All Hallows Eve | Teen Ink

All Hallows Eve

March 24, 2014
By emilie3277 BRONZE, Triangle, Virginia
emilie3277 BRONZE, Triangle, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s your every day October night, a little brisk and very still. The leaves on the trees drop with even the slightest cool breeze and the lawns even show a bit of frost. Quietly sitting in the grand living room with a mug of hot Chai tea and a good book. It’s a very peaceful way to end an evening. Rustling outside the quarters. What could that be? An intruder? Rising very slowly from the red loveseat I shuffle towards a front window. Dark shadows, running, screaming. Are they here to vandalize my home, rob it, kill me? I should attack; they cannot do this to me.
I will fight back.

They shall never dare come upon Alexander Marion again.

Lessons they will learn this day, tonight.

My door bell chimes. They’re probably checking to see I’m home or too cowardly to open my door to their call. I slink quietly to the large door. An umbrella my lone weapon but with my perseverance it’ll do the job. A breath.

“Preparing to risk my life to save my manor and integrity, I will come out victorious!” I scream as I fling the door open…

“TRICK OR TREAT!!” dozens of small beings in costume sing in harmony.

The author's comments:
Because some peoeple get a little too caught up in the Halloween spirit.

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