The house at the end of the sreet | Teen Ink

The house at the end of the sreet

May 15, 2014
By HannahFrick BRONZE, Billings, Montana
HannahFrick BRONZE, Billings, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can't score if you don't take the shot.
-Tooth Fairy-

The house at the end of the street
Once on a dark and stormy night there lived a teenage boy named Charlie. Charlie was fifteen, almost sixteen. Charlie lived in Venice, Italy. He was the first house on the block. His friend Steve had always wondered about the house at the end of the street. Rumor has it that this house used to be beautiful, and colorful. Lately though the house has been boarded up, and the paint was peeling, the people that live or lived there, never let the paint peel, not even a little bit. The windows used to always be open, but now they weren’t.

Then something happened to the people that lived there, but no one knows what. This has always remained a mystery case to everyone; no one had the guts to look any further into the mystery. Steve had a great idea! He thought it would be so cool if Charlie went with him to go investigate. Steve ran all the way to Charlie’s house. When he got there Charlie was sitting on the porch reading a book. Steve runs up to Charlie and tackles him!
“What was that for?” Charlie asked. “I have a brilliant plan, but I will need your help to do it.” Steve said. “Oh boy this can’t be good, what are we doing this time Steve?” Charlie asked with a curious sounding voice. “Well, we are going to go investigate the house at the end of the street, and see what really happened!” Steve exclaimed with a smile on his face, and his eyes wide. “WHAT! Are you out of your mind Steve? What if they are still alive in the house? What if there are ghosts in the house?” Charlie asked in a petrified tone. “Don’t worry Charlie, if there are any noises then we will just leave I promise.” Steve said with a tranquil voice. “Fine, but if we get vaporized by aliens, ghosts, or anything else out of the ordinary, then I am blaming you.” Charlie said with a firm tone.

On a late Friday night of July 8th, Steve thought this would be the perfect time, because that is when the house was boarded up last year. They waited until Charlie’s parents had fallen asleep, and then they snuck out. As they were heading there, they kept hearing strange sounds, and voices saying, “Don’t come any further!” At this point Charlie was almost screaming because he was so scared. “Come on Steve, you said if there was any noise we could leave.” Charlie said with nervousness in his voice. “Hold on you wuss, just a couple more minutes, we have to at least get to the door!” He exclaimed at Charlie. As they got closer and closer to the house the louder the voices got.
Steve turned to his side and saw that Charlie was darting down the street towards his house. Steve rolled his eyes and went after him. “What the heck was that?” Steve exclaimed. “I’m sorry, but I got scared.” Charlie said with a sense of monotone. They didn’t talk the rest of the way to Charlie’s house.

The next day came and Charlie was still a bit shaken up after last night’s little adventure. He was in the kitchen making toast and his dad came up next to him, and he shrieked and asked “Dad, why would you do that to me?” His dad answered back with this, “what? Just grabbing some bread? Is that not allowed anymore? Why are you so jumpy? “Charlie answered, “I’m not jumpy what are you talking about, I am perfectly calm.” As Charlie turned away, his dad caught him by his shirt and asked, “Did you hear about old Jim who died next door? People are saying he haunts these very walls, and this whole street.” Charlie ran out of the kitchen to Steve’s house.
When Charlie had gotten to Steve’s house he said, “Okay we need to figure something out with this investigation or else I am going to blow a gasket.” “Okay how about tonight we will go there again tonight? Only if you don’t scream and run away this time.” Steve replied. “Okay, fine.” Charlie said.

As the night was getting closer, the more nervous Charlie got. It was finally dark outside, and Steve was actually really excited! They snuck out of the house again, and they headed for the house. There were voices again saying, “Don’t come any closer.” Charlie didn’t run this time, and Steve was very proud of him for that, but he was just waiting to see if Charlie would actually make it to the house. They got to the door, and the door was locked, of course! “Oh well I guess we can’t get in, let’s go.” Charlie said. “Hold on one second, there is a key under the mat you dork.” Steve said with a sense of sarcasm in his voice. Steve took the key and put it in the hole, and then he turned the knob and it opened! As they walked in, the door slammed behind them, and Charlie screamed very loudly. “Shut up Charlie! Do you want someone to find us in here?” Steve exclaimed.

“It’s too late, someone has already found you.” A voice said behind them. Charlie and Steve turned around to see who it was, it was Charlie’s dad! “Dad? What are you doing here?” Charlie asked. “This is our house.” Charlie’s dad said. “No this can’t possibly be our house. I’ve never been in this house before, and you said we have lived in our house my whole life!” Charlie exclaimed. “Your mom and I bought it before you were even born, we didn’t let you know about it because we were planning on selling it, but that never happened.” Charlie’s dad said. Charlie sat down on the stairs behind him, and began to think about everything that just happened. “So you mean to tell me that this is your guy’s vacation house then?” Steve asked. “Well yeah I guess it is.” Charlie’s dad said. “That is so cool! Is it haunted?” Steve asked with curiosity. “Most likely, so I guess you guys can have your little adventures right here in this house, instead of sneaking out. “Yeah, sorry about that dad.” Charlie said. “it’s okay I figured you would want to find out something about this house, sometime.” Charlie’s dad said.

“That was a great mystery, don’t you think Charlie?” Steve asked. “It was pretty cool figuring out that it was my house. I think we make good investigators!” Charlie exclaimed. “How about next time we do an investigation, it won’t be on one of your houses.” Steve said. “Good plan.” Charlie said. They laughed, and they fell asleep in Charlie’s new house.

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