The Woods | Teen Ink

The Woods

November 1, 2013
By Anonymous

“I’m not doing that that’s suicide” said ted
“So that makes you a wuss” said Ted’s friend Ryan

“I’m not doing it unless you will give me ten dollars”
“Fine if you can go into the forest on your own and stay there from dusk till dawn”
“Ok” said Ted

Ted walking home from school was shivering as if he was in the arctic “What am I going to do” Ted thought. “Doesn’t Ryan Remember the story of the chainsaw forest and some guy wielding a chainsaw chasing down every person till someone kill him and his spirit roams the very forest to this day”. He walked to the edge of the forest and he heard a faint sound.
“Goooo Awayyy”

Frightened by the sound Ted ran the rest of the way home turning around repeatedly to see if anyone was following him. When he got home he ran upstairs to get prepared. “I am problobly going to need a weapon to protect myself” said Ted as he brought his pellet sub-machine gun, food, water, a tent, and some ammo. As night was coming fast Ted got even more scared. “Will I come out alive, is this worth it”. Before Ted made a decision we were already at the front of the woods. He Gulped and walked inside. In the forest Ted thought it was going to be easy. He found a place to camp and put up his tent and crawled inside. Before he knew it he was asleep.
“Leave….Now” said a faint voice.

Ted thinking it was Ryan trying to scare him shrugged it off and went back to sleep. Suddenly he heard the sound of a chainsaw slicing through silk fabric. While screaming Ted grabbed his weapon and ran out of his tent to see a floating chainsaw demolishing his tent. As Ted saw the whole thing unfold he knew he had to get away from this thing. Running as fast as he can he dare not to look behind him thinking he going to be found. He heard the sound of a dying chainsaw and then silence. Thinking it was just a trick Ted kept on running till he found an abandoned home in the middle of the woods. “This might be a good place to stay for the night” Ted said to himself as he quietly walked inside the home and closing the door behind. As he glanced around the home with his pellet gun ready he wanted to find some light. Feeling a switch he flipped it and took a step back in horror to see the walls covered with pictures of trees and a stick figure holding something. Ted thought Ryan was just joking with him until he heard crunching leaves. Being absolutely silent Ted walked upstairs and started checking each window. When there was nothing in sight Ted gave a brief sigh as he heard different footsteps coming from inside the house and these footsteps were not his.

Now Ted is scared as he left the room he was in he saw the guy with the chainsaw staring at him. Ted now screaming in horror ran right into another bedroom and jumped out the window not realizing he was on the second floor. Falling right into a dumpster and broke his legs. “HELLLP” he yelled out in pain but nobody could save him. As Teds vision was fading away from him the last thing he saw was the guy with the chainsaw.

The author's comments:
I really wanted to make a story

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