Uncle | Teen Ink


June 5, 2014
By Talljack BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
Talljack BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Art is when you make something out of nothing

Pushing his way in the room, a greasy face aged from each lie he told to me, his hand reached out searching for the hard comfort of a handrail. He lacked a leg, it wasn’t much of a story, disease. His breath stank of convenience store alcohol. I stood back as his grimy hands roughly caressed my arm. His teeth, yellow and brown, worn down, rough points. His hair draped over his shining forehead, specks of dandruff dotted his thinning hair. His cracked, bleeding lips caressed mine. My hand reached for my half finished bottle of beer, my stubby arms couldn’t reach. He grew closer grabbing at my stark white clothes. He pushed me onto the white vinyl couch in my cramped smokey apartment with the afternoon sun filtering through the shades. My I dug at his face with my nails, taken aback by the bleeding he released his grip and hopped his way into my kitchen where he frantically searched for a paper towel, I was out. I spent the time picking out his skin from under my perfect white nails. The radio was drowned out by his swears. I opened my desk drawer withdrawing a knife, the silver blade shown orange in the light. Mindlessly i followed the face down the hall into the kitchen, knife in my hand, seeming ready. The laminate floor was specked with red blood, smeared by his feet. He sat in the corner with a towel, soaking with blood. I approached, cautiously, I lacked hesitation. The knife sunk it’s blade into his skinny neck, in and out. Falling limp, life sank from his eyes. My white top, speckled with blood. It winked at me, it’s eyes changed to red rather than their normal white. Grabbing the matches out of the drawer, i pocketed them. Gasoline, siphoned from cars in the parking garage. Pouring it generously on the floor. The trail lead to the hallway, carpeted. I flicked the matches out from my pocket. Holding one carefully in one hand, i flicked it past the strip. With a flourish it lit, I release it, falling towards the floor. Flames engulfed the hallway, I walked, down the stairs. Floods of people passed me, in the fast lane in life, I just wait for them to crash and burn.

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