One Chance | Teen Ink

One Chance

November 18, 2013
By Mirsad Suljic BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
Mirsad Suljic BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
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"Derrick lets the f*** out of here! Hurry up you're going to get us caught" said Omar as they held up a gas station gun point trying to get some cash. The street is quickly filling up with cop cars as Derrick and Omer flee the scene. "Hurry lets go to my house so we can count this cash" said Derrick man were going to have stacks on stacks. So we both get Five-hundred and ten dollars each he said. The time was getting closer as for Omar as he’s preparing for the Basketball game that could change history at Millis High. The state championship VS the Huskies, champions for 9 years straight. Omar is ranked Number one in his school and has gotten a full ride to Chi-Town University to play basketball. Getting dressed in his room Omar hears a loud Banging on his door. Someone yelling from the outside, Omar get your ass to the door now. Omar peeks out the window to see who is was, it was slim, and slim is the leader in the Street gang called Glory Gang Omar is affiliated with. Slim is 6’5 big guy who’s known for always carrying guns with him and when he’s after you; you know you’re in trouble. Omar walks down stairs fast and opens the door. Slim flied in, "The word the street is that you’re stepping out of the gang because of some f*ing sport?" Said slim. Is it going to be like that homie? I’m going tell you this one time and one time only. It’s either the gang or your life now you choose. Omar stood up and got into Slims face "Hey man I'm not afraid of you all these b**** ass mother f*ers might be but I'm not." Omar was getting hated on really fast in the hood because he was becoming famous. But he didn’t let that stop him he wanted money so he could get out of the hood. One evening the phone rang, it was Omar’s brother calling to let him know. His mother has being brutally beat at the bus stop waiting for bus nine to take her to work. She was taken to the hospital in critical condition. The doctors at the hospital said that she might not make it because of her head injury. Can anything else go wrong omar asked himself. That night he spent the night in the hospital waiting for any good news. He kept asking himself who would do such a thing to her. Until it popped up in his head it could have been derrick trying to teach me a lesson for leaving the gang for basketball. He quickly stands up and grabs his cellphone and calls derrick. Derrick never picks up the phone. Omar thinks to himself what if it is him I really can’t do anything about it he’s going to end up kill me!

The next day derrick calls Omar asking him why he called Omar asked him if he had anything to do with the beating of his mom. Derrick said no he was in jail that day he got caught with a little bit of drugs. Omar was kind relieved to hear that he had nothing to do with it because he didn’t want anything to do with derrick. Derrick said he was sorry for what had happened to his mother. Omar hung up the phone when the doctor walks in to tell him that his mother passed away from her injuries and brain damage. Omar just sat there and broke down he was mad at himself because he felt like he was responsible for the death of his mother. He still felt like derrick had something to do with the death of his mother and maybe if he still stayed in the gang his mom would be alive right now. But in the city where he lived a lot of people followed the no snitching rule. If anybody ever snitched on a gang or gang member they would end up getting shot and killed.

The next morning Omar woke up and sat in bed thinking what if I go pro in basketball everyone in the squad is going to want me to give them money and if I don’t they will keep killing my family members till they get what they want and that’s what is going to happen. I’m just going to quit playing basketball and leave the gang because it’s not worth losing my family over it. A week later the Chicago police contacted Omar about the case and said that they have no witnesses and suspects and do n0ot expect to move forward with it the case will turn into a cold case and still be open till someone comes forward. Omar hung up the phone and cried. I will never see my mom and she will never get justice for her killer.

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