the house on the left | Teen Ink

the house on the left

July 5, 2013
By Anonymous

"everyone makes mistakes, but the biggest mistake I made was walking into a house and not your typical house either. this house made a huge impact on my life one that made my heart stop beating..."

Hannah white wasn't your typical teenage girl. she was mocked everyday for being different. Hannah would always wear black, and was fascinated with the paranormal world. all of her drawings and writings revolved around the supernatural. Hannah had black hair with blue highlights that fell just below her shoulders, her right eye was a always covered by her bangs, and her best feature was her blue eyes that stood out like the brightest star in the darkness of the night.

not only was Hannah different but so was the street she lived on. all of the houses were on the right except for an old abandoned house that stood tall on the left. the house looked like a mansion . moss was growing all throughout the outside of the building, the windows were shattered from kids throwing rocks at them, the grass was all dead, a playground stood a foot away from the building, on the top of the building there was a cross statute, and just below that statue was a door a door that lead to no where. Hannah lived across the street from the house, and every night she would stare out her window and wonder.. people claimed that the house was empty but if so why would she always hear ear-piercing screams and be the only one who hears this? finally Hannah became so curious about this mysterious house that she decided to Google it and what she read sent chills down her spine.

this particular house wasn't made for a family but for the insane. Coldwater mental institution was a place to put the mentally unstable back in the 1800's and was also a bone chilling place to be. the care for the patients was unbearable they only got one meal a day, the rooms were extremely small, they had only one pair of clothes to wear, and the doctors didn't even care about the patients health only their own. over one hundred lives were lost but there was one story that caught Hannah's eye the most. the story talks about a thirteen year girl whose parents made her go to the asylum because they thought she was insane when she was really sane. a year in the hospital made her go insane and by age fifteen she jumped to her death from the very top floor of the building. the girls name was Mary white. Hannah felt sick to her stomach and as she took one last glance at the house she made a decision tomorrow at sundown she was going to check into Coldwater even if that meant she had the possibility of not checking out.

when morning came Hannah found herself drawn to the structure of the house more than usual. she spent almost all day drawing pictures of the asylum. once the sun went down it was time for her investigation. she snuck out her window and made her way to the eerie looking house. the door was jammed from the inside but luckily there was a window slightly opened enough for her to get in. once she got in she saw mold all over the walls, rats and bugs were scattering all throughout building, and the smell of death instantly filled the air around her. as Hannah was taking pictures she heard something be violently thrown across the room on one of the upper level floors. Hannah crept up the stairs and what she saw next made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

in the long dark hallway stood a figure. before Hannah could see who or what is the figure disappeared in a blink of a eye. all of the sudden she heard what sounded to be the laughter of children. Hannah made her way to the nearest window and looked outside towards the playground. the swings were swaying back and forth as if someone was swinging on them. what was odd about the situation was that there was no wind to make the swings move. Hannah smiled at the thought of children being able to be free from all the pain the hospital brought them. Hannah's smile faded as soon as she saw the swings quickly stop and heard voices saying "she's here, leave now". confused, Hannah took another glance out the window but this time she saw a fifteen year old girls body laying motionless on the ground. Hannah backed away from the window and ran out the room. when she came across the long hallway she saw the figure again. Hannah grew pale and just stared at the figure. instead of the figure disappearing it looked directly at her and began to crawl towards her. the closer the figure got the paler Hannah got until finally Hannah let out a blood curing scream and shut her eyes closed. once she opened them the figure had vanished, that was Hannah's chance to escape before she too gets imprisoned in this hell. she ran to the window she came in at and just as she was about to climb out she felt a tight grip on her ankle. the figure was holding on to Hannah, Hannah began to violently kick and scream "LET ME GO!" the figure finally let go long enough for Hannah to escape and as fast as she could Hannah ran home.

after that night in Coldwater Hannah was never herself. she would always say things that made no since almost as if she was possessed, even her best friend Caroline noticed her strange behavior. a week after Hannah's visit to the asylum her body was found on the damp ground outside of Coldwater. it had appeared that she had jumped to her death. in Hannah's hand was her journal along with all the unexplained pictures she drew of her experience but there was something that caught everyone's eye. it was one of the last things she had written before her death, it said "everyone makes mistakes but the biggest mistake I made was walking into a house and not your typical house either. this house made a huge impact on my life one that made my heart stop beating" what was said to happen to my friend Hannah was that she entered has Hannah white, but left has Mary white...

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on Jul. 6 2013 at 3:48 pm
a_heart_to_love SILVER, San Diego, California
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
you know your inlove when you can't sleep because reality is finally bettere than your dreams

you story sent chills down my spine. well done