Number Fifty | Teen Ink

Number Fifty

December 10, 2012
By super5bros BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
super5bros BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I shake the doorknob as I hear the rattling on the other side. Growing impatiently, I reach into my dark blue leather jacket and pull out my gun. Pulling the trigger I pay attention to the lovely bang and destroy the golden knob to chunks of pieces. I kick the door to the floor as it shatters from impact on the tiles and scream out, “Death is coming to you!” I shuffle up the small stairway as it leads to a long hall with several doors on each side. Time is running out. I synchronize my stopwatch to five minutes and put away my gun into my jacket. I speed-walk down the hallway and knock on the first left door. “It's the police, please come out!” I said as I chuckle softly. “We won’t hurt you.” I wait for any footsteps, but I give up immediately and strike the door furiously.

There is nothing in the room except boxes. “Nothing?” I said unpredictably. I grin and I feel exhilarated. “Just moved huh, well that won’t change anything!” I run up to the doors and kick every wooden door, but every room looked the same. Boxes are laying everywhere. As I stand in front of the small stairway from the entrance, I look at the moving numbers on my stopwatch. Three more minutes left. As my instincts tell me that no one is in the house and leave, there is a high pitched thunderous scream. I grin like the Grinch because this night might be even more entertaining. The scream sounded like a young innocent child from seeing an insect on the wall. I dash toward the echoes and I discover another stairway except this one is extended and carpeted. As I shuffle down the stairs I pull out my metal gun in one hand and a teddy bear with my other hand. A teddy bear for a sign for the police after every patient I look at. I descend on the final step and there is a huge basement with a forty-two inch HD television in the left corner on the room. I glare at the TV and it’s Two and a Half Men playing. My smile fades away. “I hate that show,” I mutter. There is a fluid motion. Two beautiful sounds hang heavy in the large room and the glass shatters everywhere. It is music to my ears. I face right and I see a young teenage, blond hair boy cuddled in the corner of the room. He looks startled, timorous and uneasy seeing my face. I snort and giggle at the petrified looking runt because he looks so pathetic. I wonder if he wet his pants.

However, I control myself and speak to him with respect.“ Congratulations! You are the winner of a teddy bear. You are my fiftieth winner and you should be grateful. You have a trip to heaven!” He looks at me puzzled. “I hate teddy bears and I don’t want to leave. Go away, you white haired maniac. I called the police already.”

I feel that this odd child mocks me and he makes me furious. I laugh at what he says and he looks frightened. “Young man, I have escaped the police and FBI several times and I have a bounty worth of a life time. I can shoot you right now if I want. If you leave here alive I’ll hunt you down until your bones are incinerated. Do you understand?” I said confidently. The boy nods and tears up as salt water drip from his face. I smirk as I speak like a priest. “I, KO Teddy Lover, will make you joyful in eternal grace and make you cry no more. Hello Number Fifty!” In a swift motion, I toss the teddy bear toward the child and swing my gun aiming at his forehead; however in slow motion I saw myself battered up at where the boy is and feel all the emotions of no love and care. I feel despondent from the horrible times in my past. I shake my head to stop thinking about it and I listen to the pleasing heavy bang. For a moment I feel sorry for the child even though I have pulled the trigger several times. As I drop my arm down to see Number Fifty’s head. I feel confused and in shock. The bullet missed! I see the hole on the wall right beside the punk’s head. My eyes twitch in rapid motion and I scream in horror. “I missed! How did I miss?”

The boy seems to have joy in his “accident” and I see him grin. I lose control of myself and I yell out to the boy, “Devil! Devil!” Then I take notice of the buzzer going off in my pocket. Time is up. I look to my left and my right and I know I need to run away, but it’s too late. I make out loud footsteps from upstairs becoming boisterous. I hear the police yelling, “It’s the police, drop the gun, and surrender in front of us!” My mind becomes blank as I drop my gun and feel cold metal shackles wrapping onto my wrists behind my back. I catch sight of a man in a black coat wearing a top hat. “Under the United States of America you are hereby under arrest for your flagrant crimes Denaro Denwood,” he said proudly. The policemen clutch onto me as we pace out of the house. I try to shake off the policemen holding me, as I am the one to scream this time, “Get off me you stupid people I’m innocent. You got the wrong man!” I speculate of other techniques to escape, but there are none. I can’t do anything. Nothing would save me unless there’s a miracle. Before I hop into the car with blue and red lights, I begin to laugh hysterically as I glare at the blond kid as he sees me outside. “Death will seek for you kid and I will drag you to the depths of the underworld. Don’t forget the infamous One Hit KO Teddy Lover, young man,” I scream seriously. All I could think about is how miraculously the bullet missed and how I know what the jury would say in a year on this day.

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