The Cries of a Witch | Teen Ink

The Cries of a Witch

September 6, 2013
By Anonymous

“We stand here today, in front of a pretty white hair girl with her green eyes. Her hair color is unusual yes, but we still took her in. Even thought she could have been working for the devil. Her eyes were cute with her white hair that turned blood red these past months. She has committed crime after crime without us knowing. This is a Witch. She has hanged those poor five girls. That only tried to help her. They tried being nice to her. Slowly she killed them all after they got close to her closet friend, Dean Leblanc.” explained the witch hunter. His brown hair is going crazy in the wind. He stares down the girl on the cross. And grins,” First of all things! We shall start by pelting her with rocks. Stone the witch!! She has killed five of our daughters!” Everyone picks up a stone. But none use it. Why? Because they all feel like they do not need to stone the witch. For she cannot be a witch. One rock flies and hits the witch’s belly. She didn’t even filch. She just keeps her head down.
Finally the pretty girls mouth opens,” Do you all not wish to know my name before I am killed? Do you all not want to know the pretty girl’s name before her skin is crispy? Do you all not want to know what the mother of this poor girl called her for her short fifth teen years? “ The girl talks. Her pretty white hair is dark now. Dirty. Her light green eyes no longer shine. I only see her depression. My poor weak friend.
“For my name is a pretty one. One to match my weird and strange appearance but simple enough to have beauty. It’s Hena. Hena Glen. If I were a witch, I would f chop every down here. Well if I was a cruel one. No. If I were one, all of you wouldn’t even have the luxury to remember this face. “Hena speaks. This girl’s voice is so strong. , for one who has been hit in the belly. The girl finally looks up and smiles. She smiled at me. She smiled at one who betrayed her.
She smiled at everyone,” If I am to go down. I want it to be in song!” Her light green eyes are back. Oh why have I fallen for one of the most insane girls in Boston? Her hair was hair yes. Her green eyes made you want her to be close. But she is so cruel. Hena is willing to smile at me! In the face of death! In the face of depression and in the face of madness! I do not truly understand this girl. Everyone begins to sing
“Burn the witch down. Let the flames consumes her sins. May her lies be spared? And her pretty white hair be black.” They all sing,” Burn her green eyes. Do not let her rearise.”
“Dean!! Sing!” Hena shouts to me. She is hurt yet she is singing?!? This woman… Is she an inbred?! An adorable inbred?! I begin to sing. But a different song.
“Pretty white hair. To match her light green eyes. Pretty white skin. Too much for the flames. Pretty cute face. Not all great. Her trust in others. Too overwhelming. Not once has she lied. Not once has she sin. Only when it came to defense. Not once had she been. A normal girl.” I sang softly.
They lit the wood under her feet. She stared at it while it crawl up her legs. I left. I didn’t come back till they said she was gone. I came back. Her body was a crisp. Her white hair was gone. Most of it black. I didn’t look at it anymore. It was too much to bear.
“Here we stand. Next to a burned witch. Her sprit cannot haunt us. She is forever gone. Now I shall call up her betrayer! Dean LeBlanc! Come up here and let us tie you.” The witch hunter said.
“WHAT?! I TELL YOU SHE’S A WITCH AND YOU DARE TIE ME TO THE CROSS?! I AM ON GODS SIDE!” I was so angry. I felt betrayed! After I betrayed my best friend. My only friend and my lover. Everyone grabs me. , and drags me out to the cross. They put me in ropes. My eyes are watering. I can smell burn flesh. I’m so sick.
“We are here to watch a little witch’s helper, lover and friend be burn today. For though he might not know. She could take him over. And kill us all. She was a witch. This boy is her helper. He should have known when she could run faster than him.” The witch hunter speaks again his stupid accent showing.
Memories flash through me. First would be the day I meet Hena. I was running away after playing a simple prank. And I bump into her. She was crying. I confront her. She said everyone hated her. Her mom made her play with, Tula, Yael, Beans, Urfa and Tenniel. They all yanked on her hair. And beaten her with brushes and brooms. She hugged me. This strange girl hugged me. Her eyes were golden. The day I meet her. Golden of sadness and depression and fear. I never saw those golden eyes ever again after that day. I played with her every day after that. I fell in love with her when she beaten me in racing. No one ever beats me in that. I was her angel. Then one day it all fell apart. Her first victim was Urfa. Urfa was mad at her because she wouldn’t give her any money or coins. Urfa had beaten Hena. I ran away. When I came back. Urfa was really sad and depressed. Later that day she was killed by herself. The rest of the girls followed the same fate. I was so scared. Hena told me she was a witch. She was enlightened. I was scared my friend was possessed. I ran to the Church for help. They watched her. And then one day they just took her after they saw what color her hair was. She was weird insane and crazy. Doesn’t that make me the same for loving her? I only wanted to be accepted by God. And everyone else... I actually didn’t care if Hena got killed or not. I just wanted to be loved by all. Now I stand here tie to a stake. Hot coals at my feet. The fire eating my legs. Eating my betrayal. I wonder if Hena will ever learn to forgive me. Maybe if I beg.
I wake up suddenly in my room. Gasping for air. It’s so hot in here. GOD! These dreams are the worst of it all! Stupid dumb school. Giving me stupid ideas about the stupid Salem Witch Trials. No one cared then why should it matter now? Why must it always involved me being burn after betraying Hena! Why would I EVER betray my girlfriend?!

The author's comments:
This takes place during the Salem Witch trails. It shows that if you are a betrayer the same fate will happen to you. A girl trusted a friend with all her dirty little secrets. And the boy's grandson dreamed it.

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