A Story | Teen Ink

A Story

December 20, 2013
By jaysonp BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
jaysonp BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"On the internet, nobody knows that you are a bear."

Evan was a mighty man. He was young, and he was in his prime. He lived with his parents and his older brother until he was 18, which is when he moved into a college dorm. A few months after Evan moved into the dorm, his mother died of breast cancer. Now he is married with a wife and two kids at the age of 26. His wife’s name is Jennifer, and his two kids name’s are Samantha and Aaron. Samantha is 4, and Aaron is 3. He works as a supervisor at a local police station, and makes good money. He lives in a nice house in a calm neighborhood. Out of all of his belongings, he treasures on thing the most. It is a glass sculpture of an angel, very portable sized. It was handed down through generations, given to the youngest of each family. Evan lives a near-perfect life. Until one night.

Evan was sleeping next to his beautiful wife, and they were both sleeping serenely. A loud crash came from somewhere outside their bedroom.

“Evan, did you hear that?” Jen asked frightened. She stood up quickly and put on a robe and slippers.

“Yeah I did hear that.” Evan stood up, also quite quickly. “You go see if the kids are okay, and I’ll go check out what the crash was.” Evan stormed out of the room.

He went straight to the kitchen, where he assumed that the sound came from. Sure enough, he saw a figure, wearing jeans, a red winter coat, and a ski mask. There was shattered glass everywhere. The china cabinet that contained the glass angel was broken open.. The man picked up the glass angel with one hand started to shoot a gun. Evan quickly ran over to one of the cabinets, and reached into a secret compartment, which held a handgun that was for safety. He grabbed the gun, cocked it, and started shooting back at the man. The man rushed out the door, holding the glass angel, and slammed the door behind him.

“Are you okay, baby?” Jen asked quickly. She ran over to where Evan was on his knees crying. Tears rolled down his cheek, onto his chin, then fell to the ground. Jen helped Evan up.

“It’s not going to be okay.” Evan muttered to himself. “He took the angel.” Evan walked slowly back to the room with Jen. “Are the kids okay, are they asleep?” Evan asked Jen.

“Yes, they’re fine. They woke up after the gunshots, but I managed to get them back to sleep.” Jen answered, “We’ll clean up all the glass off of the china cabinet in the morning.”

Jen and Evan layed back down, but Evan just layed there for hours, not falling asleep. About two hours after the robbery, Evan looked at the time. It was 3 A.M. and he had to get up at 7:30 for work. Evan walked into the bathroom, opened a cabinet, and took Melatonin. He fell asleep quickly after that.

Evan woke up, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the clock. It was 8:02 A.M. and he was late for work. He picked up his cellphone off of the nightstand and dialed the number to the station. His friend Noah answered.

“Evan? Is something wrong?” Noah asked, then continued, “You’re late.” There was a long pause until Evan answered again.

“Someone broke into the house last night, and stole some things,” Evan started,

“There’s no way I can come in today.Could you send someone over here? Maybe we could do a fingerprint analysis.”

“Yeah no problem.” Noah began, “I can get someone over there within an hour or two. Just hang tight, alright?” Noah asked.

“Yeah thanks, man” Evan thanked him. Evan hung up the phone, and then walked into the kitchen, seeing Jen cleaning up the glass that was broken the night before.

“Hey could you actually not clean that up? I’m having some guys come in later to do a fingerprint analysis, and maybe that glass has something on it.” Evan told Jen.

“Oh yeah,” Jen began, “Sorry.” Jen apologized. She picked up the broom and put it back into the pantry.

About an hour later, there was a knock at the door. Sure enough, Noah and some
other guys were standing on their doorstep. Noah welcomed them in and led them to the kitchen.

“Here is all of the broken glass.” Evan lead them to it, “Can you maybe figure out who it is from one of the shards of glass?”

“There’s no way,” Noah began to explain, “the robber most likely used something to break the glass, and probably didn’t ever touch the glass with his own hands. But, I’m sure he at least tried opening the china cabinet, so lets try analysing the handle to the cabinet.”

“Okay your your going to analyze the cabinet handle?” Evan asked, and before Noah
even answered, he continued “Call me when you have a match.”

“Alright, I will, no worries.” Noah assured. He and the other guys left the house.

Melancholy haunted Evan for the next few hours. He cried a little bit to himself but then remembered that Noah will have the results soon enough.

Within just a few hours, Evan’s cell phone rang.


“Hey Evan, we got the results in.” Noah was talking.

“Okay great! Who is it?”

“Well um…” Noah stumbled.

“C’mon, tell me!”

“It was your older brother.”

The author's comments:
Inspired by English teacher.

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