The Silence Ticks | Teen Ink

The Silence Ticks

May 14, 2014
By Anonymous

“Mom! I don’t like this place.” Is the first thing I said as we moved into our new house in an old creepy neighborhood on the border of Texas. There weren’t a lot of houses around. Maybe 5 or 7 I couldn’t really tell yet. Our house was a couple miles down a gravel road. Which really ticked me off cause of the fact that I own a souped up Infiniti g37x sport. Now my car is always going to be dusty. My parents love it here though. 2 story house with a in ground pool in the back yard. The only creepy thing was our next door neighbor.. He watched us move into our house with a creepy stare on his face. My father said “hello” and the man didn’t reply.
It’s been a couple weeks now since we moved in. I was attending the public high school, made a couple of friends. Met a really pretty girl named Darian. Tan, long blonde hair, and a rocking body. Life wasn’t so bad living here after all. The only thing that was sketchy is that next door neighbor.. He’s always creeping on me. Watching me from his garage almost everytime I leave and come home. He creeps really bad when me and Darian are out back swimming and hanging out around the pool. I yelled over at him one day “Do you have a staring problem?” All he did was wave and slowly turn around and walk into his shed in his backyard. That was that.
Another couple weeks have gone by and everything was just fine. Until one night it was storming and pouring down rain I heard a crying yell in my neighborhood. I ran over to the window and tried to look out but I couldn’t because of all the rain that was coming down. I didn’t hear anything else so I just went to bed thinking nothing of it. Next morning I decided to clean my car, while I was outside I couldn’t but help notice what seemed to look like a human in a bag partially sticking out of the neighbors shed.. My heart dropped as me and him made eye contact and he hurriedly closed the shed door. Later that evening the police were a couple houses down with a taped off crime scene. My father and I walked down there to see what was going on. “What happened?” my father said, the cop replied “Ms old Cunnings was brutally murdered and her grand daughter was kidnapped.” I was shocked. I think I knew what happened. The creepy neighbor killed the old lady and her 15 year old granddaughter was in his shed. Chills ran down my entire body as I walked home feeling unsafe.

My parents went out of town for the weekend, so I invited Darian over to hangout and have a movie night after some swimming and dinner. Once we finished swimming and eating, we went up to my room for some movies. It started to storm outside once again, so we put in a horror film. About 30 minutes into the movie we both heard a loud thump, as if something was on the roof. We didn’t think much of it since it was storming out, but then she freaked out when we heard the sound of broken glass down stairs. So i turned off all the lights upstairs and grabbed my baseball bat, my metal bat. Told Darian to hide in the closet as i snuck down stairs. I saw the broken window but there was no sign of anyone in my house. Then I heard a loud scream from Darian upstairs. I rushed up as fast as I could, but she was gone.. Looked out my window and saw the creepy neighbor dragging her into his backyard. It was time for me to really man up now, sprinting across the backyard jumped his fence like it was nothing. Slowly started to creep around his backyard towards the shed. My heart was pounding! Slowly opening the door to shed, couldn’t believe my eyes. Darian was dead!

Wack! the sound of me getting hit behind the head with shovel, passed out. Hours passed by the time I awoke. Surprisingly I wasn’t tied down or anything.. Not a smart serial killer if you ask me, pulled my phone out of my pocket and called 911. The cops showed up within minutes and the FBI. They blew down his front door and stormed the house until they captured him. I was so relieved that he was put in jail. Weeks have passed by, everything was back to normal. Then! I received a letter “ I’m coming for you.”

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