Seeing my worst fears | Teen Ink

Seeing my worst fears

November 6, 2013
By nick howard BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
nick howard BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

As I’m running through the city park on a stormy night All I’m thinking about is if I’m running fast enough so that I’m getting far enough away from the man that killed my college professor. But as im running an running beads of rain hitting me in the face, thunder crackling overhead. I looked up for a brief moment to see where to run next, and he’s just standing there under the dim lamp post. And I know it’s him because I can see the gun in his hand that he used to kill my professor. All I can think of “Oh s***! Where do I go? Where can I run?” but there’s nowhere I can really that I can run cause he’ll be there just like he’s here now. Then I started to worry even more now because he starts walking toward me.
Rain beating down on him just like it is on me. The moon the only thing giving us any light since the lamp post doesn’t give off much light. A few minutes later he’s standing right in front of me, with his dark brown hair looking black cause if the rain and his sweater soaked from all the rain seeming to weigh a hundred pounds on his shoulders just as mine is. An now that he’s here up in front of me, I really don’t know what to think besides he looks really familiar. But I just can’t place where I’ve seen him before. Then he starts to raise the gun and points it at me. An as he barks “Don’t Move!” that’s when I recognize him…
It’s me!

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