Darkness | Teen Ink


December 12, 2012
By j1213 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
j1213 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It has been three years today since the event timothy remembers it just like it was yesterday. It was a cool winter morning when the human race was altered forever. The day went on just like any other day when at twelve in the afternoon the sun shined for its last moment. There is no explanation for the phenomena, but one thing is for sure. Life was never and will never be the same again. Since their was no sun, plants soon withered away to nothing and died. The animals slowly thinned and with nothing to eat the urge became to strong. They started to destroy each other, and they too slowly died. The human race became increasingly violent. Once thought to be nasty food and unwanted now is the subject over a murder or fight. People kill over the smallest thing. For example trying to get a bag of beans. The only food grown was some things through hydroponics and some seafood. The food production was no where, where it needed to be to support the number of people. Governments collapsed and oil and coal are the only sources of power now. With gas at sixteen dollars a gallon tough luck affording that. People still work because life must go on, but they are nothing like what they used to be. Timothy does all he can to help his family survive. He sometimes goes for a week without food, just to let his kids go to bed with something in their stomach. Friendships are seemingly non existent and friendly human interactions are dwindling. Life has been turned into a game of survival where the weak die and the strongest hang on to life by a thread. That leads us to today January 3rd, 2025. Timothy lives with his wife and three children. His youngest son just passed away a month ago due to phenomena. Their house is caving in and with no supplies and no care in the world, it will most likely not get fixed. Armies and militias have now rose up and took control of many parts of what used to be the United States of America. That’s where tim’s job comes in at he works for the Melbourne militia which is the militia in control of the southeastern region. He works as a tax collector. Since money has lost all former value, he collects any supplies they have to offer. If they have none, that’s a different story. Tim by far is not well, but him and his family are still surviving. That is all one can ask for in times like these. Education is a thing in the past, besides there is no need for it now it would just be a waste of time. People began to question their faiths and wonder if this is a dream, or some kind of sick joke. Alien experimentation has also been and ongoing explanation. This is the story of Timothy and his families struggle to survive in a cruel world.

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