The App | Teen Ink

The App

December 20, 2013
By Anonymous

“I can’t wait to get that new app,” said Ali, to her best friend, Olivia.
“I don’t know…” said Olivia with a shaky voice, “something about it worries me.”
In fact Olivia got the shivers every time she thought about it. For some reason just the thought of the title, How to Change Your Whole World, got her to freak out a little bit. Plus, no one was sure exactly about what the app did, everyone talked about getting it, but no one ever talked about it after they had it.
It wasn’t just the thought of the title that concerned Olivia, but the fact that ever since the app came out a week ago, a random string of murders had also started to occur. She wasn’t sure if a serial killer was just on the loose in their tiny little town, since being crazy wasn’t exactly strange, or if maybe it had something to do with the app. She just couldn’t get this app off her mind. When her mom noticed something was up, she asked Olivia what was on her mind.
“I don’t know,” Olivia said starting to tear up. “I think it’s just that ever since my brother died in that terrorist attack, I’ve been more interested in all of this, and wanting to find how to stop it.”
While Olivia was lying in bed that night, she decided she should try to do some investigating. She decided that since her mom worked for the Crime Scene Investigation team in Alpine, Wyoming, that she’d start there, looking up old cases that related to what she was trying to conclude.

While Olivia was searching through files the next morning, she found a group of terrorist who had been accused of putting bombs in people’s new cell-phones so small they were like tiny grapes. Then during their court hearing, they weren’t found guilty because of the lack of evidence form the Crime Scene team.
“This is exactly what I was looking for,” Olivia whispered to herself as she picked up a bag of evidence that smelled like smoke and dead fish.
“What exactly are you looking for?” asked one of her mom’s co-workers as he walked into the room. Olivia turned around finding it was only Josh, one of Olivia’s favorite crime scene workers.

After Olivia explained to Josh what she was doing there, he immediately left the room. A few minutes later, he came back with all of the information on the cell-phone bombing case. They spent almost 2 hours reading and re-reading all of the information, highlighting what could possibly help them in the new case.
When they finished, they turned on the TV to relax for a little while. Just then, the news came on, and it was about the app. The reporter said something about how the killings are related to phones, but nothing about how to prevent it.

Just then, Olivia knew she was right, and so did Josh. They decided to get the rest of the crime scene team involved, so Josh called and emergency team meeting. Josh and Olivia took turns telling the team what they knew, and the team was all for it, they even began pitching ideas, and giving suggestions to Josh and Olivia on how to catch the people doing this.

After hearing what all of the staff members had to hear, Olivia and Josh knew what they had to do to catch these guys. Just then, the TV showed a picture of an app and Olivia quickly turned on the sound. “We have just found out the new app, How to Change your whole World, is in fact really changing people’s lives. It has just been found out that the app killed 15 year old Ali Johnson, and could possibly be linked to the other recent murders in our town. The app stores are working to shut the app down, but until then everyone needs to stop using and downloading the app,” the reporter finished her story and Olivia turned off the TV.

“I have to figure out who did this. They’re the reason of my brother’s death, and the death of my best friend!” Olivia shouted clearly frustrated, with tears in her eyes.

“Then let’s do this,” said Josh with a smirk on his face.

Olivia and Josh hoped into the work van, and started heading off. When they pulled up to a house, Josh explained what was going on. “This is the house of one of the terrorists, we have it in database from when we accused them of the last cell phone attack” said Josh as Olivia’s heart started beating intensively, “don’t worry, I have a warrant that the judge faxed over earlier, and I’ll have my gun on me.”

Josh strutted up to the house and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later a man with dark hair and pale skin opened the door. Olivia saw the man talking to Josh for a little while, and then Josh handcuffed the terrorist and brought him back to the van. Olivia sat in the back of the van behind the seat ducking down, so the man wouldn’t notice her.

When they got back to the office, Josh brought the man inside and put him in an interrogation room. After about 4 hours of talking to the man, he finally confessed to his crimes, and told the police his real name was Azzan. He gave the names of all of the people involved and explained how they had pulled off the attack.

Josh and the team split up and went to the locations given to them by Azzan. They arrested four other men who helped in the attack. It was at that moment when the men were handcuffed that Olivia felt something. She felt justice. She knew that was what her brother would’ve wanted, as well as Ali, and she was beaming with excitement that she could do it for him.

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