winter wonderland | Teen Ink

winter wonderland

March 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Winter wonderland
It’s cold outside really cold and it’s continuing to snow more and more as I try to recollect what happened to me. I just came to and have no idea what I did before I found myself in the snow alone and naked. All I can see around is trees, trees, and more trees but no one in sight I don’t know where I am; I can see tons of trees but no one at all. I try to move but I have no control of my body at all- wait I see some people moving towards me in the distance. I try to yell for help but the people aren’t responding at all, except that they’re no one around me is reacting and the people walking towards me are getting closer to me. As they get closer, I realize they’re just a bunch of little kids one of them carrying a scarf and a plastic bag.
They finally stop walking literally inches in front of me and just stand there looking at me as if they’re amazed of me. I tell them to get some help for me ,or at least get me out of the cold until I find out where I am, but they’re not responding even when I screamed at the top of my lungs. Finally one of them gets closer to me and asks another to get on his hands and knees in front of me then the kid stands on top of the kid and meets me eye to eye. He just stands there examining me “what do you guys think? Does he look uneven to you guys?” he says to his friends. A little boy from the group commented “the whole body is alright but the face looks a little off to me almost uneven”. I think to myself “What are they talking about? What do they mean uneven? And why won’t you listen to me? Just help me please I’m freezing” I scream at them but still get no reaction. The boy standing on top of his friend lifts up his arm and pulls out my eye yet, I feel no pain and I can still see perfectly, then he puts back my eye on my face but in a different spot than before obscuring my view a little. Am I going crazy? -No I can’t be. For god’s sake what is going on? How did I get here? What are they doing to me? And why can’t I move at all?
The boy who carried the shopping bag pulls out some lumps of coal and a carrot but, why coal and a carrot what is he going to do with them. The little boy approaches me and stands on top of another boy and gets inches within my face then takes the carrot and jams it in the middle of my face. I am seriously scared and confused, what are they planning on doing to me out here alone in the snow. The boy then places the lumps of coal on my face as well right under where he stuck the carrot in me. He steps off his friend and approaches the kid who came with a scarf and gestures him towards me. The little kid steps on to his friend and wraps the scarf around my neck as he steps back and all the kids look at me in amazement and smiles. “Wait we forgot something” one of the kids pointed out I was missing arms and then have one of the boys look for sticks. Wait what arms? Why do they need sticks for arms and why did they say I need arms of course I have arms or… do I?
One kid comes back with two sticks and impales each one into my side as I scream out in pain and the children still pay no attention to my words. It’s been a week seven days since the group of boys left me to freeze out in the cold, it’s like no matter how cold I get I somehow manage to make it another day surviving, alone, and starving, and cold in the wilderness. I sometimes see people walking past me but they only look at me with amazement. I see other kids as well, playing in the snow turning to face me and smile then go back to their snowball fights. It has been two months now and my body has almost completely melted away as I spend my last days asking why was I put in this world to do nothing but slowly melt rot away with the snow around me. Is this my purpose in life? Is this how I was supposed to go all alone and cold left to slowly die unable to move?

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