The Man Who Was Everyone | Teen Ink

The Man Who Was Everyone

November 13, 2013
By Woobatoo BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
Woobatoo BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was a man. This man’s name was Randy. Randy liked things done a certain way. If he saw something was done incorrectly he would usurp whatever the task was and do it himself. The trouble was that everyday Randy changed. Some would say that Randy is bipolar, but no, Randy’s problem was much more peculiar than that. You see not only did Randy’s emotions change, but so did his memories. If Randy woke up and was acting stoic then he could recall a time when he would go weeks without smiling. Other times when he woke up he would remember about how in the 7th grade he was know for his smile. Randy’s plight doesn’t end there however. You see not only did Randy’s memories and emotions change so did his skills. It was as if each day Randy woke up a different person. Muscle memory was gone and each day he had a new skill. One day he could untie any knot the next he would be fumbling around like a fledgling at even the tiniest pieces of thread. Doctors came from all over the world trying to cure Randy. Even when the conclusion was made that Randy was incurable, doctors still came just to try to understand what was happening, to find a pattern among the myriad of personalities, to get themselves out of a quandary. This all changed one day.

It was a crisp Thursday when the doctor rolled up to Randy’s house. This was no ordinary doctor, this man knew. He knew he had to know more. He knew he had a cure. He knew it would work it had to work. He strolled up to the house and rang the doorbell. Randy opened the door. The doctor first noticed Randy’s unkempt hair. The doctor introduced himself as Tomas Bumbulton. Randy felt a wave of pure choler arising, he knew he had to work on his anger he has had a problem for as long as he could remember.

“If you're here to do tests then don’t even bother,” sighed Randy ”Everyone else who has tried failed already and frankly I’m sick of needles.”

“Well Randy,” said Tomas in a cheerful tone that rather infuriated Randy ”I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I along with the company I’m endorsed by have a cure, the bad news is it involves needles.” At first Randy was immutable. He eventually agreed. The doctor gave Randy a code just in case Randy forgot about the Doctor and accused him of being spurious. The doctor understood, reporters posing, as doctors just to get a picture of Randy were rampant.

Tomas came back two days later. By the time he got to Randy’s house it was late almost 10:30. When he knocked on the door Randy seemed in a despondent mood. He tried to make conversation, but Randy was terse and reticent.

“All right then let’s get on with it,” Tomas said with only a slight hit of anticipation in his voice. Randy just grumbled and nodded slightly. The pair went up to Randy’s bedroom. As Tomas prepared the needle Randy rolled back his sleeve. Randy then felt a surge as every personality; every memory, every muscle movement he ever thought, made, or did happened at once.

“What’s happening?” screamed Tomas his voice filled with realization and trepidation as pure as anyone ever has or ever will. He knew what would happen. Even before the room started swirling. Tomas lunged for a bookcase but he knew the precarious position would not hold. Light, bright, white, blinding, light shone throughout the entire room it was ubiquitous. Tomas now knew Randy was a bug, a glitch in the universe. He now knew what happens when reality is altered. Tomas now knew he couldn’t be saved, no one could. He now knew Randy was going to tear the fabric of the universe apart. He now knew Randy had been everybody so now there could be nobody.

The author's comments:
I had to write this piece using SAT words. It actually became something fun so. I decided to submit it

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