White Wedding | Teen Ink

White Wedding

May 1, 2014
By Emily Dares BRONZE, Kenner, Kentucky
Emily Dares BRONZE, Kenner, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Disgust. As I slowly lift up my head and view my mother walking down the long, extravagant aisle, I feel disgusted. A million and one thoughts race across my mind. Can the ‘happy’ couple call the wedding off? Do they even love each other? Why marry my uncle Claudius, mother? These questions surface, and my face becomes as red as a tomato. I’m furious, frustrated, and flustered.

I hear church bells, the organ playing beautiful music, and cries of joy from the guests. Although, I can not even be content with this ceremony taking place. My father, King Hamlet, was recently murdered, and my mother repays him for being a loyal husband by hastily remarrying. Gertrude is betraying my father with his own brother, and I will never be able to forgive her. By the time I can take a break from my raging thoughts, the bridezilla with her long white train has arrived at altar. My mother’s dress, full of crystals and lace, is truly beautiful, but the fact that she is wearing the gown today, with my uncle, completely destroys the dress’s elegance.

The match made in Hell stands before me, and terrible thoughts begin to run through my brain again. “Twenty seconds of insane courage! Come on, Hamlet! Just twenty seconds!” I think to myself as I try to gather some fortitude. I recognize the actions I want to take as the couple say “I do” will cause damage to many relationships, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Anxiously waiting, shaking my knee up and down, I finally hear the priest slowly say the special words. “If anyone objects to the marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

I jump up to my feet shouting, “I object! This marriage can not take place! This relationship is an insult to King Hamlet and the country of Denmark!” The large crowd gasps and loud chatting quickly turns into chaos. I attempt to continue to explain my reasoning on why the phony marriage should not take place, but giant body guards wearing all black take me away. I glance to my right and catch of glimpse of Claudius giving me an evil scowl.

Kicking and squirming, I soon realize trying to fight off the body guards is pointless, just like my effort to terminate the wedding. At the back of the spacious church, the guards lock me in a small, dark room with no windows: just me and my insane ideas. Although, I can hear one dreadful sound. I overhear Queen Gertrude and Claudius, the new king of Denmark, say two sickening words. “I do.”

Overwhelmed with multiple different emotions, I scream and punch the wall. Tears begin to quickly roll down my face. I refuse to believe that evil man is now my step-father and the ruler of Denmark. Knocks on the door of my chamber become louder and louder. The door has a high pitched creek as I slowly open the door to my mother.

She is giving me a glower, but then looks at my face and realizes I am deeply hurt. Mother tells me that she is married now and has to stick with the commitment she made to King Claudius. She tries to reassure that everything will workout, and we will be a happy family; I am surely not convinced. I tell her I will accept the marriage eventually, but I will never obey Claudius. Walking out the room, Claudius approaches me sinisterly saying, “I am going to be the best step-father you will ever have.”

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