Hells Love Story | Teen Ink

Hells Love Story

January 21, 2014
By Hannah Broberg BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Hannah Broberg BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was only 19 when something happened to me. my name is nikki. my story begins a year earlier. my friend Jade and i were the best friends. Jade was the first girl I had feelings for. I got up the nerve to ask her out and she said yes. We were perfect for eachother.Then the worst thing had to happen to us. we got in a car crash, we were t-boned by a semi-truck. It hit on Jades side of the car. I don’t remember a whole lot of what happened. The things that i did remember were shortly forgotten. Jade did not make it, she passed away in the hospital.I was in a coma when she passed. I was in that coma for four months. When I woke up from that coma to not see her by my side I lost it. I went into a deep depression after that. I lost the love of my life, my best friend, my everything. So I was watched in the hospital. Stared at through glass. I felt alone, scared out of my mind. So my family took me home and put me in a room, where I felt alone, sitting in a dark room. Alone with no one to save me. I listen for a scream but hear nothing. someone approaches me.
“who are you?” I ask with a tone of concern in my voice.
she is tall and has a dark feeling about her. i watch as she comes closer and stands in front of me. she grins and holds out her hand. I take it not knowing who she is.
“my name is Jade; I’m here, because its your time to go.”
we dive deep into the earth. I watched as flames come up and surrender us. I know where I’m going. I’m going to hell. Where my worst nightmares lay. All around me are plagued and misplaced souls. We get to a spot. when my feet hit the ground they brun.
“Jade, why am I here? I did nothing wrong. Please tell me what I did wrong?”
She just looked at me. I could see the sadness in her face, she knows what I did, but won't tell me. Now a man with bright red skin and horns approaches Jade. He thanked her for bringing me here. Jade kissed him and then walked away. i may not know what I did, but i know who this man is. Lucifer the man that will chose my punishment, my fate. He stood tall and proud. His crown was made of flames. He grabs my arm.
Let me go!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Almost losing my breath. I stop and start to cry.
“Shut the f*** up! I’m here to make a deal with you. That is if you're willing to make a deal with the devil. So.. What do you say?”

“What is the deal? If you don't mind me asking. I will give you my answer after you tell me.”
Looking at me with a look of hatred in his eyes. Lucifer started to walk away. I look at him and say,

“Stop! I will do whatever you want me too.” Looking at him with sadness in my eyes.
He stops and turns around and grins a grin of unthinkable thoughts. He holds out his hand and I grab it. Now we walk down a path way. The pathway was cold and dark. We get to a door. Lucifer opens the door.
"Here is your room. There is a outfit on the bed for you. Stay here till I come and get you."
I walk into my room. It's hard to see, but from what I could tell there was a fireplace, a nightstand, and a bed. The fireplace suddenly bristled into flames. Now I could see better. The outfit was not to my likening at all. I put it on though and felt half naked as I did. Lucifer comes in and stares at me. We walk out into the same pathway.
"Listen, I want answers? I want to know why I'm here and what you plan to do with me." I say with insignificant tone in my voice.
He just kept walking. I try and keep up with him. I fall behinds and get lost. I keep walking hoping to find him, it's useless I can't find him. It gets dark the more I walk. I feel hands touching me. I start to panic and just found a spot to sit. I stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back. It glares at me and in an irritated voice.
What the hell is your problem? Didn't your mother teach you not to stare." It was jade.
Looking at her I start to cry. She comes and sits next to me and asks what's going on. I try to stop the tears from falling down my face. I told her I got lost and didn't know where I was. She looks at me and grabs my hand pulling me to my feet. We walk till we get to her room. She has me sit on her bed. Jades room was full of things from up top. There was toys, books, and much much more. She starts to change. I just sit and try not to look.
"What are the scars from? If you don't mind me asking."
"There from my accident. I was only 19 when it happened. I was driving a friend home; we both had a fewer inks in us. I... I didn't see the semi truck and it slid and t-boned us. She got away with what I thought were minor injuries. She recovered while I on the other hand did not. Thats how I ended up down here. I made a deal with lucifer. I would become death and do whatever he wanted me to do." She looked at me as if she were going to cry.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up."
She looked at me then came in for a kiss. There was so much going through my head that I didn't care.
" I had forgotten how it felt to kiss another woman before." I say with shyness in my voice.
Jade pushes me on the bed. I was all for this. Jade was kissing every square inch of my body. After all that we just sat there. I was counting the bugs that flew by my face. I didn't know what jade was thinking. So I asked a question and it went on from there. We talked for what seemed like hours.
"I never did as what your name was." Turning her head towards mine.
"My name is Nikki."
She was shocked at my name and looks like she knew something I didn't. I could tell that she didn't want to hear that.
"What wrong? Did I do something wrong? Jade please tell me what's going on here."
"Nikki I just…"
She sits up and looks at me. I look away and start to cry. She puts a hand on my shoulder. I pull away and get out of the bed. Half naked I start to yell at her.
"What's going on!? Tell me right now!"
"Nikki listen I would love to, but can't. I don't want to hurt you anymore."
I start to put back on my clothes and walk away. She gets up and grabs my hand. I move to avoid it. Befor I could get out the door jade says.
"Nikki wait! I will tell you what I know."
I stop and turn around looking jade right in her big bright blue eyes.

“I knew you before you came down here.”

“how did you know me?”

“My friend that i told you about well that was you. We were more than friends. We were dating at the time.”

“Oh my gosh! Its all coming back to me now.”
I walk towards the bed. We both end up sitting on the bed.Jade telling me what happened.
I start to cry. Jade looks at me with sadness in her eyes. Then Lucifer walks in and sees me. The look in his eyes scared me half to death.

“What the hell do you two think you’re doing?” he said with rage in his voice.
Jade jumps out of bed, She puts on clothes and walks towards Lucifer.

“We were just talking. Thats all we were doing”

“Okay, but if i catch you two doing stuff like this there will be hell to pay.”
We both shake our heads in agreement. Lucifer leaves the bedroom. We both look at each other. I start to get dressed. Jade starts to speak.

“Wow! That was a close one. If he would have found out about us we would have been toast.”
“I know right! I’m glad we got to talk though.”
Jade looks at me. I could tell she had a idea. I look at her with loving eyes.
“What if we could still see each other.” She says with excitement in her voice.
I have a look of confusion on my face. The it finally hits me. I get this huge grin on my face as i nod my head. She speaks up and tells me her idea.

“We could meet at the spot where I found you in the hallway. Why don't we meet there tonight.”
“That sounds great, but where would we go after that?”

“Im not sure yet. Maybe I could take you somewhere?”

“You could, but you would have to be careful on where you take me.”

“Okay, its a date then.”
We hug and kiss. I leave the room. It took me a while to find my room, but I found it. I was out in no time. My dreams that night were just old memories. They were good memories of Jade and I.
At least right up till before I woke.I jumped almost right out of bed. Shocked I walked around my room. Time passed a and I went to go find Jade. She was right where we said we would meet.
“So where are we going today?”
Jade looks at me with concern in her eyes.
“I can't stay long, I have work that needs to be done.”
“Okay, then. When can I see you again?”
She just walks away. I got mad really quickly after that. I go back to my room to cry. The sad thing was I had no tears to shed. I was pent up with emotions that I couldn't let out. I went for a walk.
Lucifer saw me walk out of my room. He followed me for awhile. i didn't know he was following me. turned to see if someone was behind me. He just vanished when I did. Going back to his chamber to think of a plan.

“What the hell am I going to do with her.” He said in a tone that even scared him.
he was in a dark room. The room was huge. He snapped his fingers and light turned on. The room was filled with cages. They were filled with hellhounds. They are big and scary creatures. THere fur was as black as night. Teeth as sharp as razors. Lucifer walks past each one looking at them. He stops in front of one named Dean.

“My good boy Dean, I have a job for you. It seems like Nikki is becoming too attached to Jade. I need you to kill Nikki. Can you do that for me boy.”
Dean was released for his cage. Dean was huge. if I had to guess his age I would have to say he was around 10, 11, years old. He Had matted fur. His teeth were stained red from blood.
“Dean go now! Find Nikki and kill her.” Dean ran out the door.
I was walking around looking for Jade. I was thinking that she must be up top working. I go back to my room and take a nap. My dream seemed real to me this time. I woke to see Dean in my bedroom door. Thinking that is was just a dream I go back to bed. The next time I woke Dean was right on top of me. I was scared out of my mind this time. Dean shows me his teeth. Meaning business opening his mouth, I stare down his throat. Things go black.
Dean returns to his master with only a piece of clothing hanging from his mouth.

“What a good boy. You have served me well.”
Dean returns to his cage with eyes blazing red. Lucifer walks forward. He opens a box and puts the piece of clothing in it. He walks to his throne and sits. He waits for his next victims to arrive. So now you know my story. Never fall in love while you're down in hell.

The author's comments:
This piece is based off dreaams that I have had.

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