With Friends Like These | Teen Ink

With Friends Like These

March 5, 2014
By Busterundead BRONZE, Candia, New Hampshire
Busterundead BRONZE, Candia, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Man its morning,” I thought to myself. I got out of bed and started getting ready for school. Once ready I got out of my apartment. I took the short stroll to my school. Everything was the same, tests and studying. After all that, it was time for me to get the mop out. As much as I dislike the job it’s the only way I can pay my rent.
It was time, time for me to start washing the school. I was starting late this night. I walked around to each class washing each room and checking for anyone else. It was as normal. Then I got to the library. I looked in and saw a human shaped form siting in a chair. “Who are you?” I demanded with a stern voice. It turned around, and let out a high pitch noise.

The face of that thing was all black. It got up and approached me. I let out a yelp as the humanoid blob came closer. I ran in fear of the thing. I ran to the bathrooms. I rushed in to a stall and sat there. I heard a plopping noise. I peeked over to look.

It gave a lower pitch noise and tried opening the stall door. I panicked and push through the stall and landed on its shoulder. It fell over and so did I. It made a sound of pain. I got up and ran for the exit. When I opened the door it was there. This time giving out a slightly higher pitch wail: I turned and ran to the stairs.

On the way I found my cleaning bucket. I grabbed a broom and continued running. When I reached the stairs it was in my way, staring at me. I swear it was even bigger this time.Adrenaline rushed as I swiped its feet from under it. It fell down the stairs. I took the opportunity and ran up to the roof and barricaded the door with my broom.

I thought to myself,” maybe it was starting to end, after what seemed an eternity of night.” I saw glimmers of light on the horizon rising up slowly. It was still night though and the spirits were still chasing me. I was cornered on top of the building. The door I barricaded was busted down in a large crash.

I turned, to see all the spirits that had chased me. I was scared out of my wits frozen, in place I could only yell, “Why me!? Why are you all chasing me?!” One of the spirits opened its mouth. A weird disfigured voice came out. It sounded like a question. “What?” I asked with curiosity.

It spoke again, in a slower and easier to understand voice. “How do you not recognize us? I looked closer at their odd multi-colored skin. I tried to make out faces, with no luck. I tried to remember any of their twisted faces.

When I looked up I saw the spirit who spoke, centimeters away from my face. I now saw a face I recognized. The face of a dead friend; I jumped back in fear and noticed the feminine shape of the sprit. I looked at two of the other spirits. I now saw an older brother and a younger sister standing side by side. I crawled back, tripped and hit my head on a railing.

The last sprit approached and reached out its hand. I looked up to see another face of a deceased friend. I swatted it away and got up. As soon as I did this they faded away with the last word being spoken “Why?” I looked at the sky to see the sun above. I went back to my house thinking about what just happened. I walked back to my bed and fell to sleep.

I found myself in a dream, where I was being chased by them. Remembering what I thought to myself. I told myself, “I have no friends they're just a waste of time.” They all stopped and stood there. I turned around. The sprit who spoke started crying. She was comforted by the one who tried to help me up. The other two gave me looks of surprise.

They all just turned walked away all with a sad look on their faces. This led me to have a terrible feeling. The feeling of guilt but before I could react, I woke up. I woke up sweating and more tired than before. I had no idea what just happened. I got up and got ready for school.

The day was a blur. I couldn't get my mind off of what happened last night. I took my normal night shift. While I cleaned each room I was searching for them, my friends. I found nothing. I went back to my house after work. This went on for the rest of the week. I still had the dreams of them.
The week passed and still no sign of my friends. I hoped today they may come tonight. After school I searched the rooms like a mad man, slamming every door open and quickly looking around each room. I was about to give up hope then I heard footsteps on the rooftop. I hastily ran up the stairs.
On the way up I slipped on some water and tumbled down the stairs. When I landed, I heard a snap and felt a sharp pain. I was relentless I needed to talk to them again. I some how got up and rushed up the stairs. I 'pushed open the door and saw' the spirit of my late friend.

“Cindra is that you?” I asked with a huge smile on my face. She turned and gasped, “What happened to you, how did you die?” I gave a look of shock, “What I'm not dead, I was just human a minute ago”. She stared and asked “Then why are you look like a sprit, like me?”

I looked at my hands and started to panic-the slip on the stairs... She grabbed me and told me to calm down. She sighed “Don't worry you can still go back but...” She trailed off. “What!” I said in a desperate voice. “You will have to make a blood pact with us,” she explained.

I asked what that was in a desperate manner. “Make friends, forget about us,” she said in a serious tone. I sensed a hint of regret in her voice. “How could I do that? I can't forget about you guys”, I turned away; “I will get friends, if it’s what you want.” She gave me a look of surprise “Wait, aren’t we the ones who have been keeping you back?” I nodded and turned around “ Yes but now that I was able to talk to you, I will get new friends,” I got on my knees and bowed down “Please, I don't want to forget you guys.”

She stepped back, and hesitated slow to respond. “Fine, but you need to get friends still and you will meet with one of us once every week, make sure you come alone.” I got up and smiled at her, she turned away embarrassed. She then explained how the ritual would work and we walked down the stairs to my body. I got in the same position as my body, right next to it. I lay be side my body, ready for the ritual to be done.

I saw her chanting, her eyes were blank as she lifted a spectral candle over her head. I could not look. Just that her eyes reminded me of her lifeless body. I felt burning in my chest, this soon evolved in to a sharp pain. Everything flashed, when I looked at my hands, I was human. I let out a sigh of relief with the comfort that I'm human once again. She wasn't there, which concerned me. I ran to the roof and saw the sun peeking over the horizon.

I hastily finished my job and rushed back home. I had a restless morning; whenever I started falling asleep, I saw a tragic scene, consisting of dead friends reaching out to me and feeling a burning sensation in my chest. After a few dreams I thought to myself, “maybe it would have been better if I stayed dead, then I could have stayed with them.”

“Wait, what I’m I thinking!” I yelled to myself, “I made a promise, no a blood pact to them I must keep it, no matter how I feel.” I convinced myself, “they are trying to do what’s best for me, right?” I asked myself. After that I came to my senses and went to sleep.

When I awoke I felt full of energy. I cheerfully got ready for school. I ran out the door with my new confidence. I ended up arriving an hour early.

When people started arriving, I was able to find a variety of possibilities. Out of these crowds I was able to pick out a single person that wasn’t in a group. I recognized him, he sat in front of me in class. I think I may have found a friend, I thought.

Later that day, when school just got out, I awkwardly asked him if we could hang out. He responded with “I have to go to my club, you're welcome to join”. I followed him to his club. On the way I tried to ask him what type of club it was. He would only reply with “you'll see”.

When we arrived, it was full of weird odds n' ends, from creepy dolls set up on shelves to animal skulls hanging down on the sides of the wall. I stood there bemused at what this club could have been, and what was behind the curtain.

I was snapped out of the trance when he shook, me and said, “Don't worry the skulls aren’t real.” He proceeded to the curtains and opened them up and beckoned me forward, I went in, cautiously. I saw a young girl in a middle school uniform, and another girl that looked our age with pale blond hair. He suddenly spoke to me, “This is Winter as you may recognize her from are class.” She smiled at me and said her hello. He continued, “This is my little sister Regan.” She look at me with curiosity.

He put his hand on my shoulder and proudly announced, “This is the Ghostoloygy Club,” he chuckled a bit and continued, “The name is still a work in progress.” I was a bit confused by what had just happened. The only thing that went through my head was, “what is going to happen?”

They all went and sat around a circuilar table low to the ground. I went over to the table and joined them. Winter called the meeting to order. “Okay, every one, now that we got introductions out of the way-” “Wait I don't know what his name is” I irrupted as she spoke. “Oh, he is Alfred, we'll call him Fred for short,” She quickly said.

She continued, saying what they were going to do. “Today we are going to talk about ghost stories, to ease the new guy in to the group.” They agreed and started with the one sitting next to me Fred. “Well, nothing new came up, so I guess I will tell my best ghost story,” he said in a cautious voice. I wondered at that moment,” is this club for real?”

“Mind all of you this is a true story.”

“Sure,” I thought to myself. He went on “It all started on a cold winter night, when I heard sounds coming from out my window. Being curious, as I was, I looked out the window to see what it was. When I opened the blinds, it was a spirit staring at my house. I was shocked; it adjusted its sight and gave me a cold lifeless stare. I don’t remember anything that night. In the morning I woke up screaming. From what happened I knew that ghost did something to me, because now the world is much different from what I used to know.”

I slammed my hands on the table, and leaned forward in one quick motion and yelled, “Did it look like someone you knew?!” “Well I can’t remember, I could only see that stare it gave me,” he calmly replied with an astonished look on his face. He perked up and said, “Now I’m interested in your story.”

Winter and Regan nodded to agree with his statement. I shrank back, sacred to tell my story. “Well as leader of the club, I think we should skip me and Rosas’ stories, any objections?” Regan said with a wicked grin on her face. I reacted fast and said, “I do.” Though it was shot down by Winter’s comment “Established members only.”

No one objected to the statement, only a few excuses to not go. I was about to run but everybody stared at me with their gazes of wonder and curiosity. I thought to myself, “Crap I can’t get out of this one.” So I let out a sigh and started to tell the story.

I was telling it normally, but then came the part where I reunited with Cindra. At this point I felt a sharp pain in my head. They asked if I was alright but I told them, “I’ll shrug it off.” It kept happening more and more often as I got further in the story. When I got to the resurrection I felt a pain worse than any of them, and my world was swallowed by light.

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