The REAL story of who stole Christmas | Teen Ink

The REAL story of who stole Christmas

June 7, 2013
By Kandice O&#39Bryan BRONZE, Everson, Washington
Kandice O&#39Bryan BRONZE, Everson, Washington
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You’ve all heard the classic tale of The Grinch who stole Christmas; well if you haven’t then what I have documented is irrelevant to you. Two years ago a major crime struck Whoville, the citizens were robbed Christmas eve of all of their presents. This case interested me because of the loopholes in the evidence, especially when I was contacted by the Grinch himself when he claimed that he was framed. Going into this interview I wasn’t sure what to expect, or whom would have framed the Grinch, but by the end of the day all of the pieces suddenly fit together once I heard his side. Something that none of the other investigators were able to gather; the truth.
KO: Hello sir, I have to admit I’ve been drawn to your case every since the crime. I’ve been looking at your history, seems to me that you come from a different planet and the Who’s rejected you, so you hid and lived on top of the hill with your dog. I’d imagine you and the Who’s musn’t be very close, seeming’s though they rejected you?
Grinch: Indeed I do come from a different planet, due to the fact that my kind are monstrous evil creatures, I was a disgrace to my kind because I refused to have the same morals as they do. The Who’s did not accept me because they are aware of my kind, but I do not have the slightest of hatred toward them. One look at me and the Who’s run away, if only they could see my heart. Although it did result in me hiding away with my dog, who wants to be around people that despise you or fear you? Certainly not I.
KO: Hmm, I see very interesting. So you say you’re a sweet creature, never harmful? Now explain to me, what happened Christmas eve.
Grinch: Of course, I wouldn’t hurt a fly nor do any harm. You see, it all started with a cup of coffee and some peppermint cream. It’s was a dark time period for me two years ago during Christmas, that whole month I’d say. I was wrapping presents Dec 1, for the orphans in Whoville. They always receive hundreds of presents not knowing who it is, when really it’s just me. Christmas is my favorite holiday you see, giving warms my heart. Blasting holiday music dancing and prancing around wrapping presents, I was interrupted abruptly by a loud knock on my front door. Startled I hid behind the Christmas tree, suddenly my door falls right onto the floor off its hinges. Expecting a few big man Who, up walks….a sweet little Who.
KO: You mean to tell me, a little Who knocked a door right off your hinges? Enlighten me, wont you mister Grinch. Does this little Who have a name?
Grinch: Right of the hinges, to this day I can’t quite wrap my head around it; I can still hardly make realization of what happened to me that month. Her name oh her name. Sweet little Cindy Lu Who, boy did she have them all fooled. She sure looked like cotton candy, but oh beneath that sweet girl was a darkness that set fire in her eyes. Before I knew it I was all tied up to the Christmas tree, my dog right next to me, and before I knew it she was gone with all of the presents, but before she left I’ll never forget the fire she breathed at me. “Don’t tell anyone, or I will find you.” It heated my skin, set me on fire with those words that sweet little girl breathed. You see, I wasn’t her only victim.
KO: How did a big ol’ Grinch like yourself end up as a little Who’s victim? I’m confused on how a sweet little Who could master such a thing?!
Grinch: It was easy for her, to make the big green monster carryout its name in the eyes of the Who’s who already thought of me as a monster. She turned my dog into a reindeer, she shaved off all of my hair and made it into a costume so that she could look like me and impersonate Santa. Take in consideration I am not a fighter and I would never want to go up against Cindy Lu Who. She stole all of the Who’s presents and never sent out the presents to the orphans; the worst part was the look on all of their faces when they woke up Christmas morning to no presents. She whipped me; see can you see the scars? It’s all so vivid, flash backs as if it was just yesterday….
KO: Proceed, how did the presents get back to Whoville? Oh dear Grinch, I’m still so lost to how she could have gotten away with this.
Grinch: She left for awhile Christmas morning, I was kept locked in a cage as if I were some animal. I managed to escape once my dog (now reindeer) grabbed the keys off the hook. I scrambled for what to do, when I ran across a big tan folder. I opened out of curiosity; I can still hardly breathe thinking of what I had read….
KR: What did you read? What could Cindy Lu Who have been hiding in the folder that would impact you so much?
Grinch: She…Cindy Lu Who was really Meredith Lucifer Who, she had escaped from a psycho ward in Russia years ago. She was adopted by the sweet Smith Who family, having such big heart treating her as their own blinded from who she really was. The worst part isn’t even that, the terrifying part is that she….she’s 30 years old; she has this disease that she doesn’t age, so she appears to look 8 years old. She’s the most wanted thief in Russia with thousands of victims she had framed, once she escaped worldwide was left in fear. She came to little Whoville knowing they wouldn’t have any idea who she was because they were outsiders; she committed crimes all throughout Whoville sneaking away with framing other Who’s. I was her most prized victim, her most successful crime.
KO: I’m lost for words; she must be caught so she doesn’t do this again. You failed to tell me how all of the presents got back to Whoville Christmas afternoon?
Grinch: After I read this, I hid it under the house for safe keeping; hoping someone would give me the time of day so I could give them proof. Well after I read through the folder; it took me a few minutes to recover, then suddenly I walked into the living room and was blocked in with thousands of presents. My heart grew with hope though I knew I had to act fast before she returned, my heart ached when I heard the Who’s singing their coombaya song. I exchanged fear for courage, and took the sleigh and my dog and slid right back down to Whoville returning the presents. Once I reached Whoville, Cindy Lu Who’s face was priceless. I could see the fire in her eyes; I could’ve sworn I had her. But then, she welcomed me with a big hug and started crying and saying “thank you, oh thank you dear Grinch you really aren’t a monster.” Boy, did she turn it around. After the day was over, she whispered into my ear for me to run or I wouldn’t see daylight again.
KR: It makes sense now, and when she told you to run and you left she called the police and they took it as you were running from the crime….but really you were running from her.
Grinch: Precisely, she is one mad little Who I tell you. Now you know what really happened, once this case hits the media I have to make a run for it. She’s a sneaky little Who, and she’ll make me pay once she finds out I spilled the beans. Here is the folder, guard it with your life.

After that day, I never heard nor seen the Grinch again. Every Christmas I always got presents from anonymous, and a cup of coffee with some peppermint cream. Cindy Lu Who, or should I say Meredith Lucifer Who was sentenced to life back in a Russia in a loony bin. I hadn’t expected the information I received that day in the interview with the Grinch; things aren’t always what they seem.

The author's comments:
For english class we had to choose a children story and twist it, so i chose innocent little Cindy Lu Who to be the theif rather then the Grinch. A fun little twist!

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