful because they knew The Masked Man was out there.
The girls headed out and collected candy as they pasted some of their other friends and the orange-reddish colors flashed from the houses. They thought all the lights and decorations were cool, but once they came to the black goulish house on the corner they were scared. There was slime oozing from the cracks except this time it was glowing, the door still creaked when the wind went through it. They still heard that awful dreaded moaning of a weeping women but it got even louder, and they noticed that now blood was oozing from the cracks out of the basement windows as well; they knew it was blood because it was bright red and there were flesh pieces in it.

Nicole said, "I never had so many Goosebumps in my life."
The other girls agreed. A man started walking towards them and Deena noticed it was The Masked Man.

She told, “Nicole and Jenni to run!!”
The girls started running and The Masked Man stood there pulled out a tranquilizer gun, pulled the trigger and all three girls fell to the concrete!! The Masked Man picked up Jenni and Nicole but left Deena because three was too much for him to handle and then he took them inside to his basement. Jenni woke up tied to a chair and screamed as soon as she saw Nicole tied up to a table with knives and scallops by her; then Nicole woke up screaming and crying as soon as she saw The Masked Man with gloves on his hand and a VERY sharp knife in his hand.

The Masked Man told them to “Shut-up!” Then slapped Nicole across her face, and then duct taped Jenni’s mouth. The Masked Man took one of the knives and started cutting off Nicole’s fingers and toes one by one while her bright red blood shot out all over him and Jenni and you can here the crackling sound of her bones braking. Jenni found a piece of broken glass on the floor and cut the rope, ripped the tape off her mouth, and then ran out of the house to get help. Jenni ran home and told her parents. Her dad called the police, then Nicole’s parents. Everybody showed up at the crime scene. Deena’s parents came out when they heard all the commotion and chaos, and then noticed their daughter lying there knocked out on the concrete with a tranquilizer dart in her buttocks. The ambulance people carried her to the truck and her mother rubbed a moist toilet on her face then she woke up dizzy, nauseated, and tired.

The police asked her what happened and she said, "I don't remember?"

Then they asked Jenni and she said " We were collecting our candy and this man chased us, tranquilized us, carried Nicole and I inside to his basement, tied me to a chair and tied Nicole to a table with scallops and knives around her, then slapped Nicole for screaming and crying, then duct taped my mouth, as I witness him cut off her fingers and toes!"

As other enforcements went inside to check everything out, they reported they didn’t find anything but Nicole’s dead body the sheriff told her father, Mike, the awful dreaded news he was disappointed and upset tears started running from his eyes, he had to tell Nicole’s mother (his wife), Paula, the news and she didn’t take it very well she broke down and started crying, screaming, and saying " I want to see my daughter!"

One of the investigators examined Nicole’s body and noticed a chunk of flesh was missing in the shape of a zigzag piece, the investigator told one of the police man which told the sheriff and he told everybody that " The Masked Man" is going to be known as "The Zigzag Killer" because he takes chunks of his victims flesh in the shape of a zigzag piece. " GASP!" everybody said with fear and excitement.

This is my beautiful story, I hope you enjoyed it and my creativity because I had fun writing this story and pouring out my creativity for you!!! =)

The noise of the weeping women was the mourning sound of a deranged women that witness The Zigzag Killer bloodily murder her children by scalloping, knifing, and cutting off their body parts!!

The author's comments:
It gave me chills, BURRR!!!:)

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