In The Shadows Someones Watching!!! | Teen Ink

In The Shadows Someones Watching!!!

July 2, 2013
By KittyKat14 BRONZE, Montague, California
KittyKat14 BRONZE, Montague, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We are what we wear, we wear what we are!

The day started like any other, I got up, got dressed, and went to school. I arrived at school ten minutes late but as our class is usually late I was able to get in line unnoticed. We were going through our normal day routine when Mr. Pinndel made an announcement over the loud speaker: “excuse the interruption teachers but the seventh and eighth grade class will be going on a field trip in about an hour. Will those two classes please meet me in the gym at ten thirty? Thank you.” Click. I couldn’t sit still the rest of the morning and by the looks of things I wasn’t the only one excited about our field trip.

The time came and the two classes filed into the gym waiting to be assigned there groups and drivers. I stood there patently waiting finally I was assigned Amber and Emi in my group. Our driver was an old man with a kind face I didn’t recognize him so I just thought he was a volunteer driver. We were about to leave when Mr. Pinndel added Destiney to our group we shuffled around trying to make room for her considering the car only had three seats I ended up sharing a seat with Emi and Amber and Destiney shared the other.

The fog was thick as we drove. I thought we were somewhere in Ashland but wasn’t able to verify because of the fog. The road got slicker with every mile we went and I couldn’t even see the road anymore do to the fog. I felt the car lurch forward and was informed that we’d lost control of the car. Shortly after we gained control again and were on our way. I knew we wouldn’t be able to keep in control of the car much longer. Fear built up inside of me as the thought overwhelmed my brain. The car lurched forward again and as I thought we weren’t able to gain control again. We spun around and around until I heard an ear piercing scream. I wasn’t sure what the scream was for but then I saw it, a cliff and we were headed right for it.

We were falling, fast the car was filled with our screams as we thought this was the end of us. We hit the ground and I plummeted into shock as I tried to comprehend what was happening. I was jolted into reality as a big rock fell on the windshield sending glass everywhere. I put my arms up to try to protect me face. I felt the shards rip and tear at my skin. I wanted to lower my arms but held them there despite the unbearable pain. What felt like hours was actually only seconds. I lowered my arms they were streaked in blood along with my white and pink shirt.

My head ached and my body was numb. All I wanted to do was sleep but then I remembered my friends I leaned forward to see that the nice old man had a piece of glass protruding out of his stomach. I knew without having to check for a pulse that he was dead. A dark heavy blackness started to consume me as the world spun around me. I fought against the darkness trying to stay conscious. I fell back against my seat as the sleep was to strong to try and over power. As I slipped into the sleep I thought about my family and how devastated they’d be to get the call from the police saying there daughter and sister were dead. My mom’s face was the last image in my mind before the darkness consumed me completely.

As I gained consciousness I opened my eyes. I closed them at the sudden brightness. I waited a few minutes letting my eyes flutter open and adjust to the light. Once I was able to feel my body I sat up and chills ran up and down my back I looked around and saw that the fog had grown even thicker than before. I saw Emi laying still in her seat, I felt for a pulse and wasn’t successful. I crawled out of the car stumbling over something in the process. I looked down and squinted through the fog. I saw a name and a death date, “a graveyard?” I asked myself aloud.

I heard a twig snap and got the uncomfortable feeling that I was being watched. I ran blindly stumbling as I went. I looked back but couldn’t see anything through the fog. I fell to the ground as my body collided with someone else’s. I shut my eyes as I had a sharp pain come from my face. I put my hand up to my face and returned it with a sticky brownish red liquid. I realized moments later it was blood. Form what I could feel I had a gash in my upper cheek below my right eye. I looked down and found the source a sharp rock had come in contact with my cheek when I had hit the ground.

I had a splitting headache and my body was numb. I heard a moan come from next to me and that's when I remembered the other person. I crawled limply over to them, they… she was probably in as much pain as I was. I saw her hair indicating she was female. She looked familiar but my head ached and I couldn’t concentrate. I helped her sit up and realized it was Amber.

I sat on a rock as she dabbed at my cut. I winced as she rubbed across a tender part of my wound. She got the cloth wet again with the little water she had left cleaning of all of the dried blood. When she was finished we put a knee band-aid on it to keep it from getting infected.

I asked her why she wasn’t in the car and she said she was looking for Destiney when she found her dead. Her shirt soaked with blood. Amber wasn’t sure if it had been from the car window exploding and she crawled away in need of help but bled to death trying to remove the glass. Well whatever it was it was gone when amber had found her.

Tears filled my eyes as I imagined Destiney lying there in need of help. I wondered if she had known she was going to die. I thought of the window exploding and remembered that Destiney wasn’t in the car when it happened. A lot of questions formed in my mind, questions I couldn’t answer and neither could Amber.

I got the feeling again that I… we were being watched. I told Amber about my feeling and she confirmed my assumptions she knew she was being watched. Chills ran up and down my spine as terror filled my body. Before I could say anything a girl I had never seen before stepped out from behind a tree. I stared at her, her skin was pale white but she was beautiful. She had long black hair that moved in the breeze and she wore a white lace gown that fell to the ground. She looked so young as if she were only fifteen. I saw something shine in her hand in the little light we had. She moved closer and I hardly saw what it was before Amber grabbed my arm and we began to run. The object she held was a silver handled knife.

I ran as fast as I could not looking back. I was a few feet ahead Amber but I didn’t slow down. I ran until I felt as if my lungs were going to collapse. I stopped to catch my breath expecting Amber to be right behind me but she wasn’t. I stood up straight fear surging through my body. I considered the thought that she may have turned further back without me knowing. I walked slowly my hands on my hips. I heard a shuffling noise and I started to run again.

I stumbled over something and fell to the ground. I crawled over to see what it was and saw it was Amber. I saw that her light green shirt was now a dark red color. I didn’t fight my tears they streaked down my cheeks as I sat there looking at her limp body. The image of Destiney traveled into my mind. Was this what had happened to her?
I saw a shadow block my light telling me that someone was behind me. I turned around slowly looking at the mystery girl. I was terrified and I knew I was next. I blinked wiping away my tears and when I reopened my eyes she was gone. I looked around but couldn’t see her. I was cold and alone in a graveyard and I hadn’t the slightest clue on where I was or how to get out.
I stood up from the place I had been sitting. I jumped at a low growl that came from behind me. I turned slowly seeing a golden brown wolf with gold eyes standing on the other side of Amber. It was quick as lightening and the next second its body pinned me to the ground. I could feel its hot breath on my face. I closed my eyes ready for whatever would happen to me. I felt the wolf move and then I could no longer feel the wait of the wolf on me. I opened my eyes and the wolf had disappeared.
I got up and brushed the dirt off my clothes. The feeling had come back that uncomfortable feeling that you're being watched. The feeling had become familiar to me but it was still unnerving. I saw two eyes staring at me from the shadows. I felt as if they could see through my clothes but I just stood there staring back at the eyes. The girls eyes were green so I was sure it wasn’t her. The wolfs eyes were gold like these but this figure was to tall.
These eyes were a gold color I had never seen before in a person’s eyes. I stood mesmerized by the beauty in this gorgeous creatures golden eyes. It was almost dawn and I could see the broad shoulders of this person. I still wasn’t sure if this figure was male or female.
I saw them move further into the shadows so that I would not be able to see them. I saw an expression cross there face. It almost looked like an expression of confusion. Then the person stepped out of the shadows and I was not expecting what I saw next.
There stood a male before me he had a golden hair color just like the wolfs. His clothes were covered in blood and he smelled of raw meat. He took a step towards me and said “hi my name is Jake.” The look of confusion crossed his face again and I wondered what it was about. Then as if he had read my mind he said “how can you see me I’m dead?” Then he vanished.
I hadn’t seen Jake since this morning and it was probably about 4:00 in the afternoon. It was probably Saturday which meant I hadn’t eaten in four days. So I was hungry and in need of new clothes. My jeans were ripped and covered in blood. My shirt was now red and ripped in the side exposing my torn pink flesh.
I heard a familiar sound and soon I was able to identify it as rushing water. I ran towards the sound getting closer and closer past some trees I saw it. The evening sunlight shone off the river making the water look a bright gold color. I stripped my body of my clothes and climbed in the river. The water felt sweet on my skin and sang through my veins as I washed the dried blood of my torso and face, then I grabbed my shirt and washed as much blood as I could out of it. My once white shirt was now a light pink color. I climbed out of the river and got dressed. I wondered if the river may lead to a road. I put my hair in a ponytail and decided to take the chance.
I was walking when Jake appeared in front of me without warning. I smacked into him and he caught me standing me upright. One second I saw Jake and the next I saw the wolf. I was shocked at this transformation. I took a step back and he reached out to grab my arm but I flinched away. “Let me explain” he said. “I was murdered in my human form so my wolf form is the only living part of me” he stated. “So I’m a…” “Werewolf” I said interrupting him. He nodded his head slowly. I took another step back and tripped. I hit my head on something hard, a rock maybe. Everything rushed through my mind overwhelming all of my thoughts. I felt Jake pick me up from the ground and carry me away as I slipped into a dark sleep.
I woke up in a light room. Once I was conscious enough to see I was able to identify the room as one in a log cabin. I sat up and regretted my choice as pain coursed its way through my body. I felt a pain coming from my head and when I lifted my hand to feel it I discovered someone had cleaned and bandaged my wound. I looked to my right and saw Jake looking at me. He wore a smirk on his lips. “Pretty nasty fall you had” he said.
Then all of my memories flooded into my head. “Werewolf” I whispered under my breath. I looked at him and he said something but I didn’t quite here him. I backed up against the wall and he came over and told me not to be afraid. I smacked him and screamed “HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT MY NOT TO BE AFRAID.” I won’t hurt you he said in a voice smooth as silk. “I promise” he whispered in my ear as he rapped me in his arms.
I fought the desire of giving in and letting him hold me and love me. Then reality kicked in and I pushed him away. Shock covered his face. He stepped forward but I put my hands up to block him. “You’re a monster” I whispered. “No” he said “that’s just fear talking I won’t hurt you” he repeated.
He reached out and grabbed my wrist before I could turn away. He pulled me closer so that now I was looking into his bright, beautiful gold eyes. I saw his eyes close and before I knew what was happening I felt his soft lips on mine. I closed my eyes rapping my arms around his neck. His lips felt like the inside of a rose on mine and I couldn’t help think of Austen. I pushed my hands against his chest breaking our kiss. My body was screaming at me wanting him, needing him but my mind told me that this was fake and that it meant nothing but I wanted it to. Besides my mom would kill me if she ever found out. “I’m sorry” I said as I walked out of the cabin.

I ran as tears blinded me. I didn’t know where I was going but I just wanted to get as far away from Jake as I could. How could I love someone I didn’t know? How could I love a monster?

The author's comments:
i was inspired by a class trip i went on and we drove by an accident so i let my brain do its thing and this is what i got!

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