Wendigo | Teen Ink


March 21, 2013
By grimtheguitarguru BRONZE, Provo, Utah
grimtheguitarguru BRONZE, Provo, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I frantically moved toward the naked trees before me, in hopes of climbing the nearest one in order to try and separate myself from the great, terrible beast who trailed me. The creature stopped to look around and was temporarily motionless, I quietly dropped to my knees and took this moment to crawl as fast as I could. Distance was increasing as I brought myself closer and closer to the tree. I froze for a moment. Something wasn’t quite right. Everything was completely okay from the outside. But inside...it was cold. I could feel fear sinking down into the depths of my heart, I could feel it taking over my body, taking it’s reach to every limb and every bone. My movements became staggered and broken, my body stuttered with each attempt I made to move. I was seized by this disease.
I was as a statue, motionless. I could not even move my eyes, and was unable to blink. Even my lungs seemed to stop their operation. My arms and legs were reaching for the next step, that was, until I was overcome. I was off balance and helpless--trapped like a bird in a cage. My body was but a shell, and I was now a prisoner.
A prisoner of my own mind.

The creature still stood where it had stopped countless paces behind me, but what could it possibly be doing? It had the perfect chance to take me away and annihilate me. Why not take action now?
A harsh, cold wind blew through the trees of the forest and pushed me down to my side. I was then able to view the beast in all its horror. The moon slid out from behind the clouds giving a perfect spotlight of this horrendous thing. The creature that I saw wasn’t just some beas--it was the creature of all legend and fear.


I could all but see its large back. Caked with snow-white hair that ran up and arched backwards from his head, like a bundle of feathers. One of his arms hung suspended up by his collarbone, the second hung underneath the first. They were massive and muscular--giant trees that could practically tear anything down. The same white hair covered him from shoulder to wrist.
His hands were large and accompanied by long, deadly claws that jutted from his fingers. His second pair of arms huddled close to his body; they were slimmer, however not as big, but were still muscular and toned. His legs were also massive in size and had the appearance of a man's that was up to the knees. His legs then arched backwards and had the appearance of a canine’s legs.

was facing the other direction where the Wendigo once stood, I could just see it out of the corner of my eyes as the 20 foot beast towered over me. Glowering in hunger.

The same hair covered his front as it did his backside, stretching across his large chest and abdomen. His face drew it’s attention downwards in my direction allowing me to see it’s soulless red eyes and lipless mouth racked with sharp, pointy fangs. Wendigo’s landscaped chest protruded outwards. Rising with every breath and growl he made.

The thought of laughter instantly fell into my head. Still motionless, my eyes grew heavy and I could soon see nothing. I could feel the Wendigo snatch me up in his claws, and before I knew it, his claws were already buried deep into my skin, groping around to sharply wrap around my back bones.

His breath crept upon my skin, down my neck, and through my spine. My body quivered from the feeling of his icy, lifeless breath. The tender bite of Wendigo penetrating my abdomen, was like a million fine needles wrenching its way through a frail piece of fabric.

I couldn’t discern the sound of my own screams, or the smell of my own blood, but only the feeling of being engulfed in flames; my insides and outsides melting as my flesh slowly disintegrated into nothingness.
Then suddenly, the sun rose from the blossoming trees. The warm embrace of the sun took over my being and opened the gift of safety unto me. Wendigo did not welcome the sun like me, but instantly withdrew his fangs. His claws tore out from my skin, leaving me to fall towards the ground. I must have fallen from at least 15 feet, and felt the sudden impact of the ground snap my ribcage. At the same time of impact I suddenly regained my eyesight and ability to move. All the reserved pain came rushing in at once. Nothing could have felt worse.
I watched as the Wendigo again dissipate into the ground.
I took in a large, shaky breath then reached for a nearby branch to prop myself upon. It was painful and agonizing, but it felt good to feel the beaming sun on my bloody skin.
I knew I couldn’t just stay there on the forest’s floor, and I wasn’t about to let myself become prey to some other forest dweller.
I tried to recall how the events occurred this last night but could not. My mind was hazy, and I had lost all track of time. I turned my attention to the effort of returning to my home that only just outside the woods.
Venturing my way towards the outside, I imagined my forest in its full entirety. Waterfalls, beautiful trees, flowers, greenery and tasteful strawberries. Time passed on longer and longer walking my way towards the exit of the forest. Soon everything became unfamiliar, and was replaced with ice and snow. Not wanting to spend my energy on worrying, I continued walking.

Finally I saw an end to trees and green growth and was ready to embrace the
It was a horrendous sight indeed, but unfortunately I had no choice but to look. The creature literally sunk into the ground and disappeared. The thoughts and feelings of safety slowly trickled into my mind. But thinking so was only a foolish thing to trick myself into feeling “safe”.

Suddenly, Wendigo appeared behind me showing its forefront. Even though I place I called home. I looked behind me to see a trail of my own blood. I knew I was also going to need a lot of help. But I continued onward. I walked outside the shelter of the trees only to see nothing but a wasteland blanketed with snow.

Where was my home? Nothing here was familiar to me. I collapsed to my knees and dug up snow in hope of seeing my lovely green grass. But no, the snow went on and on no matter how far I dug. I collapsed realizing my hallucinations, and hearing the echoing voice of the Wendigo:

“Welcome to my world...Brother.”

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