The Shirt of Two Colors | Teen Ink

The Shirt of Two Colors

May 19, 2014
By Anonymous

Mark played the scenario over and over in his head, as he laid there in bed. He then woke up the next morning anxious about what he was about to do.
Mark rolled over in bed to check his clock and it read 9:45 a.m. He jumped out of bed to get into the shower and shave. Once all done, he grabbed out of his bag a pair of dark wash jeans, his dirty black converse, and his blue and yellow reversible tee-shirt that had a small hole in the bottom right corner. Which he didn’t think would be noticeable.
He got dressed, grabbed his bearded mask and brown cloth bag, and slipped both items into his deep pockets. He opened the side pocket of his suit case and got out this small black scratched up box that contained his 9x19 mm Walther P99, German semi-automatic pistol. He opened the box and took out the gun and loaded the chamber with bullets, he made sure the gun was on safety before he put it between his pants and his back. He didn’t want to take the chance of it going off accidently.
Mark made sure to head out the door at exactly 10:00 a.m., since the bank he was about to rob was right across the hotel he was staying at. He walked down from the second floor, he was trying to act as normal as possible, so no one suspected anything before he had done it.
He headed towards the bank in a leisurely walk. As he got to the doors of the bank he slid his hands in his deep pockets and grabbing that bearded mask to slide over his face. He opened the doors of the bank at exactly 10:03 a.m., like he had planned and as he was walking to the closest bank teller’s window he then again slid his hand into his left pocket where he stored the brown cloth bag, it reminded him of flower petals silky smooth, taking his other hand he grabbed the Walther that was between his back and pants. He turned the safety off, just in case he has to use it.
He took his gun and pointed it at the blonde lady behind the desk and demanded her to put all the money in the bag. The wide-eyed lady said, “Please don’t hurt me” as she was opening the cash register and took all the money out then slipped it into his brown cloth bag. But before he ran off, she noticed the hole in the bottom right corner of his tee-shirt.
Mark then dashed out of the bank and ran across the street to the alley where he had stashed his black and blue mountain bike that had a mini license plate on the back saying “the man.” Once he got to the alley he hid behind the dumpster, and hid the money along with the bearded mask and pistol in a corner. He decided he would come back for it later when all the commotion of the robbery calmed down. Mark quickly stripped off his reversible tee-shirt and flipped it to the yellow side and put it back on.
Mark didn’t realize there was a lady who was taking her Labrador retriever for a walk, saw him running out of the bank with his bearded mask on and the brown cloth bag in his right hand and his pistol in the other wearing dark was jeans, dirty black converse, and a blue tee-shirt. She watched him a little while longer. She watched him run into the alley, then a few minutes later riding out on his bike now with a yellow shirt on and no mask or gun or brown cloth bag.
She immediately ran to the bank where she noticed police were looking for the man that had just robbed the bank. Franticly she walked up to one of the police officers standing right next to the doors into the bank and she told him, “I know who robbed this bank.” She then described how she saw this man running out of the bank. She also said he had this blue tee-shirt on, dark wash jeans, and these dirty black converse. She explained that she saw him run into the alley, and a few minutes later, riding out on a black and blue mountain bike with a small license plate on the back saying “the man.” She also stated that he was wearing the same dark wash jeans, dirty black converse, and now a yellow tee-shirt. The officer called another officer and explained what this lady had seen.
The policeman went to the alley across the street and searched for evidence. This officer came back about a few minutes later with all three items. He opened the brown cloth bag and saw the stolen money. He asked her which direction the suspect went and she pointed north. The police officer and his partner rushed to get into their car and drove quickly toward the direction the lady had pointed. About two miles down the road they saw the biker the woman had described. So they stopped him and arrested him, telling him they were taking him in for questioning for a recent robbery that had taken place.
In Mark’s mind all he could think was “How was this possible? My plan went so smoothly.”
When he arrived at the police station he noticed the lady he had held up at the bank. Mark was taken with a few other men into a room he was given a number, 5, and told to stand in a line with the six other men. The lady he had held up stood behind the glass, the officer told her to take her time and try to remember any small details that she could recognize him by. The lady took a few minutes, and then she said it was number 5. She remembered that small hole on the bottom right corner. The officer escorted her out and thanked her for her help; he then brought in the lady who was walking her Labrador retriever.
The officer asked her “Do you see the man here?” She then replied “Yes it is number 5. I remember that yellow tee-shirt, dark wash jeans, and dirty black converse.” The officer then knocked on the window five times to let the officer in the room with the men know number five was identified. The hole on the bottom right corner of his reversible tee-shirt is what sealed Marks fate.

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