The Door | Teen Ink

The Door

December 6, 2013
By Anonymous

This is it. The large wooden door I stood in front of could seal my fate forever if I chose to open it. Why was I so hesitant? Was it the fact that this was my first high school party? Perhaps it was the fact that this part was taking place in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. I just got an overall creepy feeling about this. Whatever, I was rolling with a new crowd now. As long as I kept supplying them with the pills they would protect me. I reached for the brass door knob. The icy cold sensation sent shivers down my spine. A bone chilling breeze flew at me; attack every part of my exposed body. Regretfully, I had chosen a really…revealing costume. Technically I didn’t choose it, but if I wanted to roll with this crowd, this is what I had to look like.

I drew my hand back from the brass knob. What was I doing here? Why was I standing at the door to this drug/alcohol infested part when I could’ve been just as happy trick or treating with my old friends? Times like these made me miss them. But why should I care? They started to hate me after I decided to start hanging out with Savannah and her friends. The cool crowd wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Maybe I should go…

The door flew open and Caleb and Adam stumbled out. They were friends with Savannah and definitely the most corrupt boys of the bunch. They were drunk off their asses. “Hey Anna!” Adam shouted. “C’mon in!” The grabbed my arms and pulled me through the door. The door slammed shut behind me. No turning back now. The usually dark warehouse was aluminate with strobe lights and other random light decorations. The normal vacantly depressing atmosphere was now filled with girls in slutty costumes and guys looking like Miley Cyrus at the VMAs. EDM was blaring through the speakers, making everything but the cement floors and walls shake.
“Anna!” A voice shook me out of my thoughts. Savannah started to walk towards me. She looked like she covered herself in glue and jumped in a pool of glitter. Fake gold jewelry bombarded her neck, wrists, and ears. Her blonde hair fell all the way down her back in crimped messy waves. Her hair was just about as long as her sparkly dress, which barely covered anything.

Her heels came to a screeching halt when someone stepped in front of her. They had a tall black cloak on with a red clown mask. He, she it, whatever it was walked past me in slow motion. The big eyes of the clown mask glared at me as the person walked past me. Why the hell was he staring at me like that? When they passed out of my line of vision, Savannah scurried up to me.
“Who was that?” She asked, puzzled.
“I don’t know. They didn’t say anything.” I replied.
Savannah shrugged it off. “So do you have the pills?”
Without hesitation I took out a bag full of light blue anti-depressants. Savanna smiled and pulled me into the crowd, yanking a pill pout of my bag along the way.

Three hours went by and I couldn’t get that person in the cloak out of my head. Every time I would forget about it, another one would appear in the crowd and just stare at me. When I looked, nothing was there. It seemed like there was more than one and they all seemed so familiar. It was probably just my imagination. Maybe a drink would help clear my head. I grabbed a plastic cup and turned to head back onto the dance floor. When I got back, Savannah wasn’t there. She was nowhere on the dance floor. She just disappeared. There were a few hallways in the basement that led to rooms like the kitchen and the furnace. Maybe she stumbled into one of those. Those pills make you disoriented.

Just as I turned to go look for her, I ran into someone. Something. The person in the cloak again. It startled me a little. “Listen you, I don’t know who you are, but you need to quit stalking me.” I said in a brave tone. They tilted their head, in and almost psychotic way. Before either of us said another word Adam and Caleb fell on top of me. They were at their drunkest points of the night. “Hey you look funny. Step off my girl here.” Caleb slurred. He could barely say five words, but he got the message across. The cloak guy glided away back into the crowd. Caleb fell onto his knees. “You’re even more drunk then when I go here.” I laughed. “Have you guys seen Savannah? I can’t find her anywhere.” I asked. Adam just shrugged. He tried to pull Caleb off the floor. No success. They both fell to the floor with a thud and cackling like hyenas.
“Well I’m gonna go look for her.”
“No! Take us with you.” Adam begged, latching onto my leg like a desperate girlfriend.
“You can’t even stand up.” I scoffed.
Adam jumped to his feet. “Let’s go on an adventure.”

The pushed past the crowd to get to the hallway. The hallway was dimly lit. The mucus colored walls had moss growing out to the cracks. The cement floor got darker and darker as I walked on. Adam and Caleb trailed behind me. Well Adam did. Caleb just kind of clung onto him. I got to a point in the hallway where the light was completely gone. The music had turned to a muffled sound and the only smell of alcohol I could smell was coming from a completely inebriated Caleb. The hallway split into two. I took out my phone and used the flashlight to look to the left and right. To the right and left were solid oak doors, all of them cracked open a tad. None of them hand light showing through. Creepy.

“You go one way, I’ll go another.” Adam said.
“What about Caleb?” I gestured to Caleb, who was now completely passed out on the floor.
“Leave him. He’s not gonna go anywhere. Just holler if you need any help.” Adam brushed past me and down the left side of the hallway. I guess I was going right, by myself. Don’t all horror movies say not to do this? Oh well. I guess I wasn’t allowed to look like a wimp. I walked a few feet and pushed open the first door gently. Nothing. Across the hall was another door. Nothing in there either. There was one more door a little farther down. I took a deep breath. “I’m not afraid.” I said to myself as I pushed the door open. I shined my light through the room. In the corner, there was something. A human body. A drunken Savannah perhaps. I breathed a sigh of relief as I moved toward her. It was her. “Savannah.” I pushed her shoulder. No response. “Savannah.” I said again. I pulled on her body this time. She toppled over to the floor. But I don’t think she was drunk.

Her back was fully exposed with knives in it. Blood drained from the stab wounds. She was dead. My head spun and I stumbled backwards. All I could do was scream in horror. I screamed so loudly, it echoed through the halls. Right after me, another person screamed. It was a guy. Then a few more people. I staggered to my feet and booked it out of the room. My heart raced. I fallowed what I thought was right. I sprinted back down the hall toward where the party was. Except now, there was no light. “Aw come on! What happened to the lights and the music?” A guy shouted. “Turn the music back on!” Some girl screamed from the crowd. I tried to catch my breath, but failed. My mind went numb. But before that, one more thought crossed my mind. I never tripped over Caleb.

The lights flashed back on. This time, they were spotlights. They shined on two figures. Two guys. My heart skipped a beat. The world seemed to come to a screeching halt. Nailed to two large dartboards were Adam and Caleb, their intestines spilling out for everyone to see. Blood spilled from their bodies. And then for me, everything went fuzzy. It’s like my head went into the clouds. I heard screams of terror and felt people shove past me in a desperate attempt to escape. Bodies piled out the large wooden door and I severely regretted walking though tonight. My head was telling me to run, but my feet wouldn’t budge. The door oak door slammed shut, bringing me out of my state of delusion.

Three dark figures surrounded me, all carrying knives. I backed into the corner. “What do you want from me!? You killed my friends why are you coming after me?” I sobbed. They were the people in cloaks. The clown masks became ten times scarier and they cornered me. “We want you back.” A muffled voice came from behind the mask in the center. All the lights shut on and the three removed their masks. There, in front of me, stood my ex-best friend. The one I ditched for the new crowd. She smiled painfully at me, tilting her head like the maniac I encountered earlier. Marie. We were closer than close before I left. I knew all her secrets, including the fact that she had some sever psychological disorders. Long story short, she was crazy.

No words came out of my mouth. “Don’t talk. I’ll explain.” Marie started. She began to walk towards me. I slid backwards down the wall. “Don’t be afraid.” She whispered. “See, Anna when you ditched us, I was a little peeved. But soon after realizing I’d miss you too much if you were dead, I came up with a solution. Kill them.” She gestured to Adam and Caleb. “I killed them because they took you away from us Anna. They, the ones who picked on us since junior high had finally gotten you trapped under their little spell of popularity. They didn’t want you. They wanted my pills. I know you’ve had them this whole time.” Marie crouched down in front of me.

I wouldn’t dare look her in the eye. Her menacing glare could turn me to stone for all I knew. At any second, she could plunge her dagger into my heart, she was that unstable. “What’s the matter? Knife got your tongue?” She giggled, sliding the knife through the air. My body trembled. I was helpless. “Listen Anna, now that they’re gone you can come back to us. We can be friends again. Like nothing ever happened. I know everyone has been missing you. Me the most, but Kyle comes in at a close second. Every day he talks about how he wants you back and blah blah mushy lovey stuff. I swear I might just kill him to get him to shut up.” She smirked.

“No!” I shouted. My breath caught in my mouth. The only word I could comprehend was a simple no. “Finally, she speaks. Well now that you have, let’s go. We can go watch our favorite movie.” Marie taunted. As if any of this would ever be normal again. “Marie, I can’t go with you. I can’t.” I stuttered. She chuckled. “I’m sorry. What?”
“I can’t go back, Marie. I just can’t.”
“Well then I guess you won’t be leaving this warehouse alive.” She spoke in monotone. She raised the knife above her head. Any moment, I would feel it piercing my chest. I would fade into blackness. Then a gunshot sounded. It didn’t hit me, but Marie toppled to the floor. The knife flew from her hands across the room. I turned my head slowly to the left; in fear another gunshot would barrel towards me. About ten feet away stood my ex-boyfriend, Kyle, holding a pistol in his shaky hands. “Kyle?”
“Anna, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Anna I’m sorry.” He wept, falling to his knees and sliding the pistol away from him. “Sorry? What are you sorry for?” I crawled over to him. He just saved my life. Out of nowhere too. He didn’t have time to speak before a team of ten or so policemen burst through the wooden door. Kyle and I were whisked away by policemen. I was shoved into the back of a car, demanding answers. No one told me anything. Kyle’s words still remained in my head. What was he sorry for?
One Week Later
“News reports are now showing that the hero of the warehouse killings, Kyle Traumann, was actually involved in the murders. Not only did he kill Marie Jason, but he is also responsible for the death of Adam Bankfield. Scientists and therapists have confirmed that both he and mare Jason were culprits in the warehouse murders. The also shared the same psychological disorders. No one even seemed to know Kyle Traumann had any disorders. More to come as the story unfolds. This is Lilly Stanford ABC 7 News.”
My shaky hand reached up and clicked the TV off. “That’s why he was so sorry.”

The author's comments:
This was a horror story wriiten for my Creative Comp class. i wrote this around Halloween because we were told to write a scary story.

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