Nightmare: Just What You Desereved! | Teen Ink

Nightmare: Just What You Desereved!

December 3, 2012
By Gee1234 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Gee1234 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Giving up is simply not an option"

It was a cold winter night the big white moon was overtaking the sky. You could see the dark wet grown. Also you could see the dark scary bushes screaming at you as you walk by. When you walk down the street you could smell hot chocolate coming from the big white houses. The bushes were scary and it looked if someone was coming out of them, then you hear deadly sounds coming from the bushes as you look you could see two people playing around and that was marty and Sean.
Marty and sean were walking down the street so they saw jeron rshan and shameek walking down the street. So they told them that it was a killer walking the streets but marty didn’t believe it so thats when they were like ard we were just warning you. Then shameek and rashan were arguing about were he was, they started fighting so shammeek hit rashan in the face and rashan swung shameek dodge it and rashan slammed him. That’s when Jeron broke the fight up. So they went their separate ways.

Sean and Marty saw tone he was alone so he went with him they were going to tones house to chill. It was getting late so they decided to spend the night at tones house and Marty and Sean called their parents. They could stay they had a fun night and wanted to figure out what to do the next day. As they were trying to figure out Marty came up with an idea because his friends were all going to the movies so tone and Sean said they would come along with Marty and his other friends.

The next day they were going to the park to play football, they called a couple people to come with them it was raining but they still played. Football got boring and they were leaving the park and they saw some older guys and the guys ask them to play and they said sure why not. They walked back to play football and the game got real completive the older gys got really upset and started to pick a fight so someone pushed Marty down that was really unnecessary. So Marty got up and hit him and the guys friend tried to hit Marty and tone grabbed the guys legs and the guy fell so Sean came and said, “Stoppppp!” And they just walked away and went home.

Marty, Sean and Tone all went back to tones house and chilled for a bout 2 hours then freshened up and went to the movies on the way there they saw tones brother and he was like were are you going? You know threes a killer out right and tone was like nasza that’s a myth and nasza said no its not. And as they were walking Sean could see Marty like looking as if he was sad or upset and Sean said what’s wrong and Marty told him he really thinks there might be a killer and Sean said yeah me to but they kept it to themselves. They were going to the movies and they met up with tones girl and Marty’s girl and a coupled other friends. As they were watching the movie Marty got up and went to the bathroom and tone could tell there was something wrong and he got up and went and was like what’s wrong and Marty was like nothing and Tone was like ok and went back to the movie. The reason why Marty was scared is because the movie was about a killer and know one knew he was around and that made him even more scared about what was happening. So he texted Rashan and asked him was it really a killer and Rashan said why would I be joking about something like that and yes. So Marty said OK thanks and kept talking to Rashan about it and as the movie went on he felt uncomfortable.

The movie was over and they went and tone wanted to get pizza and Marty didn’t say anything about the killer but he really didn’t want to go so he just went. They were just having fun eating joking around in the pizza store and Marty was the only one who felt uncomfortable. He texted Rashan and asked him to come down and meet him and Rashan was with Brittany but they did come. So Marty asked tone to leave but tone kept saying no just wait and they waited and waited and finally tones girlfriend had to leave so tone was going to leave to. So tone was like why do you guys want to go home now its only 9:00 so Marty started to get mad and was like tone there might be a killer and you act like you know everything and theres not! Tone said don’t you think you would know if there was it would be all over the news? Marty said we haven’t even watched the news.

So they were walking Brittany home and then they were going all go home but Brittany was locked out and tone was like you guys can chill at my house for a little and they were all like ok that would be good. They all went back to tones for like 2 hours but time was going really fast and they didn’t even know how late it was. So they realized and started to walk Brittany home and Marty said can you guys walk me home first and they were like just come on Marty and he was like gush ok fine so they were walking her home and this guy was walking behind them. Marty noticed it and said yo look behind us and the man looked really creepy. So they walked up this alley the ran away the opposite direction so they were in the park and this man they couldn’t tell if he was the same person so he asked them questions. He act if he was going to walk back and grabbed rashan and tone grabbed his legs but he stabbed tone 4 times in his chest then he slammed sham on his head. Marty started crying and hit the man with the brick 5 times in the head, the man was bleeding then he just laid there. At the hospital Tone died. Rashan was barely hanging on and Brittany just couldn’t believe her eyes; Marty was just heart broking, because of the lost of his friend. The killer got what he deserved.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this story because we were reading several short stories.

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