Watch Your Back | Teen Ink

Watch Your Back

November 22, 2013
By Jocelyn Ward BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
Jocelyn Ward BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
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“I need a bus to 35th Street immediately; it appears that a man has been assaulted,” Detective Kors said. “I also need backup, and a crime unit to come out here.”
John Wilkins would have never guessed that he would be the one in the alley way being stabbed two times and hit upside the head with a beer bottle. Having no clue who had assaulted him, he was completely clueless. Lying in the hospital bed, unable to move because of how sore he was.
“I was coming home from the office, I had no idea what was happening, and then I ended up here.” John said with confusion
“Well, I am Detective Kors, and I will be working your case. Is there anything at all that you can remember about the assault?”
“I had been working a long day in the office; I am an accountant, you see? And it was about twelve o’clock in the morning when I finally headed home. I tried to catch the one o’clock bus. I guessed that the bus was running late, so I decided to walk the ten blocks to my house.”
“What happened after that, John?” Kors said calmly.
“The streets were covered in rain from the night before and I could not see anyone in sight. The only sounds I could hear behind me were the ones of the trash cans clashing together from the alley between the apartments. Walking by each and every alley I could hear the rustling of rats scavenging for food. “
“You are doing great, John, keep going.”
“I would look back every so often because I felt that someone was walking behind me, so I would swiftly turn around and no one would be there. I started to get frightened, so I proceeded to jog slightly. I became more panicked with every foot step I took. Next, I could hear faint footsteps behind me that is when I realized that I needed to started running. I ran without looking back at the person that had been following me.”
“Great job, John.” Kors said excitedly.
“I do not know if I can finish talking about this, but I will try,” John said traumatized. “I soon started to get out of breath. I have bad asthma and I never carry my inhaler with me. I collapsed to the sidewalk when I was only about 5 blocks from my apartment. The stranger jumped on top of me, I screamed at the person telling them to not hurt me, and to get off. Of course they did not listen to a word I said. I was trying to catch my breath from running and screaming, but I could not. The stranger then dragged me into an alley of a random apartment. He yelled at me continuously saying, “This is for everything you have done to me!” I had no clue what that meant, and his breath reeked of alcohol. Then this is when he stabbed me two times, and proceeded to hit me in the head with a beer bottle. “
“You have done so well, John” Kors said with a smile on his face. “This will help tremendously!”
“Another thing, the man that had assaulted me was wearing a black ski mask, but I noticed he had green eyes and was white, and the nurse that has been taking care of me told me that my wallet is missing. I really need that back, Detective. ”
Kors eagerly rushed out of the hospital and headed straight to the crime scene. There was yellow tape covering half of the block, and numerous police officers and crime units.
“Kors, we took samples of blood that was found on the ground, and we sent it to the lab to see who it belongs to.” Said the crime unit lab technician, Sarah.
Kors continued to search the premises for anything that could help him solve the crime. Everything he picked up he put into plastic bags and sent them to the crime lab for further examination. Kors went through the dumpsters that were between the apartments. Nothing was interesting to him, until he was getting out of the dumpster and noticed a tan wallet on the ground.
“Well, look what we have here.” Kors said eagerly.
Kors proceeded to open the wallet to see whom it belonged to, and, of course, it belonged to John Wilkins. He then placed it in a plastic bag for finger printing and further examination.
“Kors look what I have found under a pile of trash!” said one of the crime examiners. “A broken beer bottle, and there is a clear print on the bottle!”
Kors took all the evidence to the crime lab technician, Sarah, said that the fingerprints would not go through the system until tomorrow, so Kors would have to wait an extra day for the results.
Kors grew impatient for the results; he hardly slept all the night before because he was so nervous for the results. Kors went into the office bright and early that morning to see what Sarah had to say.
“Well, we have a match. The match is a man by the name of Michael Brawl. He has been arrested for aggravated assault to a police officer and possession of a weapon without a license.” said Sarah with confidence.
“Give me his address, hurry!”
“34th and Main, Apartment 25.”
Kors rushed over to the apartment, making his way up the two flights of stairs to finally reach the door of Michael Brawl.
“Police! Open up!” Kors said aggressively as he was banging on the door.
No one answered, but he could hear the rustling of papers inside the apartment.
“I can hear you, Michael. I just want to talk. Open the door!”
There was silence within the apartment, and with one swift action Kors kicked the door down. He would not hesitate to capture the man that could have possibly assaulted John. Kors noticed that Michael was trying to flee through the fire escape. Kors tackled Michael to the ground with force; he put the shiny handcuffs around his wrists.
“Why are you trying to run away Michael?” Kors asked as he was tightening the handcuffs onto his wrists.
“I got scared; I have some traffic tickets I have not paid,” Michael said gasping for breath.
“Well, I am going to need to take you down to the station for further questions.” Kors said sternly.
“Why? I have not done anything wrong; I just got a little scared. You can understand, right?”
“Actually, no I cannot understand. You can help me understand down at the station.”
With a fast action Kors helped Michael to his feet, walked him through the apartment and out of the door. Kors aggressively put Michael into the police car.
Back at the station, Michael sat in the interrogation room, a very cold room with gray walls, a single window with bars covering it, and a big one way window so the police could see what he was doing. Michael sat in the room impatiently waiting for Detective Kors; he constantly tapped his foot on the ground.
“He looks nervous; I should go in there and try to get a confession out of him,” Kors said to his supervisor.
“Go get him, Detective!”
Kors busted in the room and took little time trying to get a confession out of Michael.
“Where were you Saturday night at about eleven-fifty?”
“I was at my apartment, watching movies all night.”
“Do you have anyone that can back you up?”
“Actually, no, I am a single man and I live by myself,” said Michael with a confident look on his face.
“Well, can you explain to me why your fingerprint is on John Wilkins’s wallet that was at the crime scene?”
“As a matter of fact I can, I work with him at the office, and he dropped his wallet on Saturday on our lunch break. I picked it up for him since his hands were full.”
“Okay, then explain this. Tell me why your fingerprint was on a broken beer bottle that was used to hit John upside the head.”
Silence filled the room at the police station.
“Uh, uh, uh…” Michael stuttered.
Before Michael had a chance to say anything, Kors interrupted.
“So, tell me why you did this to him,” Kors asked with confusion.
“He told my boss I was stealing money from the safe at work, I got fired. I cannot provide for myself, I am living out of my pickup truck, so I am essentially homeless.”
Michael started bawling and pleading with the Detective.
“I am so sorry, I did not mean for this to happen. I was just so angry and I did not know how to control my anger, so I followed him home from the office on Saturday, and I stabbed and hit him in the head with a beer bottle. “
Kors walked out of the room, and he could still hear Michael crying from the interrogation room.
The detective decided to make a trip to the hospital to tell John that someone had been caught and would be put in jail.
“We figured out who assaulted you, John,” Kors exclaimed
“Really? Who?”
“A man by the name of Michael Brawl.”
“Michael? I cannot believe it! We have worked together for years, I am shocked!”
As John lay supine in the hospital bed, he was confused.
“That was one of my good friends, and I cannot believe that he would hurt me.”
“Well, we are just glad that we got this man off the streets, and he will not be able to harm you anymore.”
“Thank you again, Detective Kors!” John said with happiness.
“Come visit my office when you get out of the hospital to let me know how you are doing.”
“Of course, anything for you!”

The author's comments:
Crime shows interest me, so this is how I got my insperation.

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