Beast | Teen Ink


December 22, 2013
By Anonymous

“Remember the twins need to go to bed at sunset, and here are all the instructions to what to do. They boy is named Timmy, and the girl is Elvira. Right now they are in the living room singing lullabies to each other, I’ll be back tomorrow,” she said shaking as she handed me the paper.
As soon as I took it from her quivering hands she was out the door. She was a small women who looked around fifty five with all grey hair she had, and she was a little plump. However she could still move fast for a women around her age.
I closed the door. The sun was going to set soon, and I hadn’t even fed the kids yet. Where were they again? Oh yeah, the living room.
“La, la, la, la, la,” As I got closer to the living room, I could hear the kids seemed to be making up their own lyrics how cute?
“Hey guys my name is Molly, I’m your babysitter tonight. What do you want do want for dinner?” I said looking into the living room.
It was a small space, with a black circle rug in the middle of the floor where the kids were sitting. It had a bordered up fire place, and no windows
“We already ate,” they said at the same time turning to face me.
“Oh okay, bedtime soon, so why don’t you go get changed into your p.j.s?”
“Okay,” the boy says getting up with his sister close behind him.
“Want to know my name?” the girl asked stopping in front of me.
“Sure.” I replied squatting down to be eye level with her, even though I already knew it.
“Elvira, it means dark mistress of the night,” she said, before skipping after her brother.
I watched her walk up stairs before turning into the kitchen table where I left the list their mother gave me. I picked it up to look at it, I noticed it was strangely peculiar.
Board up the doors.
Board up the windows.
Lock the children into their bedroom.
Good Luck
“Well every family’s their own.” I sighed to myself.
I soon found everything was on the dining room floor, the nails, hammer, and of course the boards. I started with the doors, but when I got toward the windows I soon realized it was sunset.
“But where were the kids? I hadn’t seen them since they had gone up to change. Oh, no harm done they’re probably in bed right now.” I thought to myself.
I went up to the bedroom to check on the children, I opened the door to a CREAKKK…. The lights were off so I could just make out by light of the moon that the kids were not in their beds…
BANG! I sprinted down the short dark spine-chilling hallway to the kitchen. There was pots and pans all over the floor, and a humongous cauldron on the stove filled with water.
Timmy was stirring in vegetables while floating in the air, but Elvira was nowhere to be seen.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed, then forcefully stopping myself.
He looked at me then looked away and went back to stirring in the vegetables.
“Read the paper,” he said to me not even looking my way or shifting his weight.
“I did,” I replied slowly stepping towards him.
“Read the back.”
I picked up the paper of the table and turned it over, hesitating as I saw words appear on the back.
“With these whispers that appear the creepiness is lurking near. Your life was dull but no more at all because sunset disappeared on the wall. It’s only for night that will leaving with a sight. But if you open the doors now your life will turn upside down. So stay near and here them cry, cause if you don’t they will die. Up the alleys they will hide waiting for you to come alive. See children aren’t the children anymore they lock in prison without their own decision.”
The paper read to me as the words appeared.
“You’re possessed.” I said to Timmy.
Elvira jumped down from the celling making me take a few quick steps back.
“You’re correct. Timmy told me you were smart, I should have listened,” she said. “Now sit down enjoy yourself, but just know we might kill you.”
She laughed along with Timmy, on her own joke. But obediently I sat down.
“You want to hear a story?” I said to Timmy when his sister left the room to go find more ingredients for the cauldron. “Might as well hear it I did come to entertain not be entertained.”
“Sure,” Timmy said still not looking at me.
“Once upon a time there were these kids, they were pretty much called devils by the other villagers around there home. They could go through a babysitter a night. But one girl was new in town and she needed the money for a car. So she took the job. The kids didn’t know what to expect from her, they just saw her as the as another one on their list babysitter. But she wasn’t what they thought.”
“What was she?” Timmy asked interrupting.
“A monster or that’s what the other children called her that survived, and right now that’s what I wish I was. That’s the story my babysitter used to trick me into behaving.”
“Is it ready?” Elvira asked coming back into the room.
“Yeah, the girl just told me an interesting story. I think it was to talk us into behaving.” Timmy replied, stealing quick glances between the pot and his sister.
“Hahahaha,” Elvira’s spine chilling laugh echoed. “Come here it’s dinner time.” She said calling me over and again I obediently got up.
“You said you already ate.” I said while walking towards her.
“Yes, but we didn’t eat you.” She said trying to push me into the pot.
Then just as quick as she seemed to attempt to push me I was at the door. I threw it open at the sound of Elivra’s scream of delight at my mistake. Before you knew I was now the beast.

“What happened next?” Elvira asked me curled up in my arms on her bed.
“The beast killed the spirits of course and everyone lived happily ever after now go to bed it’s almost sunset.”

The author's comments:
My teacher had us write a scary short story in October. At first i couldn't come up with anything, then this appeared and i found out some of my best work comes out of my writers block.

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