Night walker | Teen Ink

Night walker

January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Cosmo was trying to wash the blood off his hands with the water from his canteen. This is his second kill of the day, he's so proud of himself. He feels like it's his job at this point. He needed to stop now, though he was out of metal BB's and had nothing else to shoot the small rodents with. As he subconsciously called it a day, his mother called him in for dinner. He could more effectively get the blood off his palms now. He sat down for dinner and looked his mom dead in the eyes.

"You know what today is, right?" his mother questioned.
"Of course, how could I forget? I'll never regret something more in my life. Even though. I hated him so much, it had to be done."

"Cosmo," she snapped quickly, "don't talk like that, that's not you."
As silence took hold of the conversation for a few moments, they sat there awkwardly eating their food. His mother just stared at her food as it helped her think. "You know you were sleep walking again last night, honey."

"Mom, I don't sleep walk, stop telling me that." For some strange reason, Cosmo has thoroughly convinced himself he doesn't, although it's been an act he's put on since he was just a little child. His mother was concerned what his actions at points. Ever since the incident. Ever since Cosmo took revenge.

Cosmo woke up simultaneously with the rings of his alarm clock. He got up, showered and went downstairs for breakfast. The sight he saw was absolutely terrifying. No pancakes left. He yelled to his mom, who always was awake before him, to ask where the bagels were. The house answered with silence. He thought it was strange. She never ignores him. He then hears cop cars coming from down the street. He races as fast as he can to his mother's bedroom. There was blood. Everywhere. His eyes locked with the lifeless ones of the once maternal figure on the ground. He fell to his knees, sobbing. He heard the sound of a door breaking and then the footsteps coming upstairs. A cop ran into the room. "What the hell happened here?" he asked in utter shock as though it seemed today was his first day on the job.

"Does it look like I know?" Cosmo shouted in return. He thought he saw multiple cops at this point, yet there was still only one in the room. Black dots filled his vision as he passed out, right next to his mother's body.

"He's awake!" exclaimed a voice that was semi-familiar. Cosmo jumped up, but fell immediately because his hands were bound together with handcuffs.

"What the hell, man?" he wondered as he got back up with the help from an officer.
"Sorry, son, but you've been charged on an account of first degree murder."
Cosmo was in shock. He never thought this could happen."Son, we have proof you murdered this woman, your mother. You see, the Browns, your neighbors, heard a crash last night, so they looked out their window. Only to see you kill your own mother, they have it all on tape right here."
He was still in amazement, wondering what has happened.

Cosmo thought it was a dream.
"Son, we know about the case with your father, too, when you murdered him. After he raped you all those times, you felt like you were helpless and had to do something. We understand, but you've already had your punishment for that." Cosmo was about to pass out again. His world upside down. Before his head hit the starry ground from falling of the seat, his mother's words echoed through his head once more.
"You know, you were sleep walking again last night, honey."

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